Chapter 13

(Fortress Eldith)

I am currently sitting in my research and design lab, in fortress Eldith. Revising and improving designs and going through latest news and reports on the progress of my plans.

The heist has been all over the holo net news for the past week and more. Apparently, the investigators sent by the republic return with zero to no results. The leave no evidence policy was apparently a success. Atleast to some extent. The Jedi investigators sent almost got something, well almost being the key word here, they somehow were able come up with a blurry image from one of the destroyed security cameras. Not like that's going to help them. And in a few months, they will have other things to worry about.

On other news, since the star forge has begun operations my plans are proceeding quickly. I used some of the crystals we pillaged, to create a force generator of sorts. It's being used to run the forge. It Syphons the force from the surroundings, it took me a little while to set up. Don't ask me how I did it. I got the idea from the data we pillaged on Mustafar.

Now there are large mining fleets roaming the unknown region under the protection of my security fleets, which are also growing in numbers. And planets are being occupied, mined and fortified. Some garden worlds are even being developed into major population centers. I took Naboo as an example, less environmental damage was being done to these planets. And any damage caused will be moderated by terraforming. By the beginning of the clone wars I will have more than a few dozen systems and planets under my control.

I also had the shipyards being readied for my newest design, the Harbinger class super dreadnaught (Specs 10,000 m long, 5000 m high and 4000 m wide. 60 heavy quad turbolaser batteries-20 starboard*20 port*10 dorsal*10 ventral, 30 Quad heavy ion canons-10 starboard*10 port*5 ventral*5 dorsal, 30 quad turbo laser canons-10 starboard*10 port*5 dorsal*5ventral, 50 turret mounted quad laser canons for point defence-15 starboard* 15 port* 10 ventral * 10 dorsal, 400 trench based turbo lasers, 150 trench passed point defense laser canons, 10 heavy tractor beams, 60 mass driver missile lunchers-30 forward* 15 starboard* 15 port side, 150 starfighters and bombers, 30 shuttles and 20 light freighters, triple shielding with separate shields for the bridge. They also had interdiction field generators). I have used some of the crystals to build in a spinal mounted heavy laser canon, but unlike the death star laser, it's not powerful enough to one shot planets. But it can one-shot a star destroyer at lower power setting and an executor at higher power settings. I designed this large canon to have dedicated power generator and cooling system, thus at low power it can fire 3 shots and one shot at max power before entering the cooling and recharge cycle, that will take three minutes. I have this canon in different sizes, designed into space stations and orbital defense canons to be deployed in varying numbers depending on the systems importance. I call it the lance canon. The ships will be built on the large shipyards being constructed above Eldith and in the forge system; those constructions will be completed by the end of this year. And ship construction will be underway in full swing.

Both Eldith system and the forge system are also being filled with super space fortresses, the Kranak series of space stations. This type of space station will only be used in large numbers to protect key systems. The other systems and locations will have at most one of these space fortresses along with Aran series of space stations. Another type of ship being constructed is a fleet of 20-armed and stealthed colony ships (we are Mandalorians if we can we will attach a gun to anything. As for stygium crystals, I have a lot. 8 fully packed freighters each with carrying capacity of 150,000 tons means a lot of crystals), each ship can carry 200,000 passengers and support them for a period of six months. These will be helpful for project fulcrum.

I also took a page out of palatines playbook. I already started the construction of my personalized version of the Harbinger class super dreadnaught. It will be 15,000 m long and 7000 m high and 5000 m wide. And have 90 heavy quad turbolaser batteries-25 starboard*25 port*20 dorsal*20 ventral, 50 Quad heavy ion canons-15 starboard * 15 port * 5 ventral * 5 dorsal, 50 quad turbo laser canons-15 starboard * 15 port * 10 dorsal * 10 ventral, 80 turret mounted quad laser canons for point defence-20 starboard * 20 port* 20 ventral * 20 dorsal, 600 trench based turbo lasers, 200 trench based point defense laser canons, 20 heavy tractor beams, 90 mass driver missile lunchers-50 forward * 20 starboard * 20 port side, 250 starfighter and bomber- 100 fang fighters * 70 starviper heavy fighters * 80 starviper B bombers, 50 shuttles and 40 light freighters. It will have a four-layer shielding with separate shields for the bridge. There will be atleast six interdiction field generators. The armor is the double layer type with the outer layer being a Phrik and Beskar armor plating (mainly Phrik since I have a lot right now, 15 fully loaded Freighters with capacity of 150,000 tons means a lot of Phrik). The main game changers will be that just like the Shev'la Kyr'am, this monster of a ship will have stealth tech and cloaking field generators. My personal ship also had the spinal mounted heavy laser canon. It was designed to pack more of a punch than the base version as well. At max power output, it could decimate a planet. Not shatter it like the death star, but close enough. This beast will take some time to finish as it has a lot of sensitive tech that has to be integrated with it carefully. Like the hyper advanced multi core droid brain. I am working on a personality matrix for it, I am thinking of naming it Cortana.

(Karnak Super fortress -

(Modified Golan type( Aran series) -

(Dry docks -

While those grand projects are in the works or being carried out by my tireless armies of droids. Something I am currently working on is a new structure. It's not commonly seen in the movies, but terraforming tech exists. All I am doing is increasing the automation factor. The engineering aspects are done and only coding the droid brains that operate them remain. They will be deployed on Edith within two months' time. This will reduce the raging storms and breathe life into this arid planet. They will also see use throughout the systems under my control.

