|| Chapter 63 || Falling And Being Caught

Moulin spent the rest of the morning listening to Fhorg's instructions and rules that were implemented in the guild. They roamed almost all of the accessible places in the manorial. It was like an en even more detailed your than what Emlen had given Moulin. They passed by the training yards where most of the sentinels spent their time to the teleportation crystal located before the manor. There were only two teleportation crystals in the manor. The other one was located far behind the manor in an isolated pavilion built on the surface of the waterfall's raging currents. No one frequently uses it except for the honorary sentinels.

"That is all. You may now proceed to the manor's library. Find Tessley. She will guide you to your tasks." He didn't bother to say any encouraging words to Moulin, Jagra, and Ghana as he left them in the middle of the hallway.

Jagra lowered his gaze to look down on the ground. "I still have a lot of questions I wanted to ask..."