|| Chapter 265 || Breaking Defenses

The arrowhead sharply pierced through the air, faster than a flash of lightning. 

Nothing could stop it as it made its mark. With a stab, it rapidly dug through flesh and bursts out from the back along with the spray of crimson, splattering on the ground. One down. At the same time, three fierce blades, ruthlessly driven, sliced the next target into three parts. The blood pooled beneath the severed torso, head, and legs.

Two of the three were down in a split second. The blazing spear, frozen still in the air above them, faded and vanished completely. The spell was broken. Without the other two, the surviving malefic could not finish it alone. But before he could turn to retreat and report, a blade's edge met his vision, and he took his last breath. His head split into two with a burst of red.