(31 BBY)
We had taken the captured Lucrehulks and the Scimitar to the forge system. The scimitar was again thoroughly scrubbed down and cleansed of any tracking and sabotage. It was retrofitted and also got a new paint coat. The black with green and golden accents. The Lucrehulks got some major overhauls though. After everything they were a bit larger and beefier than before.
Two of them were converted to be decked out as heavy battleships (50* Heavy quad turbo laser batteries, 8* very heavy turbo laser batteries, 400*Twin heavy laser canon turrets, 200* point defense quad lacer canons, 10* heavy ion canon turrets, 20 medium ion canon turrets. Added improve sublight engines, which brought the speed to 700 Km/hr. Added thicker Armor and More and powerful shielding. They also had hibridium cloaking generators.
It has a compliment of 50 modified c-9979, 30 Sheathipede-class Type B shuttles and 10 Maxillipede shuttles. They had their shields, armor, weapons and sublight engines improved. 1000 fighters and 300 bombers. The vulture droids had been provided starfighter grade shields, improved armaments and improved coding.
It also had armored assault tanks, they got shields and tougher armor and improved canons. Multi troop transports just got better power units and shields. It also had a large number of boarding vessels. The ship was crewed by designated droids for each post, in the future I will have Mandalorian officers here as well. The 340,000 B1 battle droid compliment was also improved upon [https://www.starwarsrp.net/threads/b1-battle-droids.98745/ ]. In the future the troops will be a mix of droids and Mandalorian soldiers.
The problem of exposed power generators was solved by moving them into armored sections and making sure that each section of the ship was powered by separate power generators. More generators were also added to each section so as to operate all the extra addition and still have excess energy. I named them Big Bertha and Night Hulk respectively.
For now, the third one was modified to fit more of a supply and repair ship role. It had fewer armaments (It still had 30 heavy turbo lasers, 200 assault laser canons and 300-point defense quad laser canons). The interiors were filled with mostly fuel tanks and other supplies needed to keep this small flotilla going and repaired. It had large retractable arms attached so as to resupply the other ships. It 6 small dry docks, 3 on each arm to repair ships of 200m length. It only had 500 fighter and 90,000 droids to provide security. This ship also had small integrated factories for droids and tanks. They had fleets of Gatobar class engineer drones. I named this one the Servitor class.
All three ships got a new coat of paint as well. They were painter complete pitch black with green and golden accents. Our signet was painted on the arms, it was dark grey colour with a foggy background.
I had a larger ship design in the pipe line. It's function as a fleet supply and to an extend repair ship. I named the Buir class ship or just the mother ship. Instead of the c-shaped arms of the Lucrehulk, it would be u shaped. With each arm being 5000 meters long. And there was four such arms coming out of a spherical center structure. It would be sufficiently armed, armored and shielded, well according to Mandalorian standard. Each arm will have large fuel tanks and retractable arms to supply this fuel to ships. They can also store large amounts of cargo needed to maintain and repair ships. It will also have small drydocks all over the interior of the arms to repair ships of 400m length. They will also have Gatobar class engineer drones to repair ships. Even large ships can be docked within the arms and the drones will repair and resupply the ship. No fleet or army can function without a proper supply chain. (My version of the Altor- replenishment ships).
After all the modifications I took these ships and deployed. My area of operation was mainly the outer rim and sometimes Mid rim. I had the Kyr'am docked in one of the battle ships.
Meanwhile my expansion and fortification of the outer rim is proceeding. Eldith is being turned into a military Hub. It was here that future generals and admirals will be born. Unwittingly Eldith already had a population of near 2 million, with the relocation of all military schools and research facilities here. With the military personal came their families. There were people inducted into our ranks through our orphanages and other 'charitable' institutions. There were people filling every job as well, from farmers in the hydroponic farms to people working at the ports.
(30 BBY)
I have started the conquest and integration of the 6 earmarked inhabited planets. Most of the planets where densely populated but primitive, either in the medieval era or steam era were, they are just finding out the use of steam engines. One of the most densely populated planets was at industrial revolution time period. They put up some resistance, which was quickly subdues. Then without leaving the conflicts to escalate, their leaders were called in and negotiated with. The planets were then brought under my banner. Their kings and queens were given the same status as royal families in the modern era of earth. They are just there for show.
