|| Chapter 85 || The Imperial Courts

There was a never-ending warmth inside Moulin's chest. His eyes were only on his brother whom he had not seen for two months. Moulin suddenly felt teary as the longing for his close ones back in Zenin city emerged. Pressing his lips together, Moulin suppressed the impulse to hug the soul out of his eldest brother.

"What is wrong with him?" Maxille pulled Moulin behind him and took a step back swiftly as he eyed the gasping bastard who had caused great humiliation to his precious little brother many months ago. The reason why his little brother was exiled, leading almost to his death! As much as he wanted to pummel that face to the ground, Moulin's safety was Maxille's top priority. He was well aware of the spread of Kron and he knew it had already breached Azuran where his brothers reside.