Chapter 10: Perfect Match

Based on her brother's reaction, Luna could tell Ian had not known the information she had given him about Mina. There was no way he would not have been able to tell, and now she genuinely believed that he could not remember what occurred between them.

Ian really wanted to think that someone else had come through the window and hurt the girl to frame him, but his sister handed him a sheet of paper containing the results of a perfect match to his blood sample.

"There were no traces of latex or spermicide. There were two DNA samples found; yours and hers." Ian's face darkened and Luna took a step closer to her brother. She had never seen him look so off, nor had she ever imagined he would do anything so violent.

"Brother, I think all of this has been planned. I just can't tell whether Mina was set up or if she is involved." At that Ian lifted his head. He could understand Luna's apprehension.

Mina's story was very convincing, however unrealistic it may be. Ian did not speak as he walked away from his sister. He felt both guilty and angry. He wanted to kill Mina, but if she had really been set up by someone, would he still feel the same way? Ian's phone rang and the name Lisa Anders flashed on the screen. He calmed himself as he slowly closed his eyes and answered.

"Hello Li Lee, is something wrong?"

"Hmph, I went to your room to find you. Your guards said you were in a meeting and when I came back in the morning, they said you had gone out. Tell me Ian, is there someone else?" The woman on the other end of the line was teasing playfully, but her words were too close to the truth.

Lisa curled up on her bed, as she spoke. She and Ian had been 'together' since she was sixteen. She knew him well and had full confidence that there was no one else, but she was still worried about him. The night before he had agreed to have a late dinner with her, but he never showed up at the restaurant. She went to find him at his room and for the first time ever, she was not allowed inside; it did not feel right to her.

"Li Lee, there is no one, but something came up at work and I will be busy for a few days. I will find you when everything is settled, okay?" The line was silent for a long while before the woman sighed out a dejected sounding 'Okay' and Ian ended the call. He would always promise to find her after work, but it was always her who had to remind him to look. He was always so focused on work, and she was always so focused on him.

After ending the call with Ian, Lisa was still gloomy. She and Ian had been together for ten years, but they were not really together. He did not look at other women, she knew that, but he also did not really look at her. She had tried almost everything to get his attention, but he was always so distant while she could be considered clingy.

Lisa and Luna had been friends growing up, but over the years their friendship died out. In truth, it probably would not have even made it past a year had it not been for Lisa's silent crush on Ian. The girls were always competing and while they were both smart, Luna seemed to be in a league of her own.

They had similar personalities and were both pestered by the boys around them, but Luna had her eyes in her books and Lisa had her eyes on Ian. Their 'fans' called themselves Lu-Li's, which tickled both girls, but it also fueled their rivalry.

Lisa frequently visited Luna's house to catch a glimpse of Ian. Because he was homeschooled, she had no other way of meeting with him. One day, the girls were doing homework in the family room while Ian helped guide them through their assignment. She remembered watching him so intently that Zane, Ian's best friend, who was also in the room, called her out.

Zane had rolled up a piece of paper and used it to smack her on the top of her head. Lisa was startled, and when she turned around to look at him, he was smiling when he said, 'Little girl, if you stare any harder, Ian might be forced to propose.' Lisa was immediately embarrassed, but Ian just laughed. He shook his head while still looking at the assignment in his hand and said 'Li Lee' that would be a funny name.

Lisa would never forget that day, or his laugh. She had taken his words as a declaration. She believed that at that moment he was telling her that he was going to marry her by giving her his last name.


Back at the hospital, Ian was still worked up. He had never touched a woman in a sexual manner. Now, he had done things with a stranger, who was probably some sort of assassin or spy, and he could not even remember it.

Someone had forced Ian to give up a special moment in his life and he wanted that person to die. He rarely had amorous thoughts, but when he did, he imagined his first time as being some sort of romantic event initiated by Lisa. She was the only girl brave enough to stick by his side and he planned to reward her with marriage, but somewhere deep down inside, Ian secretly wished that Mina had been willing.

It was clear he was not gentle and although he would never admit it aloud, he hoped that he at least held her afterward. They had been in the same bed, and part of him hoped that she fell asleep comfortably in his embrace.

Ian stood up from the chair he was sitting on and began to pace back and forth. Mina had been a virgin before him and if she had not snuck into his room, her first time probably would have been filled with love and warmth. The person would have been gentle and sweet. They would have taken their time and they would not have hurt her.

Those thoughts infuriated Ian, but he did not know why he was upset. His head was still foggy, and it was clear that he had been given some sort of drug. Maybe the drug was still affecting his mood. He wanted to kill Mina, but the thought of him killing her made him sad. He was also angry, but he did not know whether it was because he felt like he betrayed Li Lee or something else.

Ian's phone rang again, and this time it was his sister calling. She had gotten his blood work results and she needed him to come back to the room.