Chapter 27

(POV Thrunn)

He was out of his armor and in an Mandalorian style suit. He was accompanied by Bo-Katan who was also in a dress, she seemed a little uncomfortable. His uncle and Satine were also present.

They were in his office, in the Mandalorian Federations Congressional Building.

If you thought I would just conquer and subjugate like the empire, you are wrong. It's a recipe for disaster. I conquer and integrate them into the Mandalorian federation, into our way of life. They are quite literally converted into Mandalorians.

The federation has an iron clad Constitution made by integrating some of the old republic, the future imperial and Mandalorian laws. The government is sub divided into the Federal and Planetary. The head of the Federal government is chosen by the Federal Congress which consists of mainly the original Mandalorian clans and house heads. The populations of the new planets are subdivided formed into subsidiary clans of the Mandalorian Houses. Each house had been tasked to train the people in our customs and language. Only a planetary clan heads are present in the Congress. The planetary government consists of trained administrators from their respective planets. They must be highly competent in their allotted tasks.

The Federal Government has control of Postal services, Trade regulation, External Relations, Military and defense, Citizenship, Indigenous affairs, Criminal Law, Police and overall transportation. The Federal Chancellor had a term of 6 years and could only hold office for three terms continuously (*Cough Putin Style Cough*). A Mand'alore was the martial leader and had control over the military and external affairs (Chancellor also had to agree on external affairs, like declaring war. But most houses will rally to the call of the Mand'alore anyway).

The Planetary Government comprised of natives who hold sufficient educational qualification and merit. The planetary governor will be chosen from a pool of talented people by a voting system. The planetary government was responsible for maintaining property and civil rights, administration of justice on a local level, education (They had to follow a central standard), health and welfare (central benchmarks have to be followed), natural resources, local laws ( but can't over ride central criminal laws), local transportation and infrastructure, small local police force.

Then comes the Judiciary. It was made independent of the government. It was supposed to make sure that the constitution and laws were being upheld. It was also divided into Federal and Planetary. The judges are selected from competent applicants by a council. This council will be manned by learned elders, who by then will be independent of any clan or house affiliation. Their only allegiance lies to the constitution and the people. The Judiciary will also have forces under it, just like the republic. They will solve disputes and arrest criminals. If needed they can call upon the central and local police. If further aide is required, they can also request help from the military.

A major point in the constitution is that we as a civilization won't take part in any galactic civil wars or strife's. But Mandalorian mercenaries authorized by the council can take up contracts. The Mand'alore can use military assets to engage outside factions, with the approval of the Chancellor.

This is a basic outline of the Government and constitution, I had setup.

"I hate this dress" complained Bo.

"What, you look beautiful in it" I complimented here to alleviate her unease, plus she really did look beautiful.

"Get used to it sister. You are to be the wife of the Mand'alore. You will have to attend many official functions in the future." Teased Satine.

Now I am worried. I hate politically fueled parties or such posh parties in general. Both me and Bo share a glance, and came to a mutual agreement. Seeing this both Satine and uncle shake their heads in exasperation.

Just then Dr. gale and his wife were brought to us by an intelligence officer, who salutes us.

"Mr. and Mrs. Erso, I present to you The Mand'alore Thrunn Straxon, his wife Bo-Katan Straxon, Chancellor of the Federation Satine Kryze and Head of House Eldar Thrull Stal" he introduces us to the couple.

"A pleasure to meet you both" I said stepping up shaking their hands "please have a seat" I point to the seats in front of my desk. Bo, Satine and uncle take seats nearby. I go and sit in my chair while the Intelligence officer stands behind me.

Speaking of the officer, his name is Mathew Collins. Officer in the Office of Naval Intelligence and married to Captain Anna Collins of the Keldabe battleship 'Ardent'.

"It's a pleasure Mand'alor. But why save us?" he asked cautiously.

"I have great interest in your research doctor. The prospect of possibly unlimited clean energy is quite captivating" I said.

"I won't allow my research to be turns to a weapon." He says stubbornly.

