Chapter 33

(21 BBY)

(Theed, Naboo)

(POV Qui-Gon)

I was sent here by the council to discuss the peace talks being pushed for Naboo and its peace faction. Since Mandalore disappeared many of the Neutral senators have started wavering and joining both sides.

Well atleast that's what I was doing for the past two days. Right now, I am accompanying Shmi and her husband through the markets of Theed, they had resettled here and started a small farm. She wanted to walk and talk about her son. Well we were not alone. We were accompanied by Nubian guards trained by Mandalorians. Somehow captain Panaka was able to form a contract with Nomad to hire Mandalorians as trainers for a few years after the failed blockade.

As evening approaches and we reach an intersection. But suddenly the forces starts blurting out warnings. We were in imminent danger.

As I start to look and feel around with the force the dozen guards around us start taking fire and dropping like flies. The three near us come running over while returning fire.

"Sir, you have to get the VIPs out of here. We will try and buy you as much time as possible" said the guard stoically. I nod and start guiding the couple back towards the palace through the alleyways and backstreets. Soon the intense firefight fades to silence some distance behind us. I am certain the guards fought till the last man.

The silence was only temporary. It was soon shattered by explosion at multiple location throughout Theed. This was most likely done to distract the guards being deployed and to spread confusion.

As we reach another empty intersection the force starts to blare out danger signals. I activate my light saber and get into guard position. What greets us is nearly two dozen mercs all around us. Most wearing armor similar to the Mandalorians. But I knew they were mostly fake. Spending a lot of time with their people has helped me pick out some details. Especially most of their body language was a far cry from that of the Mandalorians I have met. But that doesn't matter here. I am outgunned and surrounded. I am at a disadvantage with needing to protect Anakin's family as well.

"KRIFF" is all I could say. They start unloading into us from every direction. There were a few slug throwers being used as well. I block a few shots. But I knew this was a losing fight.

The couple go down riddle with blaster bolts and slugs. I look down at the sorrow filled eyes of Shmi. She was so happy to hear how well her son was doing a few hours ago. Joyfully living her life. Only to be snubbed out so indiscriminately.

But the firing suddenly stops. I look around to see a massive warrior stepping forward. He starts running at me with blades in both hands. He most definitely wants have the glory of singlehandedly defeating a jedi in combat. We start trading blows. His combat style is highly unrefined and barbaric. I parry his strikes quite easily, but he power behind the blows is quite strong and his speed is quite fast. As the duel goes on, I see an opening and go for it. I stab my light saber through his weakly armored neck. I let go of sigh. But suddenly feels sever pain from my chest. I look down to see two blades stabbed through my chest. HE then twists those blades and wrench them out. I scream and fall to my knees. He still stands. I could see the wound on his neck writhing and crawling back to place. Then it strikes me. My opponent was a Gen'Dai.

He brings the blades to my neck and says "Die Jedi. I will soon send the rest of your kind with you into oblivion"

I could only sigh. "There is no death. There is the Force"

I close my eyes for the last time.

(POV Thrunn)

It has been a month since the heist at the Jedi temple. We had a few more calls from both sides asking if we were involved. I categorically denied any and all accusations.

We just got back after a resupply run to Nar Shaadaa and are in Orbit of Tatooine.

You could see shuttles flying to and from Mos Espa. We had converted it into a highly fortified and militarized port city. I just have to give the Hutts a share of the profit and they are happy to let me do my thing.

I was sitting in my office at the city hall of Mos Espa. I had been reading through intelligence reports. I mainly focused on the analysis provided for a few especially troubling ones. Some of our freighters were targeted by pirates. We lost two small supply convoys, luckily all just carrying fuel and ammunition. I have Nite Owl and Ghost teams carrying out retribution strikes with extreme prejudice on these 'pirates. Intel so far points to the fact that these 'pirates' were instigated by certain outside forces. Another incident to arise was that a group of assassins had targeted both Shmi Skywalker Lars and Cliegg Lars, while they were out on the streets of Theed. They also killed a group of Mandalorian trained Nubian guards and some undercover agents I had embedded in the guard forces; they had the misfortune to be on the ill-fated security unit. The guards were mainly Nubians, but their backgrounds were vetted and Padme herself guaranteed their loyalties. To add a cherry on top of this clusterfuck, the attack lead to the death of Qui-Gon as well. He was there on behalf of the council to talk about the ongoing peace talks between the two warring sides. Troublesome indeed.

As I was reading through the reports, I was notified the arrival of two Jedi. I can guess who they were. Sigh. This is going to be troublesome.

Soon enough an Anakin in emotional turmoil and a clearly troubled Obiwan enter my office. "Did you do it Nomad?" shouted Anakin.

"Are you even listening to yourself. What do I gain from harming Shmi of all people. I know you are distraught and just came back from the funeral, but don't just go around throwing blame at people" I said "Now take a seat" pointing at the seats in front of me. Obiwan nods and sits down, followed by a reluctant Anakin.

