|| Chapter 180 || Wake Up, Mother

His soft sigh warms his damp lips. Moulin vacated the bathroom. Doors closed with a ringing shut. His bare feet tickled the smooth shiny floor with the softness of his toes. 

Bathed and dressed, refreshed and soothed, Moulin made his way towards the long table situated before the glass balcony doors. He wore a white loose tunic that appeared translucent against his fair unblemished skin. His silky silver hair, elegantly braided and tied with a blue ribbon. Moulin who wore a relaxed expression eyed the food and the man making himself comfortable on his seat. 

Snow and Keir were gobbling all the food on their plate. It was both their third time and they still felt famished. Pola fell in love with the two adorable furballs at first sight. Together they were an ultimately adorable pair! With her hands clasped in front of her, Pola smiled at the two pups and then shot Hadrian a suspicious glare as well.