"I give your promise that I won't make you create weapons for conquest. What I want is an energy source for my people. At most what your creation will power is shields and act as a power source. Plus, you are not the only 'genius' here. Most of the new tech you see around you, from guns and armor to ships and fighters, was either designed by me from scratch or modified. I even modified your research a little bit for my naval forces. But I won't make you create weapons. What I want to use your research for, is it's intended purpose. Your main focus will be the creation of an unlimited and clean energy supply. I could do it, with the help of my researchers. They are no slouches either. But it will take too much time, something we lack" I explain it to him. I could have used his research I already attained to make my own death star laser. But I didn't mainly because it was unnecessary.

"Why would I do research for you and not the republic?" he asked. I could only smirk.

"I will let officer Mathew explain." I said signaling for Mathew to take over. He nods and moves over to the holo projector on the side, while I seal of the room and start EMC measures.

"I will categorically break down what we know so far. The galaxy has entered a state of full-scale war. The Confederacy of Independent States on one side and the Republic on the other. Here is what sparked this civil war. The core worlds have been exploiting the outer rim and to an extend the mid rim. Corruption had become institutionalized and more rampant. This suppression had caused the rift to be created. Even slavery is still rampant."

The hologram changes to Dooku and his acolytes. "The main problem with the CIS is it's being controlled by the Sith. Nothing good ever comes from associating with them, well neither does associating with Jedi. You might be wondering then, why not join the republic" the hologram changes to the image of the senate "We have strong evidence pointing to the fact that the senate has been compromised by the Sith as well, that includes the Jedi order to some extend as well."

"So, you are telling me this whole war is a huge scheme?" questions Galen.

"Yes, that's what all the intelligence gathered so far points to. You will end up the looser by joining either side. Especially for you doctor when both sides are trying to manipulate you to create super weapons for them" then the hologram changes to a holovid of Orson Krenic. It shows him advising to delay Galen's rescue. It went on to show him planning and discussing on how to manipulate him into making weapons with his research.

"It can't be…" Galen is depressed at the revelation, Mathew hammers it in by handing him a datapad with intelligence incriminating Krenic, and especially what everyone else wants him to do. He sits there for a few minutes skimming through the data.

It was then I spoke "What I can guarantee you is honesty. We honor our promises. I don't need you to make weapons. I already had your research before and already used it as reference to design some of my own versions. What I want you to do is continue the research into renewable energy. What I want is a clean and possibly unlimited energy source for my cities and space stations. I didn't do it, out of respect to your efforts and I don't have time to spend on it. I need this so that my people can flourish as a civilization and not be forgotten in the sands of time."

"I would like some time to decide" he asked.

"It would be weird if you didn't" I smile "Accommodation has been arranged; Mathew please show them to their new apartment".

"It will be done Mand'alor" he salutes "Please follow me Mr. and Mrs. Erso" he then leads them away.

After they are gone, "You think he will join us?" asked uncle.

"There is a high probability he will. We are the only ones that allow him to continue his research without going against his moral compass. We just have to feed him intelligence showing him that we are the only ones he can trust" I explain.

"Good, it would be a sin to waste his talents" stated my Uncle.

"Can I get in my armor now?" asked Bo.

"Let's. I am not a fan of such fancy clothing myself" I say leading Bo to our accommodations for some 'training' and also to get our Armor.

(Time skip)

I am in a meeting with my Admirals and Generals.

"How goes the expansion?" I enquire.

"As fast as possible. We will have borders created with the known space and the Chiss Ascendancy within a year, maybe another six months. Colonization of garden worlds and other highly habitable planets, are also proceeding at a satisfactory level." Explained Admiral Iorto Kyc. He was in overall command of the expansion, which translates to conquest and integration. Our strategy is quite simple. Expansion fleets move into a system. If it's unpopulated, they do a quick survey and clean out any hostiles. If the system is of any use, then a large battle station hyperspace in and protects the system, they are highly automated to reduce the number of crew required. Afterwards ships move in to either start up mining complexes or initiate colonization projects. If the system is populated, then a subjugation fleet moves in. They are subjugated and integrated. If that proves impossible, they are exterminated with extreme prejudice. I don't like leaving possible future trouble within my own territory. This method helps hasten the expansion process and thorough integration and survey of systems.