"Do you know what happened Nomad?" asked Obiwan.

"I had no intel on any hits going out on Shmi. This was out of the blue. This didn't come from the guild either. Which only points to the fact that, this wasn't any ordinary assassination. Plus, they took down well equipped and trained guards like they were nothing" I explained. Anakin went from furious to angry and confused. Then I turned to Anakin "Now you see why I didn't want her moving to Naboo". She had moved there under Anakin's and Padme's insistence. They sold me their farm on New Keldabe and bought a new one on Naboo. Anakin's head droops down considerably.

"What was their purpose in attacking her, reports state the attackers were wearing Mandalorian armor" asked Obiwan.

I brought up a holo of all the image and video evidences we were able to gather. And pointed them out to the two Jedi "I had my people run thorough analysis on these images. They look Mandalorian, but they are not. Just cheap knockoffs. Their combat style is not Mandalorian either. Their body language is not that of a trained Mandalorian. But the key evidence is this" I shifted through the images and played a holo recording. It was from a droid stationed in one of the nearby shops. It showed a male assailant using force powers, like force speed and force telekinesis to break the neck of a guard. "I don't currently have any Mandalorian trained to use force powers among my units"

The two Jedi go wide eyed as realizations strike them. "But why my mother?" asked Anakin in a pained voice.

"I can think of two reasons. First, this is similar to the kidnapping of Jabba's son. The people behind it wants to pit us against each other. Take a wild guess who it might be. They knew my connection to Shmi and Anakin. And how Anakin would react to the death of his mother and former master" I said staring pointedly at Anakin, who shrinks a little after realizing his stupidity. I turn to Obiwan "And lastly, who is the person with the most force potential alive currently?" I ask, he turns to Anakin "And what happens when he falls to the dark side" I finished pointing out the obvious. From the looks of it Obiwan had his suspicions, but I clarified it for him.

"I was weak. Only if I was stronger" mumbled Anakin.

"It isn't about strength Anakin" I said, he looks at me "It's about being blind" his face scrunched up.

Just then and officer ran in "Sir the target has entered the system".

I nod at him and say "Commence operation Scourge", the officer nods and walks away.

"What's happening?" asked Anakin.

"Well after Shmi was assassinated, I had my agents go on overdrive. Thanks to that I was able to find a little clue on who their next target might be" I said, they looked at me with serious faces "Me". The surprise was palpable.

"But why target you?" asked Anakin.

"Think about it, Anakin. What will my forces do when their leader is assassinated by force users and Jedi just so happen to be on the scene" I said.

"They will turn against the Jedi and republic, joining forces with the Separatists" says Anakin coming to a sudden epiphany "We must intercept them" he declares, getting up to rush into battle.

"Why risk combat, when you don't have to?" I asked cryptically.

I switch on a large screen on the wall. It shows a lone Munificent in the system, it was a bit away from the rest of the fleet. "What have you planned?" asked Obiwan.

"Just watch" I said. Just then a small modified freight ship approaches one of my isolated Munificent frigates. The camera view changes to cameras within the ship. We could see as the group of assailants destroy droids after droids, in their mad dash to my supposed location. They reached a large room and stormed in. I was supposed to be in there, instead the room sealed itself with strong forcefields the moment they all entered. Soon the room was filled with defoliator flames. Almost all of the organic assailants vaporize, except for Durge who is in a cycle of disintegration and regeneration. The view shifted again. Now we see the ship doing an in system micro jump towards the sun. When as near as possible, it ejects a section from the hull. The section contained the assailants, who are now fuel for the sun. Meanwhile the remaining assailants onboard the ship were being gunned downed by legions of droids who were now reinforced by droidekas and skytroopers.

"What did we just watch?" asked Anakin incredulously.

"Those are the same assailants from Naboo. As for why I didn't face them directly. One of those attackers was a Gen'Dai. They are neigh immortal. Fighting him in hand to hand combat would have been a wasted effort and suicidal" I explained.

"How did you manage to put this plan together?" asked Obiwan.

"Once I determined that I was the next target, it was only a matter of finding their possible time frame of attack. Then it was simply feeding their spies information on a possible attack opportunity. The leader of these attackers was a Gen'Dai called Durge. He had a vendetta against Mandalorians and he was extremely arrogant or simply crazy, due to his unkillable nature. Thus, I was certain he would rush in halfcocked. And the rest you saw" as I explain they both understood how I played on my would-be assassins character traits to lure them into a trap.

"Well that solves the problem for now. What are you going to do about this whole situation?" asks Obiwan.

"I am going to teach certain people a hard lesson that you don't fuck with me and hope to walk away scot free. Vengeance will have her way, and she shall strike with extreme prejudice" I said in a very menacing way.

With that the Jedi understood someone is about to have a very bad day.