Chapter 4

Sky wore black clothes covering his entire body and cheap tactical goggles and ready for his journey.

After checking everything is ready he said,

" System , I am ready. Start to teleport "

" Ding starting to teleport in 10,9,8....3,2,1,0"


Black land, Core area Royal city. Sky appeared on the largest Castle in the city's inner area. Looking at barren city fill with death air from the top of the castle Sky couldn't help but sigh.

Such a magnificent civilization destroyed in the tide of time.

Alas, Sky called mission map, A big map covering Royal city inner area appeared in front of him. In the map, some areas are pinpointed with numbers and radiating different colors of light.

" System, What this rounded areas with a number mean."

" In the mission map, the rounded area is an active area .which means as long as the host enters in this area, the host can accept the mission. And The number indicates the threat level ."

looking at Royal Castle in the red color area indicating threat level 5, Sky's back covered in a cold sweat.

" Seriously I really don't want to go to Castle"

Sky slowly took out a Star-shaped metallic machine and pressed the middle area.

Star shape machine started to rotate faster and faster floating in the air, Suddenly a blue light shone from it and starting to spread around the castle.

" boom...."

" ..aaaa....Roars..."

A Different roar sounded from the castle. The entire castle started to shake from Aftershock.

Sky's ears were buzzing and his head goes blank from a moment. A protective shield appeared around him and sky stumbled on the floor and recovered his body.

" It seems we awaken powerful guy. System, Can you concele our existence before they find our place? " Sky said in a panic.

" Ding ...can be done but host needs to hurry"

Sky knew that right now no one can hurt him He thought that If he will make too big movements, It will be discovered by the federation and many troubles will follow them.

So, He chooses to hide before he has the strength to protect himself.

At the rooftop of peak castle, Sky was looking at the star shape machine and discover the recording process has already completed 80% so,

He couldn't help but think, " Since it can record all things can it be used to navigate ??"

" Ding ...Can..", system sound was still indifferent. But you can notice little tone difference as if it was asking sky that, how much greedy you can be ???? "

Sky connected tactical goggles and recording machine with the help of the system. The entire Royal Castle appeared in front of him.

He started looking at Castle with God's perspective. He started to search room by room if he could find any treasures or antiques.

He can see after Earth-shaking roar, all around skeletons started to gather at Castle and madly searching for trespassers.

The whole Castle he found two rooms that were shielded and can't see what is inside.

It may be a powerful monster or treasure.

Hope for latter, he quietly started to walk towards the West room. This room was bigger than the others. He bypasses skeletons and crossroads quietly. Soon enough he reached the destination.

"Why is this wall instead of the room. System are you sure map didn't make mistake."Sky said suspiciously.

" Host it is a machine and it didn't make a mistake

.This is a hidden room and every half hours it will change places so, Hurry up and enter the room."

Sky stretch his hand covered in white light passed through walls.

As soon as he entered the room, the recording machine starting to record the whole room. Sky was looking at Crystal coated room with surprise.

Sky's mouth started to water as he looked at all glittering jewelry. Unfortunately, he didn't have any space bag otherwise he would have emptied the entire room.

He looked at the recording projection of the room and finally found intense magic fluctuations on the bed.

He picked up cushions and found an old diary and a ring. Diary was locked he fixed ring into round hole waiting for the diary to open but nothing happened.

Sky doesn't have much time so he just packs things he could take and leave.

He teleported to the other four places which are the highest danger level but he found nothing.

He still has a half hour left before he can teleport back so, he decided to record entire core areas of the inner city and complete as much

as possible.

While recording, suddenly he found that all skeletons started to run towards West gate .so, out of curiosity he teleported to near West gate and climbed the high building to see what happened.

Sky saw more than 20 peoples are fighting with skeletons. They all have high tech weapons. Five men in front have a heavy exoskeleton suit. Other teammates are supporting them with long-ranged weapons.

For Sky, most eye-catching was a woman in a silver suit with three triangular objects hovering around her. She starches her hand, Silver lights coming from her hand, and three triangular objects rotating around her hands as attracted by magic. Suddenly silver ruins spread through her hand connecting three triangular objects. Triangular objects started to rotate faster and faster. She aimed at most where most skeletons are gathered and release a powerful magic attack.

". boom ...."

All skeletons disappeared from the entire area leaving an only deep hole on the ground covering kilometer of the area leaving only monster cores on the ground.

" whoa ....She is at least 5th grade Magic Apprentice and power of the last move was enough to kill 9th grade Magic Apprentice ."

Sky couldn't help but marvel at silver suit beauty. She is similar around his age but the power difference is too big.


On the West side inner gate,

Big circular automatic cameras are flying around covering exciting battles. Not far from there a host was doing live broadcast covering entire battle.

" As you can see friends, popular actress, and genius magician Ariana is challenging one of the difficult of Black land pass West city inner gate, where as long as you enter you will be greeted by countless skeletons attacking you from all around and overwhelmed you by numbers.

What we have to see now is, can Actress Ariana and her friends can complete this trial, or they will weep with disappointment ."

As the host was passionately explaining the overall situation other side women around Areana starting to irritated.

"That guy is too irritating, obviously we kept our plan secret, how the hell he knows??..Let's

end this battle sooner before more reporters arrive."

Another girl with naughty looks said, " Isn't that obvious. They come to rub some heat from our Ariana . After the last film, her popularity already compared to first-class celebrities."

Ariana rolled her eyes and said, " Enough, everyone takes out the strongest attack and finish

this battle "

" Ha ..Ha .... finally my fist is already thirsty.."

" shut up Joseph . let's start working."

Ariana also takes out her strongest Trump card

luminous cone. The luminous cone is an inanimated object type summoning beast. That can triple the attack power of the owner.

After cleaning up all Crystal core they dashed towards the inner city .but suddenly a strong magic fluctuation, a black big skeleton appeared before their eyes.

" Fu* k isn't that orc Black skeleton. why it appeared outside castle out of nowhere."

Angry black skeleton throws a black beam out of his mouth and blasted them out of the East gate.

He caught Ariana's neck and slam her to near the building.

" boom...."

After looking for some time sky realized that this is the same skeleton from before he encountered inside the castle.

" Shit...I have to help her." said Sky with urgency

Before skeleton reach severely injured Ariana Sky jumped from the stairs and pounced towards the skeleton.

As Sky's hand touched skeleton it's body started to melt. Skeleton roared in panic and agony trying to get away from him but sky firmly clinging to skeleton tight his grip. Skeleton roared last time as his whole body melted leaving Crystal and old armor.

All these just happened in a few seconds. Before Ariana reacted, sky pack up loots hugged her in his arm and started to run outside the city. Ariana wanted to thank him but he drops her and disappeared in thin air.

" Ariana are you okay." asked a friend of her.

" Did you see, that guy is super powerful and also possess teleportation device. Like the prince in shining armor rescued princess." Another girl said teasingly to Ariana

A tall man displeased said, " okay, let's get out before reporters arrive."

Others also reacted quickly and left this place.