Chapter 16

(Month 6, 32 BBY)

(Naboo system)

A ship was currently holding position in orbit of one of Naboo's moons.

It's stealth upgrades made it invisible, both visually and to all scanners. It's one of the newer Crusader S corvettes. Its mission was to keep an eye out for the Trade Federation blockade and inform me of its arrival. It also has the additional duty is to intercept all incoming transmission and to transmit them to me using encrypted transmissions, send through my shadow holonet buoys.

I have installed stealthed Holo net buoys throughout the galaxy, and I have almost entire coverage of the complete outer rim, and almost all the important locations of the inner and mid rims. One more year and the system will cover the entire galaxy.

They have been there for a month. Ever since I got intelligence from one of the droids working for the federation leadership that Sidious has somehow convinced them to blockade Naboo. It was only a question of when.


(POV Thrunn)

I am heading towards Jabba's palace.

We just got done with a major bounty contract from him. Apparently, some pirate gang stole a fleet of large freighters, full of goods belonging to Jabba. Most likely Facilitated by a rival Hutt. We took down the entire pirate hideout like usual. Liberated a few slaves. Confiscated their loot and stash of valuables. And liberated all of Jabba's freighters and its merchandise. We had struck before they could move the goods. The total bounty was over 1,000,000 peggats. That's a lot of money. The cargo must have been precious.

We walk in to the palace's throne room, Jabba was waiting for us. *You have done well. None of my freighter are damaged and all the goods are accounted for. The addition of the carbonite frozen pirate captain is a most welcome addition. He shall receive his due soon. Never let it be known that Jabba is not generous*

*Thank you, Jabba. But can I ask to make a slight alteration to the contract* I asked Jabba

*Speak. But know that the bounty shall not be increased* he replied

*I would like to buy rights to Watto's shop, junkyard and the surrounding district in the outskirts. If you sell it to me, I have plans to build our own landing pads there. You will get 40% of the profits from any business I start in that area as well* I offer. Fingers crossed.

*Umm very well I shall accept you offer. The rights for those properties shall be handed to you for a fee of 500,000 peggats and the 40% of the profits from any business you start* he accepts. Well I expected the steep price, it's to be expected when dealing with Hutts. He signals for his attendant to bring us the land rights and money.

We say our thanks and head out toward our new properties. I order Athena to send a detachment of skytroopers to take over the properties. I also told her to tell uncle, he was to send over the construction crews and detachments of battle droids (Mainly modified B1s and droidekas) I had asked him to keep on standby.

The first place we head to is Watto's shop. He was alone there.

"What can I do for you?" asks Watto.

"Let's go to the back. We have some news from Jabba" I say and start walking to the back.

I then show him the rights that I bought from Jabba. He starts arguing. But I then remind him that the Hutts own this place. And now it belongs to me. As he wallows in despair. I make him an offer.

"Everything in this district now belongs to me. But before I boot you out, I will give you an offer to make some quick cash, sell me those two slaves you have, I will give you 100,000 credits. That is more than enough for you to get of this dust ball." I offer him. He starts to ponder on my offer. Then slowly put my blaster on to the table, to make it clear that this was not a negotiation.

"Very well." He agrees dejectedly.

The next day little Anakin comes running in, but instead of the usual Watto he sees a fully armored figure. "Who are you?" he asks.

"Well kid you can call me Nomad. Before I start explaining, go bring your mother. She needs to hear this as well". He looks at me for a second and then runs off.

A few minutes later they both arrive. "Back here" I call from the back room.

"Anakin told me you have something tell us, sir" asks Shmi.

"What I would like to inform you is that, I am now the owner of all the properties in this outer district. Watto also sold the both of you to me, for money he sorely needed to get off world" I said.

You could see the shock on their faces. "What does that mean for us, sir" asked Shmi.

"Well first is that I can set you free. I was never a fan of slavery. The number of slaves I have liberated are too many to count. But you two will work for me. That is my condition. Work for me as free people or remain slaves. Your choice" I offer them a chance. Well in all actuality, they have only one option to choose.

They sat there for some time. Then Shmi looked at Anakin and then asked me "Are you saying you will give us freedom?" she asks.

"Yes, you will no longer be slaves. But you will have to sign a contract and work for me. Your accommodation, salary and protection shall be provided by me". I stated.

They are both ecstatic. "We accept mister" shouted Anakin.

