Chapter 31

(22 BBY)

The stay on Ryloth was quite uneventful. There were a few probing attacks by a few pirates and slavers under someone's payroll, but all of them where wiped of the face of the galaxy.

After the deals had been signed, I forwarded them to Straxon Corporation. Soon huge cargo shipments arrived along with construction and mining crews. Having free access to Hutt space payed off.

Infrastructure construction had started on the Moon. It will be turned into the corporation's secondary HQ and a factory and export hub, outside of Corellia. Hence, it will be heavily protected as well.

I was also able to get different other major players from Corellia and some from Fondor to invest in the planet. I even got some Hutt investments as well, perks of having good relationships. If they can make profit without enslaving these Twi'leks, the slavers will not target this planet for the foreseeable future. On the note of mining, we were able to setup a subsidiary mining company, although we held the major shares 40% were sold to other market players as well. Some of this spice will eventually end up in the hands off my associates like the Hutts and the Pykes.

The company had also deployed terraforming machines to change the planets climate and ecosystem, it will take atleast a year or more. As there were resorts being built in many locations. They were at present protected by environmental shields. These resorts, casinos and other entertainment establishments will employ twi'leks as their natural psyche compliments the industry. The idea was to turn it into a resort planet, where the rich come to party and get high. This will bring Job opportunities to the locals and change it from just being a prime slave harvesting location and a spice smuggler haven. Now it will be and entertainment center with more 'unique' establishments.

In terms of defenses the moon and the planet will have heavy energy shielding, they are only accessible via shield gates. They will also have planetary based orbital guns and other such defenses. We turned the moon into a fortress. Exclusive economic zone under the administration of Straxon Corporation and its subsidiaries. The right bribes made sure that the paperwork went through discretely, the cherry on top was that it was irrevocable for the next century.

We retrofitted the Captured blockade fleet into a heavy defense fleet. We recoded and modified the captured droid armies to protect the planet and moon base. The kicker was the twi'lek bought two Lucrehulks from me on loan to act as heavily beefed up mobile defense stations, with its own fighter wings. They also contracted the company to build a medium sized shipyard. They also hired us to teach their people how to operate these things as well. I handed Ryloth defenses over to Cham Syndulla, who will operate under the planetary government. In short Ryloth has a very heavy debt to pay off.

The regions were construction of factories and mining were happening was classified as special economic zones, they weren't under the planetary governments but had to follow certain rules, and the companies had their own defense forces to protect their assets. But the strength of those forces can't exceed a certain limit.

All these investments have been made safe by having the republic senate ratify it. How did we manage that you ask. Bribes and blackmail ofcourse, plus playing it of as, trying to uplift a backward world goes a long way. Especially when the republic needs all the positive publicity it can get. And since the projects were under corporations who have declared neutrality, no one can make any overt moves.

We had two more weeks till the contract was over. And by that time the twi'lek can take care of themselves. And no major attack will take place, or a major economic shitstorm will hit the attacker face first. Benefits of involving many heavy weight investors.

For now, we just loiter in system. Monitoring intelligence reports, the news and making sure everything works smoothly. It was then a report caught my eyes. The battle of quell was happening. That means that the experimental Separatist anti-organic weapon, the defoliator, will be tested on Maridun. It will help in the future.

I just took strike group 1 with me towards Maridun. The other two will be more than enough to defend Ryloth. And strike group one will be overkill for this mission. Which is what I want. A big flashy distraction.

It takes atleast a week to get there. But It will take some time for shit to kick off.

(Time skip)

When we dropped out of hyperspace close to the planet, we immediately engaged jammers. There were two Munificent frigates in orbit, but under very heavy ion canon barrage they were soon just limply floating about. More ships for the Ryloth Corporate fleet.

"Scan the surface, find the Separatist base, as well as the Lurmen village" I ordered.

After a few minutes, I got a detailed map on the holoprojector. We could see a battalion of B1s and another of B2s moving towards the Lurmen village. They were accompanied by assault tanks and the modified defoliator launcher.

