Chapter 4: Not Her Lucky Day

Ian's cheeks curled up into a sinister smile. He had spent thousands of dollars on relocating several women all because he felt sorry for the person in front of him. She was the woman who had captured his attention all those months ago, and although she was dressed much more casually now, she was still holding his attention with her beauty.

When the woman had taken off her sweater, Ian's heart thumped. Her chest was very well developed, and he could tell she was not wearing a bra. Right now, she sat in his room, wearing nothing but a thin under shirt and faded jeans. She still had not moved. Her head was still in her hands and she was lightly pulling her own hair. If he were anyone else, she might have already been let go, but he was not anyone else. He was Ian Lee.

Ian walked over to the woman taking large powerful strides. She could hear his footsteps and looked up in a panic. For one second, he hesitated. She was too beautiful, but she was still a spy.

he grabbed her by the shoulders and threw her against the wall. The girl went flying, although he had barely used any strength. She landed on the floor in a heap, but she did not try to get up.

Mina instinctively curled herself up into a ball and protected her head. She could feel President Lee approaching her again and her body flinched in anticipation for his kick, but a kick did not come. She waved her hand around in the air in an attempt to block his next attack but there was none.

Ian looked at the woman on the ground and was completely puzzled. To have trained a person to mimic fear so accurately was both impressive and cruel. Ian lifted his leg, as if he were going to bring it down on her head but she did not move. She whimpered and tried to curl herself up into a tighter ball. He really wanted to know where she was trained, but he did not hit her again.

After a few minutes of staring at the woman on the ground, Ian went back to his chair and sat down, calling for her to join him.

When Mina looked up, President Lee was already calmly sitting in the spot across from hers. Her back and shoulders felt like they were on fire, but she did not want him to hit her again, so she pushed through the pain and walked to the chair.

She was good at enduring pain. When she was younger, kids in her hometown used to throw rocks at her because she was weird. When she cried, the bullying got worse. As she grew older, she learned to ignore it. Of course, that did not mean she was not hurt.

Mina sat down in front of Mr. Lee. Her shirt had been torn, and she used her hands to cover herself. When she felt the onset of a panic attack, she had removed her sweater forgetting that she did not wear a bra; it really was not her lucky day.

Mina had often dreamed of meeting President Lee, but she never thought it would be anything like she was experiencing. She may have even had a mild crush on the man; but now, she was only terrified. She was really going to be killed by her idol: the man who made waves in the business world at sixteen, who shot to success at twenty, and took over the Lee Group at twenty-six, and was just as the rumors said; Mina was experiencing it firsthand.

Ian did not speak; he was looking for a sign that would give the woman before him away but the more he looked the more he believed her story.

Mina lifted her face to meet President Lee's eyes. He was so handsome that even after he had attacked her, she wanted to question if he meant to do it. As she looked at him, her mind drifted. She had seen him in person once, he was leaving one of the Lee Group buildings and at that time she foolishly told herself, that if she worked hard, they could one day meet and maybe even become something more.

Mina laughed self-deprecatingly; she really was dumb for a genius.

All the while Ian had not removed his gaze from the woman before him. He watched as her face displayed several emotions as he took notice of her delicate features. Her eyes were amber in color and they were perfectly framed by dark prominent eyelashes. Her nose was petite and natural, and it was something that Ian had not seen in a long time. Her lips looked like tiny pillows on her face. They were so full and pink that they looked fake and the way her dark hair fell around her face accentuated her honey kissed complexion.

The Woman's nose and cheeks were flushed, and it really looked as if she were forcing herself not to cry. She was the best assassin he had ever met. It was all too realistic, Ian believed that the person who hired her had really outdone themselves. He was, in fact, attracted to the woman in front of him.

Unfortunately, whoever sent her had overestimated his kindness. No matter how beautiful she was. He was still going to kill her, maybe not right away, but eventually.

Mina finally snapped out of her stupor and noticed President Lee staring at her. She automatically reacted and used both of her hands to cover her chest. Her actions caused President Lee to look directly at her exposed skin, and she shifted her body to try and hide herself.

Ian noticed the action and smiled at her, but it was not a friendly smile. He stood up, picked up her sweater, and gently laid it over her front. He stopped smiling before he sat down, and he looked at Mina with a knowing light in his eyes.

"Don't worry, that sort of thing won't work on me. It's not my style," he said.

'What did he just say? Did he think I was trying to seduce him?' Mina thought. She wanted to speak but before she could say anything, he was handing her a pillow mint.

"We have a long night ahead of us, and this might be the last thing you eat. Enjoy it."

Mina knew that President Lee was suspicious of her and she knew he was planning on interrogating her, now, he was telling her that he would not feed her; he was telling her that he was going to torture her. She took the mint; tears ran down her face as she unwrapped it.

After watching the woman eat the mint, Ian took one for himself. Her silent tears were so convincing that he knew he was going to have to work hard to get the truth out of her, but he was up for the challenge.