Wu Qiqiang

Tears falling from Meifeng's eyes had obscured her vision. Even though her weak body was unable to support her, she was still trying to get up and leave this place before someone else comes. She did not have the ability to face it.

Meifeng was busy in her own thought's when, the voice coming from shower stopped. Realizing that someone was already present in the room and might soon come out, she started struggling more harshly. She did not want to lose the last remains of her dignity. She wanted to protect it as much as she could before more damage is done.

Contrary to her expectation's the man who was showering had already emerged. Standing in the black bathrobe, he turned around and looked at the girl who was struggling to get down from the bed.

His face showed an annoyed expression, "What are you trying to do Xiaomei?"

The voice even though it sounded pleasant filled Meifeng with anger. Noticing the man standing away from her while looking at her, Meifeng first lied back in bed while covering herself properly.

Slowly looking at him she noticed his aura, his broad shoulder's, the way he held both his hands at the back, like a strict person and the face, smooth, spotless, white, defined jaw structure and those pure black eyes. 'This face....' thought meifeng

Realizing something, Meifeng blinked a couple of times. She even rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand to watch the face again. To Meifeng, whose mind was filled with complicated thought's, the face looked oddly similar. But her blurry vision made her unable to see it.

Looking at the girl doing childish things again as usual, the man started walking towards her and picked up her legs, which were dangling on the bed. Covering them with duvet he then walked closer towards her.

"B..B...Bro..Brother...Third brother Wu..." stammered meifeng while looking at the man with wide eyes.

Touching her forehead Wu Qiqiang confirmed that her body temperature had turned normal before taking a seat across her.

The appearance of Wu Qiqiang had calmed Meifeng down, but her thought's and the problems stayed the same. As soon as Wu Qiqiang sat down on the couch in front of the bed, Meifeng realized he was waiting for her to speak up.

"Third brother Wu, when did you come back?" Meifeng decided to start with light question as she still was not ready to face anything which would dishearten her. Though she knew this would not change the fact about her being in a hotel with a man, but she still wanted to stall time for no reason.

Wu Qiqiang sat on the couch in his usual majestic manner. One of his leg was folded on the knee of another one, one hand was placed on the side while other was on the placed parallel on the headrest of the couch. The only thing less was the king's costume. Looking at him Meifeng thought, 'Third brother Wu, true to his name Wu Qiqiang, is blessed with strength. I have always heard how he had changed and took the family business to new height's, both in the country and abroad. Third brother has also been a source of inspiration for those youngster's, who plan to make it big in the business. Since he had left, till today I have only seen his interviews on the mobile while I just saw his pictures on business magazines.'