|| Chapter 230 || Where Are You?

"Huff… huff… huff…."

His chest rapidly heaved up and down. With his sword grasped within his hand, he swung with great precision. His blade torn through the soft flesh of his opponent's throat. Slashing ruthlessly. Blood splattered on his cheek. The gruesome liquid almost entered his eye if he hadn't blinked in time.

"…" His gray eyes narrowed, and he raised his arm to wipe off the blood on his face with his sleeve. With cold eyes, he flicked the crimson liquid off his blade, and his glacial gaze swept across the sea of corpses layering the ground. He needed to hurry. His family was in danger. His father, injured, his youngest brother was nowhere to be found… and his mother… Maxille clenched his jaw.

He needed to hurry…

When he moved his feet, blood splashed on his ankles, yet he didn't care.

Quickly… He must find them.

"Y-Young Lord!" Panting heavily, a hasty figure scrambled towards him. It was one of his young knights.