|| Chapter 219 || Let Me Go

Hadrian left Moulin to the bitter silence of the room.

It was when Hadrian finally left that he came back to his senses. The barrier restored itself. Glass and mana accumulating to repair the room in seconds. Moulin sank onto the bed. Shocked and incredulous. Once again, he's imprisoned.

He held his hands and breathes out. Hadrian's words had shocked him to the core. Moulin wasn't sure how to react to them. Silver eyes quivered as his thoughts ran chaotically. Were they lies? Acts of falsehood to gain his trust? No, it couldn't be true. Moulin didn't believe it. Hadrian wouldn't lie to him. Mask his emotions from him…

Moulin stopped. 'But how would I know?

Today he learned how Hadrian has been putting up with him all these times. How Hadrian was internally ignoring his words and perhaps berating him for his fake courage and weakness.