|| Chapter 302 || The Search

The rough ceiling was akin to the wild barren land, a hopeless wasteland. However, like stars that blanketed the night sky, countless gems and crystals filled its surface. It appeared as though jewels resurfaced from beneath it—a wondrous sight for all to see. The magical glow from the sea of gems was enough to fill the halls with light. People, mostly orcs, bathed underneath its brilliance.

The audience streamed all over the area, exploring with intrigued expressions. They dragged a few slaves for entertainment, taking the opportunity of amusing themselves before the festivity commenced. Their eyes often glanced at the most eye-catching area in the halls, the throne. The steps beneath the elevated platform were filled with men and women, skin exposed to every gaze in the room. They took turns entertaining the masters seated on the platform. The Lions were more than pleased with the attention—especially the lone orc sitting on the throne.