"Good sign here" I hand the datapad on which they sign the contract and later I will record their biometrics.

"I will ask someone to come and teach you both on how to manage a store and some other basic skills. You won't have to work for some time, as I will be demolishing and reconstructing the whole area. I will also be sending a medical droid to remove the slave beacons in your body. That is all for now" I said.

Two days later the cargo and construction crews had arrived. I was planning to do the same thing I did on Nar Sheda.

On the third day I had all the buildings demolished and moved the junk form the junkyard to storage. Then the construction began. First, I ordered the construction of a housing complex in the far outer part of my property. To house the people who used to live here. The apartments will be leased out to previous residents.

Then on the list was a large cantina facing towards the center of the town. Then came the fun bits. I converted half the junk yard to a factory. That will produce and repair droids, certain ship parts. All these will be under one of the subsidiaries of Straxon Enterprises. Yes, the company has grown.

Then nearby I will construct four landing pads Tatooine style with repair, refueling and maintenance. Two of the medium ones are separated from the two larger ones. I intend to allow public traffic in the medium ones; they will have to pay a fee for the services of course.

Wattos shop was remodified into sufficiently advanced repair shop.

Large underground facilities will also be constructed secretly. They will house the battle droid regiments, a small droid factory, a small arms factory and a place for my Mandalorian forces to hide out, re-arm and coordinate operations from. There will be atleast three owl teams here at all times (One Nite owl team consists of 5 Mandalorians). It will be multiple floors deep and there will be access to the large landing pads from the under-ground base.

Everything other than the Housing, cantina and the repair shop will be walled off with reinforced walls, ray shields, hidden sentry turrets and it only has one entrance with scanners and droid guards. There will also be shield generators, turbolaser emplacements and ion canon emplacements. Similar to Nar Shaadaa. And I have time lined all this to be done in three weeks, it will be done on a war footing. One of the benefits of having a legion of droids. I even plan to build Shmi and Anakin a better house in the space that's left near the repair shop.

(Month 11, 32 BBY)

The mini fort construction has been completed and all operations have started. It took one month, but I used the time to have Shmi trained to manage and run the repair shop, while Anakin does some repairing work.

They are 'officially' employed under one of my subsidiary companies. This comes with a salary and incentives that any corporation provides its employees.

Oh, I also thoroughly screened, hired and trained more people to run all the facilities I had operating here, the ones open to the public. Bartenders and bands for the cantina, a manger and staff to look after the housing colony, more employees and an assistant manager for the repair shop to help Shmi. I won't be able to depend on them for long.

I had also invested in different establishments in Mos Espa and Mos Eisley, they were meant to compliment my operations on Tatooine. The Hutts wouldn't mind as long as I don't overstep my boundaries and they get their cut of profits. Plus, I was bringing a new cash flow into their economy.

I even created a small closed section to the cantina for the bounty hunters guild. They had to pay small rent and my people get the choice picks of bounties. Like this we became the most influential faction in Mos Espa after the Hutts.

(Time skip)

Right now, I was just working out in the underground facilities gym. It seems me saving the Trade Federation officers seriously hampered Palpatine's plans. It took him so long to convince a sufficiently large part of the federation's ruling committee to join his side, and that the blockade of Naboo was a smart idea. He also somehow managed to convince them that Nute Gunray was the best to lead it.

At that moment a member of the Nite owl team walks in.

"Mand'alore, we just received news that the Trade Federation has blockaded Naboo." The commando said.

"It seems like the dominoes have started to fall. Tell the overwatch teams near Naboo to keep us informed. This will not end with a simple blockade. Tell them not to get discovered, also tell them to be extra thorough when intercepting all transmission going to and from the planet." I gave out instructions.

"It will be done." He says and asks "Do you think there is more to this than it seems?"

I smiled. "There are always more hidden plots under the surface vod. Nothing is ever simple. All we can do is prepare for the worst and hope for the best." I replied. He just nods and walks off to do his tasks.

(Next day)

I got reports of the back and forth debates in the senate about the blockade and its inaction.

Later I got the report that the Supreme Chancellor Valorum had sent two Jedi as negotiators. Then it was quiet for a days' time.

Then came the report of the daring escape of Queen Amidala.

I also received a large data packet of intercepted transmissions from the overwatch team. I had instructed my men to keep an eye open for the Queen's ship. And as I predicted a damaged Nubian made its way to the outskirts of Mos Espa. Time to get this show rolling.