"Good when we reach the borders of known space, have the border defense fleets be composed of the modified federation ship designs I gave you. Also set up large gravity well projectors, so that every ship trying to get into our territory or leave will have to undergo inspection. Also set up battle stations for defense and a large space station to facilitate the inspection of ships and act as trade hub. I don't want us to tip our hand and expose our true naval capabilities too early and I don't want people trying to snoop on us" I say looking at Admiral Cal Styg, he is in overall in charge of Logistics. Admiral Jae Krobyrn, she has overall naval command, Grand Admiral if you will. And General Nulu Zud head of ONI.

"It will be done Mand'alore" the three state.

"Good, we must make sure to have all our bases covered." I said.

Then the meeting carried on for hours. Discussing over every detail and making plans.

(Two weeks later)


(POV Padme)

Me and Anakin are about to get married. We can't make it public, and Anakin can't reach his mother or find Nomad to ask about her. He is a little sad about it.

We stand on the banks of the Varykino, about to exchange our vows in the presence of only the priest, R2-D2 and C3PO. Then the quiet of the island was disturbed by the sudden arrival of a modified courier ship.

It landed nearby. And once the ramp lowered out came Shmi Skywalker, followed by Nomad, who had a small droid hovering around him and an unknown man.

"See Shmi, I told you we would make it in time." Said Nomad.

"I never doubted you" said Shmi with a smile on her face.

"Well let's get introduction out of the way shall we. Mr. and Mrs. Thickhead Skywalker, I present Mr. Cliegg Lars and Mrs. Shmi skywalker Lars." Nomad says in a cheeky tone.

Both Me and Anakin were surprised by the turn of events. "Now why did you have to say that, especially now?" asks Shmi accusingly to Nomad.

"You have to admit, their reaction was funny" says Nomad.

Sometimes Nomad's eccentricities make me forget how dangerous he really is. "Well then don't let us stop you, we came to see a wedding. Chop-Chop time and tide wait for no one" said Nomad beckoning us to continue with the wedding.

The priest carries on with the wedding. It's quite short.

As soon as it's over we approach our spectators. We are happy Shmi could actually participate, especially Anakin with how he is grinning like a fool.

"Well congratulations." Said Nomad. Throwing at Anakin as small data card "It's the wedding holovid and pictures". He then turns to Shmi and says "If you want to return just send a message. Well then off I go. I have Mandalorian stuff to do". He then walks off without even letting us get a word in.

As soon as he enters the ship, it lifts off and speeds off into the horizon.

We stand there for a few minutes, digesting everything that happened. Then Anakin shouts "Kriff, now he has evidence of us being in a relationship". Then it dawns on me that we had just been hoodwinked.

Anakin quickly inserts the data card into R2, a holo of Nomad pops up "Happy married life thickheads" then he starts laughing evilly before the holo cuts to our wedding.

Shmi laughs and reassures us "I am sure he won't rat you out. He might be ruthless, but he is not heartless".

I could only sigh looking at Anakin's frowning face.

(One months Later)

(Bridge of Big Bertha, Expeditionary Fleet 1)

(POV Thrunn)

We had just completed a contract from Count Dooku a few weeks ago. We had to destroy an invasion force heading to Aargonar. It was an easy mission. We brought 30 Lucrehulks, 40 Munificents, 20 lancer frigates and 15 DH-Omnis. The increase in number was to represent the captured ships from Geonosis. I was trying to give the others, the migrant fleet vibes.

We were against 4 Acclimators, 2 Venators and four C70 chargers. It was a slaughter. Our concentrated firepower was too much for them.