Another bonus of the raid on Mustafar is the Gene mods along with muscle and bone weave tech. Vanzii is working with the medical and research droids to implement them. They have been at it for some time now. And from what I hear the procedures can be done today.

With this I will get a slight boost, but the guys will show greater improvements. The serum and gene modes can be considered this universe's weaker version of super soldier serum. It will increase their overall strength, reaction time, healing factor and reduce their aging process. While they won't reach my level, they can still be stronger than you average Mandalorian commandos.

This also opens up another avenue. I can recruit the best of the best and train them to be spec ops, augmented super soldiers under my command. For that first I have to carry out fulcrum. About that, if the Rakatan device which can transport entire star systems pans out. I will move all of the Mandalorian population with the colony ships under construction and then bring the whole of Mandalore controlled space into the middle of my territories. I have reserved a large binary star system in the middle of my occupied territories as the sacrifice. The downside is that when such a device activates it will send a huge tremor in the force that all force sensitive will feel it. So, I can only do that when I am sure I can protect my territories and when the galaxy is distracted with other conflicts.

(6 Hours later)

The door to the lab opens. And a service droid walks in. "Sir, your presence is requested in the medical facility. The super soldier project is ready for you" said the droid.

"Very well, pass the word that I will be there in a few minutes" I say and start to head to the medical labs. I make my way down to the lab which is in one of the subterranean levels of the fortress. When I enter the lab, I am greeted by the scene of Subail, Doth and Janak already in tanks filled with some concoction, with robotic arms lacing their muscles with bones with ceramic and beskar nano fiber weaves. There were neural implants waiting to be implanted and all the while being injected by the serum.

"How is it going?" I ask Vanzii as I approach him.

He doesn't take his eyes of the console. "So far, Better than expected. There was a fear that their bodies will reject the weaves and implants. But it looks like the serum has taken away that concern. Ready for your improvements?" he says.

I look at the tank and stay silent for a minute, I already have certain advantages over others. But the reaction of those perks to the augmentation is still unknown. After a few minutes, I finally decide to go in.

"Let's get this over with. When are you taking the dip?" I ask.

"After you guys are done and I make sure there are no complications" says Vanzii.

I strip down and enter the tank. "Don't stop the augmentation no matter what small complications occurs for me. You know about my natural perks. Unless I am in deaths embrace, push on" I said sternly, as I slid into the tank.

I slowly go under due to the anesthetics. But due to my perks I am still slightly aware of what's happening. The large needles penetrate my skin and start pumping the serum through my blood stream. I could feel my body temperature increasing rapidly, and I could hear Vanzii shouting at the droids about something. Then came the bone and muscle weaves. But what I feel is different from what was told. I could feel the weaves merging into my weaves. It was excruciating. After that settled down came the neural implants. Those for some reason didn't completely merge into me. Good thing also, otherwise I wouldn't be able to change them if I wanted. As all this is going on my body heat keeps on rising and I eventually black out.

I eventually come to. I was extremely groggy. As my sight slowly stabilized, I notice I am in a sterile white room with a medical droid standing in the corner. How nostalgic. "It feels like I died and was reborn again" I accidentally said out loud.

"You could say that again, you kriffin bastard." Said Vanzii as he came through the door. "At certain points you would flatline then come back to life again. Your body temperature just kept on rising and I had to use coolers to bring the temperature of the tank down." He said looking at me with a bit of concern and annoyance.

"Well I am still kicking. It's going to take a little more than that to put me down." I said.

Vanzii just rolled his eyes. "You might be correct about that. Your healing factor took a leap into the 'impossible spectrum'." He pauses looking at me like I was a monster. I had to signal him to continue. "Well now you heal exponentially faster. Severed limbs can be reattached, but don't get your head cut off. That should still be a death sentence. I kind of experimented by cutting off your fingers and reattaching them" he confesses without batting an eye. It was my turn to be shocked. This bastard is turning into a mad scientist. He continues "Another benefit from doing the procedure on you is that, I might have a possible lead on another serum. This one will help us increase the life span of people by a couple of hundred years and also generally increase the strength of their immune system and healing factor. It would enhance a person, and said person would be above other common folk in all categories. I have the medical and research droids looking into it." I was again shocked.

"How long was I out for?" I asked.

"Around five days" said Vanzii. I sigh in response.

"Is the margin of increasing lifespan only that much or can it be used to get immortality" I asked.

"No, the preliminary data suggests the maximum is six hundred years, beyond that the person will mutate into something else. I did a check on your life span as well, by running through the same algorithms it shows you can live for about a thousand to two thousand years. Well everything has to dies sometime right." He says. I somehow turned into the Mandalorian version of Yoda. Great just great. Well that is if I don't throw myself into a star before that. I don't want to end up like Durge. I rather die with my sanity than live as a crazy killing machine.

"Well the serum has prospects. Don't let word of it get out yet. Can it be applied through a water source or food if so, we can greatly increase the life span of our people. We are so few already." I asked.

"It can be done. But it will take a year or more of research to get to that point. Can you fund it, that may expedite things?" he asks.

"You will have all the resources I can spare. I will also send a message to uncle." I said slowly getting dressed "I assume you are also augmented?" I ask. He nods in confirmation.

"Good, now let's get everyone to the training rooms. For the next one month we are retraining from the base up to get used to the new augmentations." I ordered. To which Vanzii sighs and follows me out.

The following month we will go through all the hellish training to get used to the new strengths we have. Maybe with this I will be able to reach Master level in my CQC.