
I Never Left My Room

I made a duplicate of myself but in human form and made her come through a portal. Time to switch control over to her.

A few seconds later.....

I yawned and they spun at me with weapons. I put my hands in the air.

"Please don't kill me....I just got here." They were shocked as hell.



"Wait...Isn't that you!!?"

I looked at myself,(the terrifying looking monster) and my eyes widened fakely.

"The hell is that beast!? I knew I should have stayed on my bed...."

"What!? Impossible! You're an impostor!"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh really. Let me tell you what happened then."

"Your time is limited." They threatened. Oh.....as if you can hurt me.....that other me with automatically kill you.....

I shrugged. "Just kill me.....I won't have to deal with the fact that those five aren't supposed to be here." I said referring to the God's disguised as humans.

"Okay....that's Andrie." Brooke finally said.

"Well, I got off my bed and saw no one. I went back to sleep and was awoken by our headmaster...he told me that my friends were in danger and took on an SSS+ quest. I said. Let them die.....I don't care. I went back to sleep but he dragged me off the bed and threw me through a portal. That's why I'm here. How rude....." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"So you're not very powerful....." Callahan asked.

Mimi read my stats. "I-I can't see her stats....so I can't say."

"No...I'm not powerful. I'm the weakest one here...all I'm good at is sleeping. Don't expect nothing from me. I'll watch you die and won't try to help. Why? Cause that will require the energy that I really don't have." I sat on the floor.

"That's Andrie for you...but that means that a very elite person took her place and fought with us. How cool. I wonder who that is." Tom said.

Nate looked at me as if he knew I was lying. I grinned and propped my head with my hand.

The three surrounded me.

"So....that means there is a chance that you actually have the slightest bit of feelings for us!?"

"Uhh....." They were excited for my answer. "No. Sorry guys but my mother arranged a marriage already. You can go talk with her. Am I interested? No. Do I have a choice? Yes? Do I care? Of course not....Whoever it is I'm sure won't bother me." I lied. Their jaws dropped. "I'm just kidding.....but please stop. You three are driving me insane....."

I stood up and walked toward the mist. Minnie is dead and the souls have been extracted. Wonder if....

I turned the mist into an illusion instead. "Andrie no! Don't touch that!"

I looked at them and poked my finger through.

"Ah!!" I screamed.

"We told you not to touch it!"

I laughed and pulled my finger out. "Well what do you know...it's still there."

"Then why did you scream!?"

"Your reactions were priceless...plus this mist is an illusion..." I cleared it away.

"It's gone...how..."

The ground shook as the other me walked toward us.

"Holy crap! That thing is coming toward us!"

"I'm sure if she wanted you dead....you'd be dead since the start..."

"Oh yeah..."

Tom is so stupid. It's not even funny.

I had something in my hand. What is that. I made myself put it down.

"You've figured me out....but I've done what I had to do. I'll be going now..."

She opened a portal but that was an illusion, I was actually drawing that part of me back into...well.....me.

"What did she put down..."

I walked closer. No way....I actually pulled it off.....that's sick. Being a God finally made me proud


She ran and jumped on me.

"Why does everyone know Andrie!?"

I was speechless. "Pinch me....I'm dreaming....you're alive?"

"Hmm....I guess so. Oh how I missed you!!!"

"Mind explaining?" Brooke said.

"Yea, who is that?"

"Who am I? My name is Amira. I'm Andrie's little sister!"

"Little sister!!!?!?! What!!" All of them yelled in shock at the same time.

"Get off.....you're heavy...." I groaned.

She squeezed me even more.

"I never wanna let you go!"

"You're just like the other two....annoying. What's it with only hugging and sticking up under me? Move. Your...fat....face!!" I pushed her off.

"You're so mean to me!!!" She still stuck under me.

"How can you be related to three spritey beings when you're the laziest person there is!?"

I shrugged. "If all of us were the same....you guys would suffer. I mean.....who doesn't love my laziness.....speaking of that....I used up my daily output of energy.....oh my dearest Amira...won't you carry your sister?"

"Anything for you sis!?" Perks of having a sister 2 years younger than you.

"What the! But you didn't even do anything!!?" They yelled at me.

"Can't hear you guys....my ears stopped working for now...."

I was on her back. "Let's go you guys! My sister doesn't feel good."

"You're seriously clueless aren't you Amira.....your sister is just lazy. She's never sick...."

"Hey! My sister is not lazy!"

They shook their heads.

"Yes she is....you poor, poor soul. If you were going to be killed and were too far away, she'd not move one inch."

"Oh dear. If it's anyone.....you don't know my sister. Oh....I see...." She laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. I thought she trusted you guys...I guess not. Well, yes, Andrie is very lazy. And that's how we like her. You wouldn't want to see her 3 years ago."

I covered her mouth. "You're talking too much. Let's go...."

