Chapter 71: Smooth Talker

{𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝟏𝟖+}

Ian was sitting in his dark study with a glass of the strongest alcohol he owned listening to the audio from the night he and Mina had been drugged in the hotel room. The camera had been facing the door, so it only captured audio and Ian was glad he had not ordered any of his men to review the audio before he had a chance to. Right now, he was listening to himself smooth talk Mina into taking off her shirt and he did not know he would ever feel ashamed of himself. Although he could remember some of the elements of their conversation, he still had not regained his memories.

Ian heard the sound of clothes rustling again, and he knew it was either himself or Mina removing her shirt.

"President Lee that tickles." Mina giggled as she spoke, and he had his answer. He had removed her shirt.

"Call me Ian, okay?" He said.

"Ian, your hands feel good."

"Should I give you a massage?"

"I don't know," Mina said honestly.

"Come, let me give you a massage." There was no sound for a long time.

"Ian, your hands, they feel too good."

"Does it feel good when I touch you here?"


"Does it feel good when I touch you here?"

"Yes, there too."

"What if I touch you here?" Ian asked. By then Mina was panting.

"Why do you want to touch my mouth?" She asked.

"I want to touch your lips with mine."

"Ian, I've never kissed anyone before. I don't know how."

"We can practice together." There was the sound of a kiss. The kiss went on for a long time before Mina let out a startled noise.

"I…Ian, I'm too heavy put me down," Mina yelped.

"You're not heavy, it feels good to carry you." The bed creaked and Mina moaned. There were more kissing sounds.

"Do you like it when I touch you."

"Yes, I like it."

"I want to touch you everywhere."

"You can touch me," She said. The sounds of kissing and soft moans continued.

"Mina, can I take off your clothes?"

"Why?" She asked, there was a slight hint of panic in her voice.

"I want to touch every part of your skin. You already said I could."

"Okay," Mina replied. Her tone was soft, but he could hear she was nervous. There was the sound of rustling clothes.

"Take off your clothes too," Mina ordered.

"Why?" Ian asked, but Mina did not answer. Ian heard more shuffling. "Mina, can I lay on top of you?"

"Umm." There was the sound of kissing again.

"Am I pinching you too hard?" Ian asked.

"No, it feels good."

"What about the bites, is it too hard?"

"No, I like it too."

"Mina, your body is so beautiful. Please let me have you."

"Ian, I… I don't know you."

"What do you want to know? I will tell you everything," he said, shamelessly and Mina really asked him a lot of questions. Ian answered them all honestly. He must have still been kissing her as he spoke because they were both still panting.

"Mina; tell me about yourself. Who are you?" Mina also answered all of Ian's questions.

Listening to the video, Ian found that he and Mina shared similar interests. They both liked simplicity. Her favorite color was sky blue, although she said she wore a lot of dark colors. Ian preferred the color black, but he could not really say he had a favorite color. Mina was interested in investing. It was the easiest way for poor people to make money and she wanted to provide for her family. Ian was also interested in investments, but it was mostly because it was what he was good at. He did not need to support his family. The two continued to chat for a long time. Ian checked the time stamp and nearly four hours had gone by, but they were still kissing and talking.

"Mina, do you believe in love at first sight?" he asked.

"No, I don't," she said, a little too flatly.

"I do."

"Why?" Mina asked.

"Because of you." Ian wanted to go back in time and slap himself. His face was so flushed from embarrassment. He felt as if he were listening in on someone else. This was so unlike him. 'Love at first sight?' 'Can I, have you?' Ian was not sure what was more embarrassing. He had truly thrown all his pride aside for a woman he met once, and it was killing him.

"Mina, please tell me. Why did you come here?"

"I told you already. I really am telling you the truth. It was an accident."

"Do you believe in fate?"

"I do."

"Then Mina, give yourself to me tonight. I think we are supposed to be together."

"Ian, I'm scared."


"I have never…" Mina's speech trailed off before she found the right words to say. "I'm still a good girl."

"Then let me turn you into a bad girl." Mina laughed nervously and Ian could hear himself chuckle.

"I'm going to take off your underwear."

"Ian, I'm not sure. What if you don't want me afterward?"

"Why would I not want you?" he asked.

"Didn't you say you believed in fate?" He asked. "Don't worry, I will be gentle with you. Your skin is so soft I have already made a lot of marks on your body. Are you sure I am not hurting you?"

"It doesn't hurt."

"Mina, if you don't want to, we don't have to." Mina moaned. Obviously, he was doing something to warrant that reaction. She panted out her response.

"Ian, I want my first time to be with someone special."

"Is there anyone more special than me?" He asked, and Mina moaned again. Ian could not remember what he was doing that made Mina feel so good. He remembered that Dr. Bell told him that under the influence of the drug, they would feel pleasure from a simple touch.

"I gave you my first kiss." He said.

"Let me give you my first time too." Mina moaned again. "See, I haven't even started, and you already want it." They both laughed.

If Ian did not know any better, he would have believed that he was listening to a young couple who were in the beginning stages of love. He really did not want to listen anymore, but it had been nearly six hours and they had not gotten to that critical point yet.

"Mina, I'm going to take off your underwear, but I won't do anything unless you tell me it's okay." Ian could hear movement and both himself and Mina moan.

"President Lee…"

"I told you to call me Ian."

"Ian, I want this time to be special. I've never even had a boyfriend."

"You have a boyfriend now."


"Me." he said, and Mina laughed, but there was a hint of something else in her laugh.

"I really like it when you laugh. You have a beautiful smile."

"I like it when you laugh too."

"Then make me laugh."


"Call me Honey." Mina laughed and giggled for a while.

"Are you shy? I'll call you babe."

"Babe, call me Honey." Mina laughed again.

"Babe don't move so much. There is nothing separating us anymore. I'm working ridiculously hard to control myself."

"Okay Honey." Mina giggled and Ian heard himself laugh. If he were being honest, he was very envious of the drugged him. He did not hold back at all.