Chapter 25


At the outer reaches of the system the Kyr'am drops out of hyperspace. She is in complete stealth mode; no CIS sensor will pick her up. Just behind her was a scout ship drops into real space and holds position.

On the bridge of the Kyr'am me, Subail and BO are supervising the droids slowly bring the ship deeper into the system.

"Take scans of every ship and emplacement, then send it to the scout. Let it relay it to the fleet. Bring us into the planet's atmosphere and scan for the Jedi's ship, as well as the Senators if they have arrived" I order the droids. There were very little space forces in orbit around the planet, if any at all. This is to be expected, all their ships are hiding on the planet.

As we make our way towards the planet, slowly scanning it and beaming data back to the scout ship through highly encrypted channels. A Nubian cruiser passes by our cloaked ship. Good thing we didn't collide, I would hate to make a mess of the Kyr'ams' paint job. A frown finds its place on my face. "Hail that ship on encrypted channels"

Soon a holo of Padme pop up on the projector.

"Padme Amidala. What in nine Corellian hells are you doing here?" I ask her. My irritation slowly seeping out.

"We are here to rescue master Obiwan and Qui-Gon. What are you doing here?" she asks.

"You are in an active military operation zone. We have a contract to save those two from the Jedi order. You being here impedes this operation and complicates things. I suggest you turn back now and contact the jedi order. They have plans in place." I say.

"I can't let this turn into a war. I will use my position on the senate to try and negotiate a peaceful resolution." She declares resolutely. Does she hear herself.

"You know how stupid that sounds right. You don't have any intel. You don't have any plan but to wing it. And you are planning to rescue the hostages on your own. There are things at play far beyond your understanding. So, I suggest turning back now. Your safety isn't a part of our contract and we can't have you jeopardizing this mission due to your egoistical juvenile tendencies." I rebuke her.

"We will do what we want Nomad. I will protect her" Declare Anakin.

"Kid, I know you want to stick up for your girl. But going with her on suicide runs isn't how you do it. Stop thinking with your dick and use your brain, which I am now seriously questioning the existence of. She is just a Senator. Not a Jedi. Not a Mandalorian. If you aren't careful, you will be her death" I said. The shock on their faces was palpable and entertaining. "I will pass the message on to Shmi that she has a thick-headed daughter-in-law" I say with a snicker.

"How?" they both ask at the same time in shock.

"I have my ways" I said teasingly. They just sigh.

"Please don't tell the order." Begs Anakin.

"I won't tell them. If you turn back now. Go back to Naboo." I said.

The sigh again "Very well". And their ship turns around and starts leaving. Or atleast I hope they are. From what I know of them they won't listen.

"Oh, and I suggest telling Qui-Gon. If anyone understands, it will be him." I explained, before cutting the channel.

"Athena have they picked up on our transmissions?" I ask Athena

"No Thrunn" came her reply.

Good. Now we can proceed without distraction. I call for the team to gather.

"Here is the game plan. We have a rough floor plan of the facilities thanks to our spy droids. Me and Bo will infiltrate the control tower near all gathered trade federation core ships. Subail you will take the rest of the team and a 100 19STs, your mission is to place beacons on all possible landing points and avenues of invasion for that the republic. Make sure they will have sufficient cover to use. So that the troops will use them, instead of rushing out in the open following the Jedi fools. That will limit causalities. After you are to sabotage and plant explosives on their defense emplacements, fuel and ammo storages and orbital defense canons. Once all that's done fall back to the Kyr'am. HK you will find the captured Jedi and hand them these lightsabers provided by the order. Then provide them with this holo communicator and a map of the facility for their escape, they can use that to get back to their ships. Just provide overwatch for them, from then on don't directly get involved. ZEM, I want you to take 100 19STs and plant explosives all over the droid foundries, resource depots and key tunnels, if possible, extract all the droid design from the foundry control rooms. If possible, all units are to plant charges throughout the nearby hangers before falling back. The remaining troops will protect the ship, while operations are going on. Once all of the operations are done, we will gather at the ship. We will wait in orbit. When the republic arrives, we will detonate the charges. Then we will return to our fleet, it will be on its way to the AO from the edge of the system. And be aware there might be a suicidal couple running around our AO. That's all, any questions?" I say as we prepare to launch our missions. The republic shall arrive tomorrow.