"Of course! But on one condition."

"Uggh...you want to enroll in my school...."

"You know me so well! Can I big sis!? Please!?"


"Which class are you in."

"I'm not telling you."

"Hey guys! What class is she in!?"


"Really.....then that's easy!"

"I hate you guys..."

"Well, you don't trust us and we're you're friends....or so we thought."

"Keep thinking that. Open a portal back to the capital sis...."

"Why can't y- oh.....okay."

She opened one and we all entered.

There the king and others were awaiting our return.

"You've completed the quest. I'm so proud my son. But we must ask who was the one responsible for sending survivors from all the cities that were attacked by the demon lords?"

They looked at me and I pointed at Callahan. I got off her back and stood up. I put an arm around his shoulders. "You must give your son great honor your highness. He led his group through victory and sent back survivors. It's all on him."

"Andrie you....."

"We must be going now. We don't belong to this city."

I put my hand behind my head and began walking away.

"Sis wait for me!"

She caught up behind me. "Oh please do stay for a while longer."

"They can stay, but I must be going. Enjoy yourselves."

"Where are we going?"

"To get you enrolled and then we're going to my dad."

"It's been so long since I've seen daddy!!"

My dad actually treats her like a daughter because her father is also of dark origins but.....he is dead. I shook my head. Oh mother....what kind of a Goddess are you...first you break the rules and have me. Then go with another demon and break the rules to have her. The only legal children are Ash and Annie...

When the others left I opened a portal to the school.

"What a liar you are Andrie..."

"Please leave me alone Nate....."

"Oh, so his name is Nate? Slowly but surely I'll know all your friends names."

"He is not my friend."

"Oooo.....is he your boyfriend." I flicked her in the head.

"No. He is not. He's a devil and an atrocious one at that. What an annoyance. He just takes the liberty to bother me."

"Oh...so I have to take on an angel form?"



"Wait....she isn't an angel...."

"Mind your beeswax." I glared at him.We entered through the portal. "You coming or not."

He smirked and walked through.

"Let's go do your enrollment test." I whispered to her. "And I'm no longer an S class angel. We're D class arch angels. That was the reward for completing that quest."

"But sis.....I don't have that much control over my power....I won't be able to maintain an angel form."

"Do you want me to put a restraint on it so that you'll only be able to output the exact amount?"

"Of course."

"Put out your hands."

She did so and I took them pressing my thumbs into the center of her palms.

"There. Now you have the basic strength of a D class arch angel."

She squeezed me. "Let's go...'

"You may have whispered Andrie but one day I will find out your secrets. All of them"


We headed to the headmaster.

"Yo...gramps. I have a new student for you who wants to join the school"

"You've finally returned my dear. And who have you brought?"


He flew up and looked behind me. "Impossible! She's dead!"

"Rude grandpa.....I'm right here....."

He felt her head and checked her. "How is this possible...."

"When we defeated Minnie we found her, turns out she was being held hostage." I told the semi-truth.

He hugged her. "My dear granddaughter.....oh how I've missed you! You're welcome here!"

She smiled.

We walked toward my dorm and I opened a portal. "Let's go." We walked through and daddy was sitting in his usual seat.

"What a boring person you are daddy...."

He got happy when he saw me. "My precious daughter! You came home!" He hugged the life outta me.

"Stop....look behind me."

He looked up. "What.....Amira...you...you're alive!?" He still didn't let me go and hugged her also. Sigh.... "Now my two daughters are here! I couldn't be happier!"

"You're a dark God.....stop being so mushy...."

"That's why I love you so much...that don't care attitude is ideal!" He squeezed me even more.

"I'm leaving now....we've been here for several minutes so it's like we were gone for several hours over in the sky realm."

"Sad to see you go....It's so lonely here."

"Bye bye daddy....play games or something...or play mortal ping pong with your captives.."

"Bye!!!" She's so cheery....

When we got back it was already time for classes. Uggh...

She dragged me along and we went in.

"Good, all students are here. Today two guests will be paying us a visit."

I sat down and put down my head. The guests are always trouble.....I have a high feeling of déjà vu...

"Andrie.....please stay awake and not be rude....." Jabril who was apparently still my damn teacher tried pleading with me.


"Come on sis. Just this once.."

I propped up my head and looked ahead. Two of them entered. Again...something fishy. What are two different commanders doing here.....

"I'm angel commander Kim"

"And I'm demon commander Jason. We've come to test you all"

"But this is a special test. "She said.

"Special test? We didn't hear of this....." Jabril said.

They had grins on their faces and they both cast a spell.

What the..... Why does my chest feel so light...

I looked at my hands and feet.

"What in the world! I'm a kid!"

"Me too....."

Everyone was around five....except for our teachers...they were teenagers but the commanders were normal.....

