4. Call me Jason

Boy, I don't know who you are but ... Yes, my name is Jason, Jason Heywood.

Oh, hm ...sorry I thought ...you were my brother, any way I'm not really ready fight with anyone, at least not yet anyway. Col said as he moved slowly to the door pulling Harley away with him.

Col, that's your brother, I'm sure of it. Harley said, calming herself down from the shock she experienced while in the bar.

Harley, I have a map to the the home of big brother Jason, Col said in a childish manner. Harley scoffs, well ...we have to find a place to sleep. Yea, but we got no money... From the fight earlier, I found out that they know nothing's about ... Dollars, Col sighed. So, we have to hurry... Col murmured, staying behind Harley, Col stated to kiss her neck and pick her up from her feet and zoomed off.



Bang! Bang! Bang! Col was knocking the door of a house outside the town. The house looks abandoned but their was a figure that was sleeping on the floor with a wooden jug in his hand.

Uhh! Uh! Who is that? Quit disturbing me you punks, the old man in the house said; while opening the door with a wooden sword in his right hand. The door swings open and the lifted his sword to hit the person at the door; Whack! Col held the wooden sword firmly, not letting it go.


The old man peeped and saw the young man in front of him. Oh, sorry about. Well come on in. The old man said inviting the two younglings into his home. The house was small, dark and unkept, but with a swing of his finger the whole thing just vanished and it looked more like a castle than a cottage.

Can I serve you a cup of wine? The old man asked grinning as he saw the surprised faces on Col and Harley. Hm... Yes, Col answered nodding his head to assure the man. What about you Miss? Thank you but I need food, Sir. Okay, but you are gonna cook it yourself Miss. You can good to the back and prepare something for yourself and we.


Now Col and the old man were alone in the living room, the old man kept looking at him. Col grew tired and ask the man; "What the Hell man? What's the fuss about? The old man sighed and spoke: " Son, are you from ... (Sigh) You know what ... Forget it. Sir, I need to know, is this the house of Jason BraveStone? Col asked. BraveStone? You mean the prince? The old man said, Prince? ... Yes ... Yes, the Prince. Col answered. I'm looking for him, his my brother. My name is Col BraveStone, Michael sent me. Michael? The old man said happily.

Is he alive? The old man said hoping for a positive responses. Yes! He's strong and kicking, his still struggles to find a way to bring I and my brothers back. Son, my name is Jason BraveStone. The old man said transforming back into a young man.


You? Col was surprised to see the person standing in front of him. The man was once Jason Heywood. He was the one who confronted Col at the bar. Col didn't know how to react but the next scene shocked Col and Jason himself.

Harley was already standing next to Col with her face squeezed and her hands twisted and her palm on Jason's face.


After the incident has been resolved, Col and Harley were talking with Jason, being the eldest among all the siblings, Jason was informed of their relationship and their future plans. Jason blessed them both and they lived has a family, though they lived happily, Jason had to be called Heywood all the time. Twelve full moon went by and it was already six month gone. Jason being informed of the hunt their uncle is taken on them, the three decided to head out to find their other siblings before their uncle does. Uncle Jason, what would happen to the house, oh, she? Jason said as he pointed at the house, he waved his hands and the house collapsed to dust, he later went there to pick up something.

Hm... Harley? Jason called. Sir. Harley responded. Would you mind calling me Jason, ... You know, since we are leaving this time. Jason said smiling. Ayai! Captain.

Hey!! Col yelled from ahead of the group, are you coming or what? We coming, Jason and Harley looked at each other and smiled, We coming alright. Harley yelled back at him, no wait up, you walk too fast. ... Bro. Jason, please while do people call you Cave Prince. Oh, I was waiting for you to ask me that. Do you know Dad always come visit me for 2 years. Jason sneered. Nope! Col replied.


Jason sighs ... You want to know about the Cave Prince or King right. Well it all started when a meteor shower hit the tip of a mountain shattering the meteorite into pieces and affecting the mountains that surrounded the area of crash. After sometime a cave was discovered in the mountains by a man name Jeremy Heywood, our ancestor, a cave explorer, he found in that cave different stones, he was attracted by it, so as he touched a stone, a rush of power surge his body, he found more stones, so he dropped the one he was already holding, picked more stones and kept them with him, has he touched he became infected. Soon he heard rumbling sound, he came out of the cave an looked around but nothing was there, so he went back in to pick more stones to sell, but the rumbling got louder and louder, he traced the sound to the end of the cave.

There was a shinning light that goes bright and dim, Jeremy was so curious, that when he touched the wall, his hands went into the wall and he grabbed the stone. Immediately that happened, it was like God wasn't happy with the outcome, that he sent more meteor showers to earth, Jeremy was too greed that he took the whole of the cave for himself. It was said that Jeremy had sixteen or more abilities.

He had two kids; Sparrow: our grandfather, and Steven. Steven had all his father's abilities by Sparrow had none, has the eldest with no ability he was cast out, but when he became an adult in age he had more abilities that anyone in the continent.

Then the birth of Evil was delivered in the heart of Steven.

Jason sighs ... You should know the rest from here kiddo. Hm... Hmm. Col replied nodding his head, wait... Dad never told you! Jason looked at Col who was still nodding his head.


Guys, you should rest, we are leaving this world behind, and it not that pleasant, so... Let get some quite and shut eyes. Harley said trying to let the boys stay silent so she could sleep.

Col, she right, lets get some sleep, we shall continue later, who knows, maybe others don't know yet. ... Hm, Col you still owe me a fight, right ... No response.


Good night babe, Col said kissing Harley on the fire head and tucking himself into his blanket.

... Cricket creeking, ... Jason? Jason? ... What! Good to bed boy.


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Feel free to read my upcoming book;

"The five book of magic."