Chapter 22

(24 BBY)

Count Dooku's little mission was a little test, just like we assumed. Due to my raids against federation shipments, he wanted to check if I was completely against the separatist or just an opportunistic bastard going after tasty trade convoys. It was one of the reasons I accepted his contract. Over the past year we had been moving around the outer and Mid rim avoiding any major Republic or separatist worlds.

We would attack pirates and slavers, I needed to improve my image among the different outer rim and mid rim systems. I would also discretely raid a few trade convoys here and there, having access to hibridium cloaking field generators and hyper wave jammers help prevent anyone from actually spotting my fleet on sensors till it's too late and prevent them from calling for help. I made sure no to overdo my raids against the trade federation. The fleet also started acting as a mobile operating base for Nite owl teams.

Another concern being that, me starting to make larger moves started to gather unwanted attention. I can't expose the companies and other ventures too soon. I am almost certain that I have garnered atleast some interest from the Bothan and other spy networks. I can only hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Hopefully my actions so far would come off as me creating my own organization in the galactic underworld and that would keep their attention off the real price.

On the expansion and territory grabbing front, my territory is slowly expanding throughout the unknown region. The tricky part is matching the fortification and integration of star systems and even important interstellar locations, along with the expansion. By early to mid-21 BBY I will most likely have a sufficiently large fleet to and planetary defenses throughout, that any outright attacks can be deterred. And while the clone wars rage on, I will stabilize and further secure my footing. I have also started the militarization and fortification of three deep core systems, the Prakith system, the Byss system and Kalist system. I didn't go for many others as maintaining hyperspace buoys to these three planets itself is resource intensive. I would rather expand thoroughly through the Unknown regions, or the Mandalorian Federation region than spend too much energy on the deep core. Three heavily protected and highly secret deep core bases are more than enough. All probes coming this way will be jammed and destroyed.

On the matter of fleets. One of my scouts travelling between systems just happened to pick up a strange reading in the interstellar space a few jumps away from Bakura. Which on further inspection turned out to be the missing Katana fleet. I took my little fleet to the old armada. The servitors got to work bringing these ships back online and capable of jumping to the Forge system.

I knew these ships were good, but they were not that good. So, I went back to the drawing board. I took me a few weeks just to redesign these ships, what came out the other end didn't look anything like the initial design. Well atleast we can scavenge these ships to produce the new line of ships. They were christened the Teroch class destroyers. ( 900 meters long, Strong armor and shielding, Class 1 hyperdrive with a class 10 backup, Highly automated, With a crew of 1240 and cargo capacity of 5000 tons, 40*starfighters and 2 Aka'jor shuttles in the dorsal and ventral hangars, Armaments: 10*mass driver missile launchers = 4 front+3 port + 3 Starboard, 10*proton torpedo launchers = 4 front+3 port+ 3 starboard. 20*double turbolaser canons= 4 rear+ 6 port + 6 starboards + 4 front, 20* quad laser canons = 4 front+4 rear+ 6 port+6 starboar,10* ion canons = 4 port+ 4 starboards+ 2 fronts, 4 tractor beams).

While designing this ship, a great flaw in my future fleet distribution plans came to light. The flaw being I haven't actually thought that part through. Some of my officers had to point it out actually. My forces lacked proper organizational structure and standardization.

After much deliberation the plans were finalized. The system defense fleets composition was the first to be finalized, they vary from minimum security level to maximum security level. The first components will be the space stations (1 ->10 Kranak Super fortresses+ 4->30 Aran space station). The defense fleets will be distributed similarly based on the security level of the systems ( 0 -> 5 Harbinger class super dreadnaught + 5-> 30 Kandosii dreadnaughts + 100 -> 1000 Keldabe class battleships +100 -> 600 Assault Cruisers + 100 -> 1000 Teroch class destroyers + 300 -> 1500 Arnov class frigates + 300 -> 500 crusader class corvettes which will play its original role of anti-fighter screen + Starfighters based on the planets being protected and space stations in the system).

There will exist mobile combat fleets, they will respond to threats that emerge and even act as heavy escorts or strike groups (1 Harbinger Super dreadnaught + 5 Kandosii dreadnaughts + 3 Kandosii C carriers + 15 Keldabe class battles ships + 5 Keldabe C carriers +15 Assault cruisers + 20 Teroch class destroyers + 30 Arnov class frigates + 40 crusader corvettes + 10 Servitor fleet supply and repair ships + large compliments of fang fighters* Starviper heavy fighters* Kom'rk fighter bomber * Beskad bomber * Gunship/Dropship * Aka'jor shuttles * landing craft/Troop carriers CR-25 model). They can also further split into smaller fleets depending on the scenarios.