"I thought you blackmailed those little fools to go back." Asked Bo.

"From what I know of their character, they won't go back. They are too thickheaded for that. Plus, their presence provides an additional ship for the Jedi to escape in" I say.

"What is the protocol on dealing with them?" asked Vanzii.

"If they didn't listen and still went on their little suicide mission, let them handle their own mess. They will have to live with the fruits of their own decisions. Plus protecting two teenage hormone imbued idiots isn't in our contract. Just do what we are being paid to do" I say.

The entire team prepares. We launch the mission in half an hour.

As the Kyr'am passes over the long control spiral me and Bo air drop on top of it. We will slice into their systems and monitor everything from here.

(Time Skip)

It's been a few hours, there has been nothing on the separatist coms about infiltrators or fights breaking out. That is a good sign, it means my teams haven't been found out yet. I switch to a security feed from the control room a few floors below. I could see a few Geonosians walking around.

As the number of people in the room decreased, I slowly repel down to the building's exterior. Bo-remain up top scanning the security channels. I then cut through a vent and slowly make my way into the room through a duct, it led to a remote corner of the room that was hidden from view. This feels awfully a lot like mission impossible.

After I make sure the immediate area was clear, I slowly decent into the room.

The first target is to get a copy of the Death Star plans. Which I was able to easily access. It was on a computer in the far corner of the room. I have my own plans for these blueprints. I also install a virus, which will give me access to any server that the blueprint is uploaded to. The reason why the empire failed is because they used the Tarkin doctrine the wrong way, too literal in its usage and their addiction to weapons that can destroy planets in one hit.

The Geonosians don't see a cloaked figure moving through the shadows of the room.

The second target is the central control. I hide a slicing spike in such a way that, it is not immediately visible. You had to look for it to find it. Then I wait till everyone in the room shuffles around, so I could exfil the same way I came in.

This whole shenanigan took half an hour to do. When I finally reach Bo's side, I ungracefully plop down on my ass. She just looks at me and shows the security feed. The room I just left had more occupants now. Count Dooku, Arch Duke Poggle the lesser and Gunray accompanied by his cronies. Lucky for me I ex-filled at the right time. Not that I can't fight my way through, it would have exposed our presence.

Well I used the now attained access to their systems to data mine everything. But I wasn't an ungrateful guy. I left modified battle droid and starfighter schematics, not as modified as mine, but strong enough to cause the republic some serious harm. The cherry on top was that these modifications were extremely cheap, it was mostly better software upgrades and very minor mechanical and electronic ones, this will persuade the cheapskates to build better droids. The trade federation droids were more than adequate as they were, only minor changes here and there and completely new codes were all that's needed. These replacements meant that when these schematics reached other droid and ship foundries, they will produce the modified variants instead of the crappy ones. Another bonus was that it provided me a backdoor into the droid network. The droids won't report it, if it was originally a part of the schematics and coding.


Why did master have to send me to save the Jedi meatbags. ZEM could have done it. Atleast I will get to kill a few while I provide overwatch.

I am currently crawling through the ducts. There was no way I will reach the captives without being spotted even with my advanced stealth upgrades.

As I approach my destination, I could hear meatbags talking.

(POV Qui-Gon)

Me and my former Padawan are being held captive by the separatists. We are currently being imprisoned in a forcefield prison. We have been here for a while now. Then my old friend and master, now an infamous traitor comes in.

"It's good to see you well my former apprentice" says Dooku.

"I am as well as I can be Dooku. Taking into consideration my present accommodation". I say.

"Good to see you still haven't lost your spark my Qui-Gon. I truly wish we could have met under better circumstances." Says Dooku in a remorseful tone. I don't know if it's genuine or not.

"Me too. But the moment you betrayed the republic and sent assassins after Senator Amidala; such circumstances were very unlikely to happen" I said in reproachful tone.