Then came the mass education, indoctrination, registration (all the biometric and genetic data was recorded and stored. All present and future generation of the Mandalorian people under me will be registered into the archives) and propaganda campaign. The mass conversion of the populations into Mandalorians. What's being spread is an altered version of the super commando codex, which focuses on not only loyalty to one's family, but also loyalty to Mandalore as a civilization. This will take a few years. Once that is done. These population will be spread out throughout my occupied space. This will increase the number of the Mandalorian people from a few million to billions. This will keep on increasing as I spread into the unknown regions. This will also increase the pool from which my forces can draw on for officers and soldiers. Each habitable planet has cities and infrastructure being built on it. The captured planets are also being slowly developed. All planets have both ground-based defenses and orbital defenses either in place or are under construction. There is no such thing as overkill in the Mandalorian dictionary.
Similar to the conquest and integration of planets. We have been able to take in extremely large numbers of orphans and slaves into our 'charitable' establishments. The slaves were also sorted through based on their skill sets, the ones that were too old or physically weaker, where mostly trained for farming, industrial and administrative work. The younger ones are easier to train and mould into Mandalorians.
First, they are taken to our orphanages on Mandalore, then after initial training and indoctrination, they are sent to Eldith where they will be taught in disciplines that suit their talents. The older ones are given training in the respective fields in which their skill set shine. Then they are given jobs according to the training they receive. Half of them end up in our military. While the other half into other key sectors like industry, construction, farming and few brightest ones go into higher fields like research and designing (it may vary from designing mundane things to entire space stations, depending on their skills). The one important thing being engrained into their psyche is unwavering loyalty.
This will breathe a new life into the Mandalorian civilization and bring hope for future generations. Gain strength and fight, not for slaughter, but to give a future for your people and to protect that future.
(29 BBY)
My flotilla was currently over the planet Carnelian 4. The orbit was shrouded by old ship wrecks. I had the Servitor slowly break down these derelict ships and wrecks, and smelt them down in its onboard factories to useful material that can be used or sold. We have been at this for the past three months now, more than half the debris field has been cleared. Easy profits and resources are always welcome.
Then we picked up an old republic distress signal coming from the planet, interesting. I decided to send a squadron of vultures to check it out.
(POV Qui-Gon)
Me and Anakin just finished our first off world mission to Dallenor. We had to recover an old Jedi holocron found in an excavation. On our way back we picked up an old republic distress signal coming from the planet Carnelian 4. It was supposed to be an unpopulated planet. It's people extinct by wars waged by themselves.
We jump in near to the planet. The sight that welcomed was a dense debris field. "What happened here master Qui-Gon" asked Anakin.
I could only sigh "The people of this planet killed themselves in self waged wars".
As we weave through the debris field our shuttle gets damaged by a large derelict. We start losing power and life support. Only chance is to make it to the planet.
"I should have flown" remarked Anakin. I could only shake my head.
As we near the planet the debris field clears revealing three abnormally large Lucrehulks with particular colour schemes. Then I see the logo painted on it arms. What are they doing here.
Anakin mirrors my thoughts by blurting "Nomad?"
I have been sighing a lot recently, sigh "It appears so. And this solves the mystery of what they did with the Lucrehulks they captured. This is quite literally throwing the Russan Reformation out the window."
"Atleast we will have a way of this planet" said Anakin.
The shuttle was too badly damaged in the re-entry into the atmosphere. We had to crash land it. Lucky for us it was a covered planet. The snow should absorb some if the force. Unlucky for us it was full of snow.
We somehow survived the crash. And even Anakin couldn't repair the coms without spares. But there was a slightly more immediate concern. We are currently in the middle of a battle field. Strang airships battle amongst each other. It appears the planet is not unpopulated. As we watched a damage airship is seen crashing near us. Both me and Anakin pull it towards the cliff so that its occupants can jump off and save themselves. Once the two survivors land one of them who introduces herself as Kolara and the other as Mother Pran. As we were talking Pran points a gun at us and demands to know which faction we belonged to, whether open or closed. Apparently even after so many years they are still fighting.
As we were talking things out, we were attacked by a closed airship. I disabled it. As the ship was crashing one of the crew jumps and tries to make it to the cliff. He only made it with the help of Anakin.
Soon after he landed Grecker and Pran started fighting till we disarmed and subdued the both of them.
We had to create an airship out of what littered the battlefield. Soon we were on our way to the signals source. But Pran on seeing Anakin's mechanical skills kidnapped him and took him to the open faction's fortress. While all I could do was go to where the signal was originating. After fighting of few fishers, we made it to a ruined city. Soon we were attacked by beasts and Grecker launched a flare seeking help from the closed fortress. As I was fighting the beasts a door opened revealing a cloaked figure, who beckoned us to enter. Grecker tried to force the person to close the door on me only to get shot by the person. After that the figure took me to the main room of the building. She introduced herself as Sera. It appears she had scavenged the remains of the technology and art that was theirs in the long past. And she was the one sending out kites to introduce the young to art. She then showed me a beacon transmitter along with a data slate with the image of a data warrior. Apparently, she had used the old republic distress signal to summon Jedi to end the generation old war going on between the Open and closed faction. She also informed me that both factions wanted to destroy her collection as it was a sober reminder of what they once had. She also warned me the old knew only war and the only hope was to save the young from the never-ending cycle of death and destruction.
