|| Chapter 310 || Pursuing Into Battle

The sounds of rage and desperations filled his ears, and the scent of ancient earth filled his nostrils.

A slither of anger drove inside Moulin's veins. His first action was to throw a threatening glare at Ghana. However, his whole attention was directed to the lone person standing in the distance. The shouts of battle continued behind him, whispering to his ears like a passing breeze, but he didn't spare a glance. That unpleasant smile on the man's lips made Moulin want to rip off out of his face and shred it bloody. A hand reached for his shoulder, squeezing it. Moulin relaxed slightly. His lips thinned.

The enormous creature shifted its head to the puny maeruthan approaching its feet. The earth rumbled and shook against the sound from its throat. The beast is wary and filled with fury.