"I had nothing to do with it, I assure you. It was the trade federation who had a grudge to resolve" said Dooku. Too bad for him we over heard his little meeting earlier.

"Sorry Dooku, but I find it hard to believe you. You have gone down the wrong and a very dark path" I countered.

"Oh, you would reconsider if you knew the truth I discovered" said Dooku.

"Oh, and what's that?" asks Obiwan.

"That the republic is being controlled by a lord of the Sith, Known as Darth Sidious. He was the one who forced the trade federation to invade Naboo. It's also why they came to me seeking help." Explained Dooku. Both Obiwan and I share a glance.

"But the Jedi would have sensed it if that was true." Defended Obiwan. Trying to get him to unknowingly spill any information.

"Oh, they would have. But the dark side of the force had clouded their vision my friend" He explained "Hundreds of Senators are now under the influence of the Sith lord Sidious"

Both me and Obiwan again share a look. It wasn't the first time we heard something similar to this. A sneer crawls onto my face.

"Why the smile Qui-Gon?" asks Dooku.

"Let's just say it's not the first time I heard something along that line" I told him snickering.

"Oh, and where else have you heard about it?" enquired Dooku. I could see the slight shock in Dooku's eyes.

"I seem to forget" I refused to answer. I could see the slight panic in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter. All that matters is you join me my friend. You know how corrupt and rotting the republic is. Together we can make a change" said Dooku.

"Sorry Dooku, but I will not be joining you. You have chosen to head down the wrong path." I refuse his invitation.

He looks a bit frustrated and disappointed at my refusal. He then turns around and leaves, only to turn around and say one last time "It may be difficult to secure your release".

"You think there is truth to his claims Master?" asks Obiwan "We heard something very similar before"

"Maybe, but only time will tell" is all I could say.

After a few minutes one of the vents get cut through. Both of us share a look. Soon a droid jump down and walks towards us. He releases us from our restraints and throws us a duffle bag.

"My master sends his regards, Jedi meatbags." The droid tells us.

"Aren't you one of Nomads droid soldiers" Asks Obiwan.

"How dare you compare me with any other droid meatbag scum. I am the one and only HK-55. If my master hadn't ordered me to make sure you survive, I would have skinned you for that insult." Said the droid indignantly.

"You will find Jedi 'glowsticks' and explosives in that bag. There is also a holo communicator and map of a safe route to your ships. I suggest using the vents. Also be informed of the possibility of an arrogant, foolish and highly suicidal jedi youngling and a similarly wired senator meatbag presence on this planet. According to master they are on a self-indulging ego trip." HK says with a bit of annoyance "Have a safe escape." With that said the droid leaves the same way he came.

"By some force-forsaken chance, could the jedi youngling and senator the droid described be Anakin and Padme?" asks Obiwan.

"There is a high chance it's them. It seems my lessons haven't been getting through to young Anakin. I might have been too lenient." I said in frustration. Are those two so foolish and arrogant that, they could possibly think they could rescue us alone from here.

"Let's escape first. We can solve one problem at a time. We must warn the republic first." Says Obiwan. Atleast one of my students turned out somewhat ok.

We make our way to the vent and force jump our way in. I will just let the force guide me, one problem at a time. Plus, now we have a map.


I freed the Jedi meatbags. I am now heading along the route that was marked for them, the datapad with the map also acts as a tracker. I will guide them and inform them of any possible patrols, and help them reach their ship.

I watch as they make slow progress. "Jedi take a right at the next intersection and loop left. Geonosian patrol on the route" I com them.

"Roger that" came Obiwan meatbags response.

As I make it to a large clearing, I see something that will most definitely complicate things. Two mentally inhibited meatbags attempting to save the Jedi meatbags have been spotted and are facing heavy resistance.

"Jedi, there are two retarded meatbags under heavy fire in the clearing ahead. Your ships are two intersection away. Proceed with caution." I warn them.

"Thanks for the heads-up. We will make it to our ships from here." Came the reply

"Affirmative" is all I said. I still had to make sure these fools don't kill themselves.

