|| Chapter 154 || Do You Wish To Be Free From It?

The sight was intriguing. Pouring curiosity into the youth's inquisitive mind. Before he had wondered what it was that made the aged female smile at him and now it made him wonder about what made that smile leave her wrinkled face. 

With a turn of his head, he chose to ignore her for the last time...

When the children gave them their gifts to Moulin, the youth smiled which made the little ones' heart1 thump and a faint blush painting their chubby cheeks. A beaded necklace, a flower weaved crown, the creative braids in his hair, and a little conch shell. Moulin felt surprised about the way the little girls braided his hair. For a moment, he thought they would messily tie up his hair. However, he was amazed at the skill of the young creatures as they gently combed and decorated his hair with beads and flowers. His hair was now slightly shorter after they left the island fortress but it was still long and it draped down his back like silver waves.