"Launch an all-out assault on the separatist base, hold nothing back. Capture everything of value from the base, everything from weapons to data. Prepare to launch a battalion of soldiers and dropships, along with a squadron of fighters as CAS towards the Lurmen village. Me and my squad will go with them. Also be ready to quickly scavenge everything from the battlefield including their prototype weapons. I will repeat, our mission is to grab everything especially their weapon prototype, leave nothing behind" I give a quick order. The officers soon passing it down the command chain.

I head towards the hangar. There were dropships being prepared. Soon I am joined by my squad, all six of them.

"So, what are we doing here again?" asked Arla. She had been assigned to train a new batch of Nite owl cadets for the past few months. Mainly till she cleared her Psyche evaluation. Being tortured and brainwashed from childhood would do a number on anyone. She is here because, she got a green chit from the shrinks.

"Well there is a possible super weapon prototype undergoing a test run down there. And we are going to try and nab it. Saving the Jedi and the Lurmen is just a cover" I explained to our newly joined member.

"Why bother? Why not just take down the base and take a prototype?" she asked.

"Ah my young 'disciple'. You have much to learn. Our 'great' Mand'alor here has schemes upon schemes running for some years now. You will get used to it" said Subail in a sagely manor, only to get smacked topside by Arla. It seems me assigning him to teach her the ropes, might have led to something developing between the two. Well, all the power to them. It will further tie house Fett to house Eldar.

As I was checking my gear, Bo sensually rubs her armored back against me. And walks towards the dropship like nothing happened. Looks like I will have to do a private 'snatch and grab' operation later. I too make my way towards the dropship, no point in delaying.

(POV Ahsoka)

I can understand sticking to your principles, but if you don't even defend yourselves then what is the use of said principles. Lucky for us we had stolen shield generators, otherwise we would be vaporized by now.

"That's a lot of clankers" is all I could say as a few battalions of droids start matching towards us.

"We Hold the line" shouted Skyguy.

"Sir incoming fliers" shouted Rex. No! We can't handle more droids, especially fighters. We will be slaughtered.

"Are they separatist Rex?" asked Anakin. Visibly worried. Even master Aayla is worried.

"More fliers just breached the clouds, looks like dropships. Definitely not Separatist design" said Bly.

"Let me see" says Aayla taking the binoculars. She stiffens for a brief second and then sighs.

Just as we were going to ask, the lead Fighters opened up on the droid battalions. Instantly dismantling large swathes of them. Following them gunships make gun runs as well. But unlike the fighters they quickly turn around and start unloading into the tanks and droids at the rear of the formation.

Under the cover fire from the gunships and fighters, troops start jumping out. They soon overrun the rear of the Separatist column.

"What are you waiting for, charge!" Anakin leads the charge. We cut right through what's left.

Just as we are proceeding, we see an all too familiar figure jetpack onto the tank in which Lok Durd is riding. And before anyone can do anything, he executes him point blank. I can hear both Skyguy and master Ayala sighing in the background.

As soon as the fighting is over, modified transports land and start picking up destroyed droids, dismantling tanks and generally cleaning up the battlefield.

As we are watching this he walks over "What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be in Ryloth system" said Anakin

"Well I heard there were some damsels in distress, as a gentleman I couldn't help but come to their rescue" he said in a matter of fact tone. Both me and mater Aayla scoff at the same time. He continues "Plus Ryloth is more than secure, three fourths of my fleet is still there".

"Well the help is very much appreciated" said master Aayla.

"Well look who we have here, if it isn't the blue bird we rescued from the slavers" said another Mandalorian "Hey Doc the blue chick you couldn't stop talking about is here" now pulling a another one.

"Kriff off shredder" he punches the bigger one on the shoulder, he then turns to master Ayala "How are you doing Aayla?" asked the one they called Doc.