(POV Qui-gon)

This mission given by the chancellor has gone to shit already. I just pray that we can find a means to repair the queens ship. I walk into the engineering deck.

"The hyperdrive generator is gone master" said Obiwan

"That will complicate things. Be warry I sense a disturbance in the force" I said.

"I sense it as well master." Replied Obiwan.

"Don't let them send any transmissions" I instructed.

I take Jar-Jar and R2D2 with me. As we start leaving the head of security comes along saying I have to take a hand maiden with me. I tried to deny it, but was forced to take her along none the less. Either queen doesn't trust us or there is something fishy going on.

We make it into town and start looking for parts. We asked around and was guided to a store that is apparently the only place to get the spare parts we need and a t-14 hyper drive generator.

As we reach the place it looks too advanced for a shop on Tatooine. In fact, this entire outer district looks out of place. As we entered the shop, we are greeted by the store manager.

"Welcome to Spectral repairs we repair droids, armor and to a certain extend ships. What may we interest in you today" asked the woman.

"We need spare parts for a Nubian cruiser. I heard your shop is the only place that sells it" I say.

"Yes, we got spare parts for most ships and droids" said the manager. Then she starts calling for someone "wait one minute. Ani… ANI… come here and watch the counter while I take this customer to see if we have what they need".

From the back of the shop came a small boy maybe seven or eight. He has an unusually strong presence in the force. How intriguing. He just stares at us and asks the hand maiden

"Are you an angel. All the deep space pilots told me tales about angels". That brings a smile on my face.

"Please stop annoying the customers Ani. Do you remember what Nomad said?" scolded the manager, smacking the boy on top of his head.

"Yes mom" replied the boy. The manager turned out to be the boy's mother.

But then something strikes me. The name the mom just said. "How rude of me I haven't introduced myself. I am Qui-gon Jin. This fine lady is called Padme. This gungan is Jar-Jar Binks and the astromech is R2D2" I introduce us.

"Nice to meet you. I am Shmi Skywalker and this is my son Anakin Skywalker." She introduced.

"Sorry for asking. But did you say this store belongs to Nomad" I asked.

"Oh yes, in fact, this entire section of the town belongs to him. He bought it off the Hutts. We work for him" said Shmi.

"By work for him, do you mean you are slaves" asked Padme. The ignorance of growing up sheltered, reared its ugly head. "But the republics laws forbid slavery".

"There is no republic out here. And no, we were slaves. But Nomad bought us and freed us from slavery. All we had to do is sign a contract and become his employees. We get paid, we have bonuses, housing and protection." Said Shmi, taking insult into being called a slave. "Now if you would follow me. We can look int the parts you need" she said before walking off, I followed close behind. "Don't touch anything" I warned Jar-Jar before leaving. If this shop belongs to the Nomad I know, then I don't want trouble.

Time passes as we peruse through the items. They are even offering to repair the ship. "so how are you going to pay for all of this" asked Shmi.

"I have 20,000 republic credits with me. That should cover for the expenses." I answered.

"That won't do mister Qui-gon. We only accept Peggats. And the credits you have, even when converted to Peggats won't even cover a quarter of the expenses" she said.

"Can't we come to some sort of understanding" I ask.

"Sorry I can't. For me to do anything I need Mr. Nomad's permission."

"I am sure you can sell it to us for 20,000 credits" I try and influence her with the force. But it had no effect.

She just replies "No, I can't" and looks at me weird. Damn strong-willed woman.

"Then we are at an impasse. Is there some way to get the money or trade for the parts" I asked.

"You can make money quickly by betting, or taking a loan. As for the trade, I can't authorize it. Only Mr. Nomad can" she says.

"This Nomad you speak of. Would he by chance be a tall Mandalorian with black armor and a skull painted on his helmet." I had to know.

"Yes. That's him alright. Do you know him?" Shmi asked.

"We have met" is all I could say. "Do you know where I can find him?" I asked.

"No. He just appears out of nowhere and disappears just like that" she said in an exasperated tone. I can relate to that. We make our way back into the store.

"We will look around for Nomad or means to get the money required then. That seems to be the only way." I said, my group had gathered in the front of the shop. Now all we had to do is find Nomad. This is going to be troublesome.

(To be continued)