We also have a few new spacecrafts, vehicle and droids just rolling out of test phase and will soon enter production. First is the Mandalorian Gunship/dropship. The second is a dedicated bomber, it's called the Beskad. It was the inspiration for the B-wing bomber. And third being a comeback of an old droid modified to meet the present and future requirements of my forces, the Basilisk war droid. And the fourth being the Kom'rk heavy starfighter, I just changed its role from fighter transport to a fighter bomber. Removed the seating for troops and added proton torpedo tubes, a good hyperspace drive, better shielding and an inbuilt astromech. This produced a better fighter bomber than a Y-wing and will replace the Starviper-Bs. I really don't remember why I made those designs in the first place, but they can beautifully play the role of long-range heavy reconnaissance and attack fighters. Similar to the ARC-170. And the final modification I made was something I took out from the first orders playbook, I used Kyber crystals as focusing crystals for my turbolaser. Mainly on ships and defense platforms. All the other defenses will only get those upgrades selectively. Even though I found a few crystal rich planets, it doesn't mean I can splurge resources.

It's a wonder it took me so long to finally standardize my armed forces and their armaments. Well, so far, I had just been spreading it out too thin, like I was some rebel organization. Now they will have a better punch to it.

My very own fleet being built with stealth technology and special armor made of rare metals and alloys will have the same fleet composition. These mobile fleets will also help in the fast expansion throughout the unknown region. This format will be implemented throughout the already constructed fleets and fortifications and the ones to be built. This will only take some minor reorganization to implement and won't become a hinderance t the slow but steady expansion. Major population centers, industrial centers, and strategic systems will be on top of the security level spectrum.

(Teroch class destroyer -

(Basilisk -

(Beskad bomber -

(Gunship/Dropship -

(Karnak Super fortress -

(Modified Golan type -

(Dry docks -

(Grasshopper scout ship-

(Keldabe Series -

(Harbinger dreadnaught - imagine a hybrid of this with=> ( ) It will have the ventral and other engine fins as well, decked with guns to provide firing arc to the rear as well. It will also increase the sublight speed of the ship.

(Kandosii dreadnaught -

(Kandosii C carrier -

(Assault Cruiser -,Vong%20War%20in%2025%20ABY.)

Meanwhile I had started taking the path Darth Maul had taken. I started making deals with different criminal factions. Like the Black suns, Hutts and Pyke syndicate. I already had dealings with the Hutts. So, this made things easier.

For the Hutts and Black sun it was weapons and droid trade. While for the Pyke syndicate we offered to buy a large amount of spice and coaxium covertly as well as smaller amounts overtly, we also offered them to transport spice to select locations. for a discounted price on our purchases.

We also stepped up our orphanage operations and other 'charitable' operations throughout the outer rim and mid rim. This even if spotted by intelligence agencies will be considered an overly idealist Satine trying to make the galaxy a better place. This is also helping us step up the absorption of a large number of unfortunate children into our agencies, and give them a better future. We also have facilities in place to relocate entire families that are willing to join us and offer them a better future on one of the many planets we have under our control in the unknown regions, especially when there will be a lot of refugees during the war. Of course, all of them will go through atleast basic level education and 'indoctrination'.

Speaking of families, in Mandalore matters pertaining to one's family is taken quite seriously. Especially when the Mand'alore is in a relationship with the 'acting' ruler's sister. Yes, I am currently in a relationship with Bo-Katan Kryze. It all started during the early months I stayed on Mandalore to organize things.