"Can't complain, especially now that you are here" says master Ayala with a wink. By the force, what is wrong with these people.

"Get a room you two" says Nomad, shaking his head.

"We will, when he reveals his secret identity" said Master Aayla playfully. She isn't serious, is she?

"Lucky Dog" slapped the big one on Docs shoulder "Now all we have to do is wait for Nomad to give the all clear to reveal our identities"

"Wait for what?" asked master Aayla.

Before the big one could answer, Nomad stepped in "Wait for them to get back to their tasks" saying in deadpan tone. Oh, I see now. Master Aayla was trying to dig up information on our acquaintances.

"Let's go check on the village" said Anakin changing the topic.

We walk in to see happy villagers. "Thank you for helping us" said Wag Too.

"Help us? Pray that the separatists don't come back to take revenge" said a disgruntled Tee Watt Kaa.

"Oh, piss off will you. If these muppets hadn't stepped in at the right time, there wouldn't be much left of your people to sweep up" said Nomad.

The elder was about to reply, but Master Aayla stepped in "What my friend tried to say was, we are glad you are alright".

The elder and Nomad looked at Ayala weirdly. "He believer of the philosophy 'that peace without the means to protect it, is but a glass house waiting to be shattered'" added Anakin. You could see Nomad nodding his head in agreement.

"Has anyone seen you without your helmet" I had to ask.

"Well, many have" replied Nomad.

"Now that you mention it, I did catch him with his helmet off once when I was a kid. But we never got to see his face properly only the back of his head, he put his helmet on too quickly" said Anakin in a contemplating posture.

At that moment there was a feminine but strong voice from the side, "I have seen him without more than a helmet" said a Mandalorian woman, chuckling.

"No way, you got a girl? And you didn't tell me" asked Anakin in surprise. Nomad just tilts his head which I could only understand as 'why the Kriff would I tell you'.

Then he goes on to say, "What's there to be surprised about. I am too handsome not to be in a relationship" replied Nomad.

"Hi, I am Aayla Secura. What's your name?" asked master Ayala.

"You may call me Psyren" said the woman. These guys and their code names.

*Tsk* "Glad to meet you as well" they shake hands. I could only shake my head at master Aayla's antics.

We spent almost half an hour bantering. Before Nomad got some sort of message through their coms.

"You guys need a ride? Or you got one coming?" asked Nomad. Just as he was asking three Venators arrived in low orbit of the planet "Well that answers that" said Nomad.

Soon a dropship lands near the village entrance. "Well now that you ladies are safe. We have other business to take care off" says Nomad. The dropship door closes and takes off as soon as they enter.

We too leave on the stollen separatist shuttle after a few minutes. As we are flying away, Master Aayla looks out the window and comments "Nomad and his people did a good job cleaning up the battlefield. Nothings left but a few craters here and there".

There was silence for a few minutes. Then we all turn to face each other. We simultaneously facepalm.

"I knew the bastard wouldn't come here without a purpose. He does nothing without profit in mind" said Anakin in an Exasperated tone.

We make our way to the bridge of the Resolute. "Admiral is The Ghost fleet still here?" asked Anakin.

"No. They left a few minutes ago" replied Admiral Yularen.

"Can we follow them?" asked Master Ayala.

"No. If our sensors are right, they are heading back to Ryloth. They have access to Hutt space, we don't. What happened?" asked the Admiral.

"We think Nomad just swiped a separatist weapon of mass destruction from right under our noses" I said.

"Well that's interesting. Should I call for a taskforce be sent to Ryloth to confiscate that weapon?" asked Admiral Yularen.

"There is no point now. It's probably long gone by now. Nomad isn't stupid to keep it on his vessels any longer than it's needed" said Anakin.

"What will he most likely do with it?" asked the admiral.

"Usually he will sell it or hide it. In this case he is most likely to hide it, to use as a deterrent. All we can do is wait for the weapon to surface again. Sigh" said Anakin sighing again.

Sigh what is this bastard up to.