This had led to Obiwan contacting me, Qui-Gon was apparently still recovering while teaching his padawan Anakin. He is to soon take his trials. I am certain I wasn't able to delay his knighting by much, the amount of dead Jedi will pile up soon. I assured him that I won't be taking sides in this senseless conflict. But I also informed him that, I will take individual mission contracts from both sides. Which, he had no other choice but to accept and inform their chain of command.

As the fleet sits in the orbit of Aargonar we pick up a Sheathipede approaching. It was the payment coming in from Count Dooku. Now you know why we didn't leave the planet. If Dooku didn't pay, it was goodbye CIS base, exterminates style.

I head down to the hangar to greet the emissary. It was a droid this time as well. As soon as the payment was checked and confirmed, we concluded the contract. I started ordering the entire fleet to prep for departure. Just then the droid said it has a message from Dooku.

The hologram of Dooku popped up. "Nomad, the work you did on the previous contract was exemplary. I would like to extend another contract. It is also to prevent the invasion of a planet; the contract and information has been given to the droid. Read through and accept if you find it satisfactory." Then the message ends.

"Here are the documents" said the protocol droid handing me a datapad. I quickly read through the information and contract details. The credits were good, but as always, I get to strip any and all wreckages clean.

The contract was to defend Murkhana from a republic invasion force. What really got my attention was that, this attack was led by Captain Wilhuff Tarkin. But what bugs me is that this operation was being carried out as a covert operation under the authorization of Palpatine. Is Dooku trying to hinder his plans subtly? I don't care as long as the credits and loot are good enough.

After double checking all the clauses and sub-clauses in the contract, I sign it. "Tell Dooku, I have accepted this contract. That republic fleet is as good as dead."

Three days later we were in the outer reaches of Murkhana. We had cloaking fields and ECMs running full throttle. We waited for some time, but eventually the republic fleet dropped out of hyperspace. They were holding position out if firing range of the small CIS fleet in the planet orbit. The CIS fleet consisted of three Munificents and 4 diamond class ships. While the republic brought 3 Venators and 2 Acclimators.

"Admiral, move in to engage" I gave the go ahead to Krald. He arranged the fleet into a tapering crescent formation. Five ships high at the highest point. This will help converge fire on the enemy ships.

Soon as we approach them, we drop the cloaking. They didn't have visuals as we were approaching from the flank, with cloaking fields active. But when we dropped the field, I am sure they were scared shitless. The ships tried escaping, but we targeted their engines first. Well except for Tarkin's vessels. We just shot it up, leaving it structurally sound enough to make the hyperspace jump back.

I suddenly received an incoming call. I nodded at the coms officer to accept it. The hologram of an angry Tarkin pops up. "Ghost fleet you are attacking a Republic fleet. Cease your attacks right now" He demands.

"Do I look like a give a Kriff. I was given a contract to stop your invasion. It was very lucrative. You can retreat now or die an honorable death. Your choice" I said. If he thinks I will give him any quarter he is sorely mistaken. I cut the line.

Two Venators and an acclimator were dead in space. After a few minutes the remaining republic fleet retreated.

I watched as the remaining ships are shredded apart. Then my Servitors move in to strip salvage the wrecks and to capture any survivors. We will also use this opportunity to data mine any surviving hard drives. The survivors will be stripped of all equipment, except their armor and released on some republic held planet.

(POV Tarkin)

My operation just got kriffed by the Ghosts. Now I am calling the Chancellor to convey the failure if the mission.

"Tarkin, I hope you are calling me after ceasing the planet" asked Palpatine.

"No Chancellor, my fleet was decimated by the Ghosts. Apparently, someone high up from the Separatists side gave him a contract to stop the invasion. I was barely able to escape." I explained.

"You disappoint me Tarkin. And you are mistaken" stated Palpatine.

"What do you mean Chancellor?" I asked.

"You didn't escape. He let you escape. From what I have seen, he seldom lets his prey escape" said Palpatine "Return for now." With that Palpatine cut the call.

The Ghosts shall pay for this the next time they cross me.