I bypass all the fighting and head outside. Saving these meatbags wasn't in my mission profile.

There was a squad of battle droids covering the exit, and waiting to ambush them. The jedi will be trapped. I grapple my way up a ledge and take up snipper position.

Soon the jedi came running, with the retarded meatbags in tow. I discretely picked of droids waiting in ambush as they were too focused on the Jedi, as the Jedi ran towards the landed chrome abomination of a ship in which the retards arrived. The jedi fighters were damaged. I could possibly extract data from the system of those fighters.

The Jedi managed to escape just in time as more droids arrive on the scene.

Now all I have to do is extract any available data from the fighter and RTB.

(POV Qui-Gon)

"We made it" said Obiwan as the Nubian ship takes off.

I too let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding "I must convey my thanks to Nomad. If it wasn't for his droid. We wouldn't have made it" I said.

"No need to thank them master. They are getting paid. They are just mercenaries anyway." Says Anakin hastily, possibly still high from the escape.

"Watch your tone young one. Even if paid, they didn't have to save us. You must always show gratitude where it's due" scolds Obiwan. I couldn't agree more.

"Obiwan is right, you have much to learn. Your ego will be your downfall." I too scold.

"Master Qui-Gon, Nomad had given us these coordinates before and told us to go there. He said the order is gathering there." Intervenes Padme changing the topic.

"Hmm… very well, set course for those coordinates. This isn't over yet." I say, while at the same time warning my padawan of the lessons that lie ahead.

Wonder why the order is gathering there. Sending in a Jedi strike force will be suicide. I have a feeling times of turmoil are ahead of us.

(POV Thrunn)

We were picking up chatter about the captured jedi escaping, with the help of another Jedi and a Senator. Good. HK destroying any holo recorders he came across along the way payed off. They haven't suspected sabotage yet.

We wait a few more hours, till we get the signal that all the troops have made it back to the ship. Then me and Bo jet pack our way towards the ship.

Once I made sure everyone was in and accounted for, the Kyr'am lifts off and takes position in orbit of the planet.

As time passes the trade federation fleet in orbit grows to of 12 Lucrehulks, 15 Munificents, 30 commerce guild star ships (Diamond Class Cruisers) and 10 Lupus class missile frigates. This is in addition to the thousands of Nantex territorial defense starfighters. Me helping the Jedi escape apparently got some of the separatist leaders on edge. They were already transporting legions of deactivated B2 and B1 droids to the waiting Lucrehulks in orbit. Good, more ships and droids for my collection.

(Time skip)

It was time for the republic's preemptive strike to start.

Eventually a fleet of 20 Acclamator cruisers make their way toward the planet. It was time. I signal my fleet to start moving under cloak as well.

As the ships approach the range of the orbital defense canons, we activated all the explosives that had been planted by us the previous day. You could see multiple large explosions from orbit, as power generators, fuel tanks and ammo stores explode.

Soon after the sabotages take their effect. The trade federation's systems start glitching out and their communication are jammed. No more reinforcements.

Once I made sure everything was in order, I called the Jedi in command. Soon five Jedi pop on the holo communicators projector.

"The first part of this operation is complete. We have marked all possible landing sights. Sending you the all the gathered data now, as well as suggested battle tactics. We are now falling back to our fleet" I said, sending them all relevant data which I deemed necessary and additional scans we took of the planet and the landing sights "Happy hunting".

"Beyond exemplary, your mission has been. Prevent unnecessary casualties it will" said master Yoda, quite pleased with our handiwork.

"We will take it from here. We have spread word to the GAR command, that your fleets will also be operating in the same area." Said Windu. I nod and cut the call.

"Athena take us to Big Bertha" I said. You might be wondering, why call her Big bertha. Because she is larger than other Lucrehulks. Even slightly larger than my other Lucrehulk-Bs. And it felt right.

We didn't have to travel too far, the fleet met us halfway. They were already moving into the AO, under the shroud of the cloak field generators and ECM packages running at maximum output.

Now let's hunt.