"What the heck! Why am I so small!!!!" Nate yelled. What a fussy toddler....his voice was so squeaky.

I laughed and pointed at him. "Your voice is squeaky!"

"Yours too!"

"Sis.....I'm scared.." She's 4.....and she was such a scaredy baby.

I pet her head. "Don't worry. I'm here"

She hugged me. "Oh my goodness!!! You kids are so adorable!!!" Our teachers said. Oh boy.

Rilana and Nydea are twins. I looked at them and they looked up at me. "Andrie.....We want our mommy....." They set up to cry. They are four also...oh dear.

So those three boys are 5. Nate and I are both 6 and the rest of them are 4. I scratched my head. I was a very disruptive and troublesome toddler.

"Hey! You jerks! Turn us back this instant!!!' I screamed." I want my daddy. I want my daddy now!" I again screamed.

"Let us be big kids again!!!" Nate yelled at them.

The three pulled at my hair. "What....."

"We want to go home....those people look mean..." They set up to cry. What babies. Amira was on my back and I stood up. Honey, Rachel and Brooke are scaredy cats too and all of them stuck up to me.

"Turn my friends back right now!!!!!!"

"You guys are so adorable....."

"Turn our students back this instant! We did not give you permission to do this!"

"And why should we listen to two bratty teens!?"

"I will call my daddy!!"I yelled.

"Yea! Me too!!" Nate said.

"And what are your daddies gonna do huh?! Beat us up!?"

We both smiled evilly and nodded. I set up to cry and screamed. "Daddy!!!!!!!!" That always works for some reason.

They covered their ears. I smiled. "Daddy is here! Yay!!"

"Daddy is here?" Amira asked.


I jumped down from the table and ran to the door and opened it. I leapt on him. "Daddy!! You came!"

"Andrie.....you're....a baby!?"

"Those two baddies turned me and all my friends into babies!"

"You're so adorable...."

"Turn us back!!!!!"

"Not yet..." He is so annoying.

I looked behind him. Is that Nate's dad? "Nate...your daddy is here."

He ran past us and went straight into his arms. "My son....you've gotten small again! What an adorable site!"

"No! No! No!!!!! We wanna be big kids again!!" He threw a tantrum.

"Well, this is going in our favor...."

"If my daddy won't beat you up! I will!!!"

I tried getting out of his arms. "Daddy.....let me gwo!!!!!"

"No.....I'm sure the spell will ware off soon....stay like this. Now I have a reason to keep you two at home."

I stopped trying and just sighed. Nate's father wouldn't let him go either.

Parents began appearing.

"Mommy!!!" They ran to their parents. Even my mom was here. What was she doing here? Who called her here..... good thing no one is watching other people's parents..... if my parents are seen together...t-rou-ble.



They glared at each other.

Amira peered out from under me and she gasped. "Amira.....y-you're alive."

She hid from her and buried her head back into him.

Mom was hurt. Amira is afraid of her because she killed her father. How did everyone's parents get here.....what's going on.

I wriggled out of his arms and pointed a finger at them.

"What did you do! Change me back this instant!!!!!!!!!" I threw another tantrum. Nate did the same.

"We wanna be big again!!!!!!! We wanna be big kids now!!!" He screamed.

"You two bratty kids...just go to your parents."

I jumped at them and daddy pulled me back. I angrily cried. "I wanna be big again....."

He was blinded by my cuteness. They all were blinded by our cuteness...and I can do nothing about it.

"Oh Andrie...you're such a naughty girl. Let's go home."

Nate's mother took him up. "Don't fuss my son. Everything is gonna be just fine."

"Mommy...I want to be big..." he cried to her.

"Stop being so fussy and you'll get anything you like."

What a spoiled brat.

My mom left. She can't do anything here. Daddy was over joyed. He loved us when we were little and there he goes blinded by our cuteness again.

"You two jerk faces! When I get big again! I'll rip you stupid heads off! Just try you motherf-" Daddy covered my mouth and pulled me back.

"That's enough Andrie....." Everyone else was looking at me.

"That's not the Andrie we know..."

"All parents....this is just a simple test. We would like you to send them back tomorrow. It was a rank up test. If they pass they will rank up to C class arch angels!"

They agreed.

"You adults are so stupid....these guys are lying. No one tests Andrie! I'll-" He again covered my mouth.

"Andrie.....let's go home."

They all left through portals.

We arrived in the fallen realm. "I no want to be li...ttle....daddy..." I tugged at his pants.

"Yes honey, this is your favorite playhouse. All yours."

I squealed and Amira followed behind me. Being small does have it's perks. It's easier to control my dark powers. I don't need to sleep and I can actually play with dolls and have fun.

We played and played.....and played some more.

"Nap time.."

He took us up and carried us to bed. "I wish you could stay like this forever."

"No...I'm a big...g..irl"