Bad day

'This is indeed a bad day' Sia murmur in her heart.

She is now on edge of crying, so Sia locks herself in the washroom, she doesn't understand what is happening to her, the idea she works for so long, is snatched by someone else and the credit is also given to another person, why? 

  Sia decided to talk about this with her boss, so she wipes her tears, makes herself look presentable, and goes towards her boss's cabin. But his secretary tells her to stop, but Sia doesn't stop, she needs to talk with her boss right now, how can he do this with her?, She wants the answer,  she pushes the secretary, and directly open the door. 

  Sia wanted to say something but froze seeing the scene inside, her boss and Nisha are in quite an inappropriate position, Sia quickly shut the door, and left the office, she is feeling shy seeing this. 

  It is not like she is a virgin, as a married woman she knows what they are doing, but still, she is not used to watching live porn, so her boss betrays her due to this, Sia laughs coldly. 

  Sia again come into the bathroom and washes her face, only after that did she felt little good. She looks at the mirror and froze, she is just twenty-eight years old now, but looking like she is in her mid-thirties.

  Sia can't help but think about life. 

  Sia is come to from a middle-class family. Her father works in an insurance company while her mother is a housewife. She has a younger brother and sister. She is quite good-looking so in her college days she wanted to become an actress, there are many things she wanted to be though, but being an actress or a writer is her dream. She wanted to gain fame and respect and money. 

  She is quite confidant that with her look and hard work she can become an actress, at least she will get daily soap and some advertisements, this way she will get famous and also get money. But reality proves her wrong, Sia doesn't have any acting skills, she considers herself a dancer, but she only can dance on Bollywood songs, so she has zero talent, and the second is she doesn't have a network. 

  One day while trying her luck, some bad people try to take advantage of her, but a young man comes there and saves her, that day she falls in love with him, at first sight, he is like her prince charming who comes and save her. 

  After that day she chases after him, she previously thought he might be an actor, but later she found out he is just a mere stuntman, but she falls for him. The boy aka Vishnu also falls for her, she is cute, optimistic, and truly loves him. 

  At first, her parents object there relationship, but Vishnu is a good boy, it just he is an orphan, but he does many jobs, he is good-looking and does not have any addiction, their daughter is also in too much love with him, so they finally agreed to there relationship. 

  After two years of dating, they get married. At first, they are a super cute couple, but later the troubles of life make them see reality, Sia in just a few days understand that she needs to earn, she already realized that she can't be an actress, the book she written also rejected by publication. So for now finding a job, is the only thing. 

  After getting a job, she realized what is to be an adult, being an adult is nothing but living paycheque to paycheque, being adult means, you have to sleep when you don't want, and wake up when you don't want to. 

  This way her life becomes very boring, her relationship with Vishnu and her parents are also in trouble, and now her job. She is working here for three years, she does some jobs previously too, but this job offers her the best, salary, but the working hours are too long and office politics has also existed here. 

  To be honest for a long time, she doesn't feel energetic to come to work, she doesn't even want to do anything, at first she thought that she is getting lazy, but that was not the case, her mood swings, and her anxiety is showing up, she even check if she is pregnant, but to her surprise, she found out that she has PCOD, she also understands that she can't get pregnant as her dear husband always use protection. 

  He doesn't want to have children unless they have their own home, which according to Sia is impossible now. So this way her little life is quite messed up. 

  While she is thinking about this, someone comes inside the washroom. Sia looks towards the person and to her surprise it is Nisha. Sia doesn't want to say anything, and wanted to leave, but before that Nisha speaks. 

"People come from small school don't even have etiquettes to knock on the door before coming inside" Nisha as usual taunted her, Sia, to be honest, don't like this Nisha, she previously doesn't know why a company chooses Nisha, but now she knows, this Nisha always adds some trouble and also look down on her and some other employees. Sometimes these people need to do her work, which is quite annoying. 

  But today they cross the limit, they steal her idea and act like it is Nisha's idea, the higher up gets quite happy due to that, and they even praise Nisha, Sia also got to know that Nisha might get a promotion, Sia feeling angry now. 

"Unlike some person at last we don't sell our body and soul, we are not cheating anyone," Sia said with a smile. 

"You..... you will see how I will make you cry and kneel in front of me," Nisha said and left the bathroom, Sia after venting her some anger, feeling quite good, so she decided to go back to work. 

  When she had just come near her table, the boss called her. Sia guessed that Nisha might be said something bad about her, anyway, she doesn't do anything wrong. so she is not scared. 

  Sia goes into the cabin and to her surprise, the higher up all are there, her boss throws a file on her face and started to say bad things about her. 

  Sia is quite sure that this is all due to Nisha, but she won't have any evidence, and she can't offend her boss, at least she can't offend him right now.