It all started when me and my squad went to a local cantina. We settled down in a discrete corner and ordered drinks, lots and lots of drinks. After the first incident I though she won't come anymore, but she joined us again. Half way through we start talking. We have similar pasts, well most Mandalorians do these days. Those experiences helped forge who we are now. Unlike her sister who went a whole different route, she had almost the same ideas as me. Maybe that's what helped us connect. She was a strong and powerful warrior at the same time caring, straightforward and loyal. Maybe it was the environment but I started hitting on her. After a few minutes of my flirting, she said she won't get in a relationship with someone who hasn't bested her in battle and is stronger than her. This is turn led us to a sparring room in the citadel. I didn't go easy on her, even then she went a few rounds. In the last round we ended on top of each other staring into each other's eyes, and before I knew it, she was dragging me to a bedroom. Quite straightforward indeed, didn't even beat around the bush. All I will say is, I might be the ever intimidating Mand'alore every other time, to mostly everyone else. But in the sack the Kryze girl was very demanding, and not afraid to demand for it. This ritual continued every day I was on Mandalore. We slowly grew closer over the months. I would either go to Mandalore or she would come to me. This also caught the eyes of other clan leaders including Satine and my uncle. I highly suspect that they were planning this in the background as well. They went ahead and betrothed Bo-Katan to me. Thus, making it official and tying our clans together. It wasn't made public though, only the top echelon and my squad knew.

(23 BBY)

I have more of my Mandalorian style Lucrehulks-B battleships, Munificent destroyers, Carrack class light cruisers (20*laser canons, 10 * quad laser canons, 10 ion canons and 5 concussion missile launchers) which were delegated to anti-fighter role and servitors for fleet support. These ships are some of the most underplayed ships in the movies and such. These 'small' strike fleet will serve during the clone wars. I don't want my real naval fleets exposed. And these fleets will serve as the border guard for our territory. While the attack fleets and defense fleets stay within the territories away from prying eyes.

Now I am on my way to Coruscant in a YV-929 freighter accompanied by six others. Three carrying the spice and weapons, that we are smuggling in as payment for the deal we are here to make and the other three carrying equipment for creating a droid manufacture and repair center in the lower levels. Another twelve will arrive later today with Nite owls and droid divisions to take over the territory we acquire. Further shipments will come at regular weekly intervals, most carrying resources while others carrying modified B1 series battle droids and droidekas to enhance the security of my territory.

First, I have to meet with the local crime family which works with both the Black Suns and Pykes. They were called the Maratelli family. They have connection throughout the republic government and have a few senators in their pockets. They had control over multiple lower levels, and I was hoping to take over one level.

My ship lands Uscru entertainment district, we were supposed to meet in the Vos Gesal Hotel. Me, Doth and Vanzii will be on point for this meeting. Subail and HK will provide overwatch. Janak and ZEM were tasked to make sure the goods being transported by the other ships reach their destination.

After we land, we pay the dock workers to refuel and so basic maintenance on the ship. We prepare a detachment of droids to guard the ship just in case. While we are doing this, Subail and HK get a head start, to get in position. Soon we hire a taxi and head to the meeting location.

As we fly across the traffic lanes of Coruscant we get a clear view of the ecumenopolis. Seeing it from space and actually flying through its traffic lanes brings the whole scale of this planet to perspective. And to think it has more than five thousand levels and trillions of inhabitants.

We soon arrive at the entertainment district. The Vos Gesal Hotel lives up to its hype as the place that attracts all the performers and artists from across the galaxy. It is also attached to the Revwien Comedy Academy Playhouse. As we walk in, we attract some attention. Fully armored Mandalorians were not a common sight in this establishment. The interiors itself was extravagant.

We reach the counter and pass on a data chip; this was a sort of invitation card. You needed this to prove your identity. The beautiful receptionist reads through the contents, you could see the surprise as she realizes what we are here for.

"Sorry for the delay sir, you must head down the corridor to the left. Then take an elevator to floor G20. Have a nice day." She says. I just nod at her and start walking.

After I walk a few feet away from earshot of the reception desk "Deadeye, you heard that. Meetings on floor G20. You will have to reposition quickly." I inform Subail through coms.

I receive an "Affirmative" from him in response.

We slowly make our way in the direction of the turbolift the receptionist directed us to. It takes us a minute to reach the level. We then procced down a lavishly decorated hallway towards a large door. I wasn't disappointed I should expect atleast this level of power play from such aa large crime family. The walking down large imposing hallway, climbing multiple steps to reach a massive door which is well guarded, text book moves.

As we near the door a guard moves up and says "Hand over your weapons".

I just sneer under my helmet "We Mandalorians don't hand over our weapons to anyone. And the last guy who made a demand to me, is not with us anymore. I suggest you leave this mediocre powerplay to those cowards in the senate and Trade Federation. Now be a good little lad and move out of the way, before you can't move at all. Capiche." I said in a domineering tone.