But the closed faction following Grecker's flare started attacking our position. I had to exit the buildings in hope to stop the attack. I was barely able to hold them off. Just when the open faction also appeared and started attacking me and the closed faction. I would have died if Anakin didn't appear with a few kids on a speeder. We met with Sera again who said we just doomed everyone and the only way now to stop the fighting was for both factions to wipe each other out. Kolara and the other kids hearing the explanation joined the fight along with the other open faction members. This was getting out of hand. I suddenly remembered something.
I asked Anakin to fix the transmitter as quickly as possible. I will send a signal to the order for help, to make them arrive faster I lied about the presence of tibana Gas in the planet's atmosphere. If I want to stop this, I have to make a deal with the devil again. Sigh.
(POV Thrunn)
I was currently seated on the captain's chair on Big Bertha. The vultures I deployed have been showing most of what's going on. I would say it was quite entertaining. Just then I started getting a call from the planet.
"Coms connect that call through." I ordered. "This is Nomad of the Ghosts." I said when the call connected.
Then I heard the high-pitched voice of young Anakin "Nomad we need your help. Things are becoming hard down here"
To which I laughed and replied "Life is always hard Ani. It's what builds character. So how is Jedi training treating you. Impressed any girls with your space magic. Should I tell Shmi to expect a daughter-in-law anytime soon."
"NOMAD!" whined Anakin. He was soon replaced by Qui-Gon "Nomad things are bad down here. I need your help to solve this."
"Well if it isn't my favorite Jedi. Yes, I know. It's been quite entertaining watching you scurry around. What do you want me to do, blow them up or something." I asked.
"Nothing too drastic. Just please bring one of your ships in atmosphere. That will stop their fighting long enough for the order to send help." He asked
"What no shooting shit up? That's no fun…. Sigh, fine. I will bring Big Bertha into the atmosphere." I was bored anyways. I would have blown them up if nothing happened anyways.
"You named a ship Big Bertha?" Asked Anakin snickering.
"You want my help or not?" I countered.
"Sorry, please help" pleaded Anakin. To which I scoffed.
(POV Qui-Gon)
Lucky for us Nomad was in a generous mood. Otherwise he would have made some demands. As soon as the call ended. Sera asked "Who was that?"
"A person who you don't want as an enemy. And pray that he doesn't accept a bounty on your head" I said rubbing the bridge of my nose, before continuing "He is a Mandalorian warrior. One of the few capable of single handedly killing both Jedi and Sith." I replied. I could see a little reverence and fear in Sera's eyes. She had read great tales about force users, and was rightfully warry of someone who could face them in combat and kill them.
"Then why call for him?" she asked. A little panicky.
"He doesn't attack the weak and innocent for no reason. If you get in between him and his objective you will die. Plus, he was in orbit of this planet with a small flotilla by the time we arrived." I replied "He was scavenging the wrecks orbiting the planet. I doubt he cares about your people. Otherwise you would be dead the moment you sent the distress signal"
Just before she could ask anything else a large shadow rumbles and breaks through the clouds. A large Lucrehulk. It fires one blaster barrage on a mountain near the battlefield, which crumbles half the mountain. This causes all the fighting to cease. The threat of imminent extermination has that effect.
Within the hour four consular class corvettes arrived. The greedy politicians were quick to respond. Luckily, they have Jedi among them. As they arrive, Nomad leaves atmosphere to join his flotilla.
Later I learn, one of the corvettes under the ownership of a rich tycoon had also arrived after the delegation on his private ship. He tried demanding Nomad leave the system and that he had to hand over everything he had scavenged till then. His mistake was thinking Nomad was with the Trade Federation. Both him and his ship were floating wrecks around the planet, which were soon scavenged up by Nomads ship. Sigh.
(Gatobar repair drones- https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F73%2Fd9%2Ff9%2F73d9f9a5963c22b9fbc22fe509fe9d4b.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F307441112048703523%2F&tbnid=_-cyNdxCRrZWJM&vet=12ahUKEwi4hYTjxOXqAhURgHMKHaxRCbwQMygAegUIARCoAQ..i&docid=IoiuTdBtjYzQJM&w=1600&h=900&q=repair%20drones%20star%20wars&safe=strict&ved=2ahUKEwi4hYTjxOXqAhURgHMKHaxRCbwQMygAegUIARCoAQ)