The atmosphere got a bit tense. Some of them were caressing their blaster. If they so much as drew those, I wouldn't mind putting them down. Then suddenly the leader of the group got some message over coms.

"You can keep the weapons. The boss will see you now" he said trying to act as imposing as possible.

"Like you could have taken it from us either way" growled out Doth as we passed by.

The door opens and we enter a large brightly lit hall. At the center there is a large round table with eight chairs around it. Seven where filled by different people. I quickly scan the room and its surroundings. There was no ambush as far as the sensors picked up. At the head of the group was the head of the Maratelli family I walk over and sit in the remining seat, while Doth and Vanzii stand behind me.

"A pleasure to make you acquaintance Auguste Maratelli. You come highly recommended by my associates" I say with a nod.

"The pleasure is mine Nomad of the Ghosts. If half the things I have heard of is true then you are someone better off to have as a friend than enemy." He said. "Now let's get down to business. I was told that by handing over one of the levels under my control, you can ensure a steady stream of supplies and certain select services"

"You would be right in assuming so. We have agreements in place to make sure a steady stream of spice and weapons make it into the hands of the black-market dealers and smugglers, who are under my banner, you can either get a share of the profits or a share of the goods. Plus, we can provide droid, armor and weapon repair and other such services. And to a certain extend manufacture and provide custom drones and droids. All of this, provided that you keep the law enforcement of our back and get us hooked to your connections in the Senate, while I set up and take control of the sector. Then both of us can reap the rewards of our cooperation."

Just then Auguste received a message. It should be that the shipments I brought in as payment for our transaction.

"Good I will have a contract prepared and have the rights of all the properties under us on level..." he couldn't finish, a pompous prick, who I assume is of Corellian decent, followed by his two thugs, burst in through the door. I look at him inquisitively.

The new comer walks over to where I was seated "Get up and Get lost". I wanted to laugh. Either this kid had balls of Beskar to walk up to a heavily armed and armored Mandalorian, and start talking with that tone or he was a retard.

"You don't speak to our guests that way." Auguste tries to interfere and defuse the situation.

"How can some dog, that just crawls in here begging for scraps from us have the right to sit at our table." He pulls out a blaster and points at me. That proves it, he is a retard.

"kyr'amur haar di'kut" I speak out loud and menacingly.

Soon Doth and Vanzii take out the two thugs with their hidden blades. This surprises the retard. I go into overdrive at this moment. I grab the hand holding the gun at my head and break it like a twig. Then I grab the head and bash it on the table multiple times until the table cracks along with the head of the man. His dead body falls limp to the floor.

"Who?" I ask Auguste as I turn to face him. All the others around the table were looking at me surprise and fear. Fear was good.

"He was the lieutenant in charge of level 1313. He got the position from his father, who unfortunately pampered him too much. Apparently, he heard I was handing you his territory to you and thought to get rid of you at the meeting. He thought he will have support when he does it here" Explained Auguste.

"So, you wanted to use me to clean house for you? If you think you can just use us and get away with it. You are mistaken. We won't do any job for free. Hand over every asset you have on 1313 and every property and business under this retard, completely to us. And this little fiasco will be brushed under the rug." I say.

"This is our territory. You think you can demand anything from us" Another one of the lieutenants stands up and shouts. But just then a blaster bolt from a sniper rifle hits him right between the eyes and he doubles down like a sack of potatoes.

The others look around, terrified. "Playing gangster on coruscant might have made you think you are invincible. But if you cross us, we will eliminate you and take over everything. Your option is to either work with us or die. And I can assure you that cooperation is more fruitful than going to war with us. Because, even if you are the Chancellor, we can reach you. Nothing will keep you safe." I say in a cold voice.

After a minute of silence Auguste finally speaks "Fine, we find your conditions acceptable. I will have a contract made and…" I interrupt him.

"Don't bother, I have the contract right here" I take a data slate and slide it across to him. He takes it a start reading. You could see the shock in his eyes. He finally realized I knew that he will pull this little stunt. That I knew of all the assets on that level, and about all of the properties and businesses under the little fool. I had everything that was owed, noted down.

'The Mand'alore doesn't take debts lightly, and he never forgets them'

He signs the contract and slide it over.

"A pleasure doing business with you. May we have a profitable and everlasting partnership" I say as I turn around and start walking off.

It was time setup shop in the under belly of Coruscant.