Chapter 159: Low

Ian turned to glare at Dom, who he was now extremely jealous of. The man's eyes were glued on the stairs and he seemed to be looking at Mina as if he was seeing her for the first time. Dom was still oblivious to the cause of his boss's ire so he ignored it and called out to Mina who he could tell was not well.

"Are you sure you want to do it today?" Dom asked, and Mina nodded.

"I'm not used to it, so we can take it slowly today," she replied. Ian had literally turned green at her statement. He had to forcibly stop himself from killing the man and dragging the woman back up to her room. He wished he could be the one she chose, but he knew that their past and his unspecified relationship with Lisa complicated things.

"You two be safe," Ian said. Both people nodded and President Lee left, his mood visibly dark.


Mina shrugged, she did not know what was wrong with the man and she did not care. Dom, however, was sweating.

"Are you sick?" Mina asked.

"Have you noticed something strange about the boss?" He asked Mina and the girl nodded.

"He does seem to be in a bad mood. I think he wanted to help me instead." Dom froze.

"Then why not let him?" He asked, puzzled.

"His girlfriend would get the wrong idea," Mina said honestly.

Dom agreed. He was not into the innocent type, but he could see why Miss Lisa would be jealous. If Mina had been dressed the way she was dressed now when they met, and if she had more of a tan, he would be all over her. However, he knew that it was against the girl's nature. She was not a bold enough woman for him, and he was not into dating immature girls. The man looked Mina up and down.

"I don't think we will have to work very hard. I thought you were all flabby underneath all those clothes," he said mockingly. Mina's mouth fell open.

"Keep your mind off what's underneath my clothes," she said half joking and half not. Dom took the hint.

"Relax, I already told you, you're not my type." The man pulled his phone out of his pocket and showed the screen to Mina.

"This is the woman I want," he said. On the display, there was a scandalously posed woman, with unrealistic body proportions, wearing a bright yellow bikini. Mina shook her head and the man laughed. "Jealous?" Dom asked.

"Disgusted," Mina retorted. It was Dom's turn to be offended.


Dom had taken Mina to the gym that the Lee soldiers used. He knew that she had been exposed to the cold for an extended period, so he did not want to take the chance of having her run outside. He was also uncomfortable with using his boss's personal gym to train her. As they walked through the facility, they passed several men who were logging their hours. Each man stopped in the middle of their workout and followed the gorgeous and curvy woman with their eyes.

Mina subconsciously inched her way closer to Dom.

"Don't worry about them. They won't bite," he said. Mina whispered her response.

"I just don't like being looked at." Dom scanned the room and saw that everyone was indeed staring. He looked back at Mina and saw how uncomfortable the girl looked. Dom cleared his throat.

"For those of you who do not know, this is Mina." All the men who had been staring snapped back into reality and returned to their workout. They had come to know Mina as the woman who, with her beauty, sent two good men to their deaths. Mina did not know that though.


When Dom dropped Mina in front of the Lee mansion, the girl pretty much dragged herself out of the car. He could not help but to laugh.

"Remember, take a hot shower after a cold bath," he said as he handed her a gym bag. Mina waved goodbye to the man who drove off without waiting.

Mina stood outside the doors of the home for a long time before someone opened them. She greeted the maid and went straight to her room. Mina did exactly what Dom had told her to. He said that alternating the water temperature would help relieve her aching muscles. She had only walked on the treadmill and curled a few weights, but she felt beaten and heeded his warnings.

When Mina got out of the shower, she noticed that someone had brought food to her room and she was thankful. She would not have had the strength to go downstairs to eat and the cheese smothered steak in front of her made her mouth water. She had not known the Lee kitchen could cook common foods.


A maid entered President Lee's study and respectfully nodded her head.

"Sir, Miss Mina has eaten the meal you had prepared for her." A wicked grin plastered on his face. He had spent much of the afternoon researching food that decreased a person's sex drive.

"Good, have the kitchen prepare such meals for her until they are told otherwise." The maid nodded and left.

Ian knew that if Zane found out how low he had stooped, he would never let him live it down, but he did not care. He was aware that Mina and Dom had only gone to the gym, but he assumed it was because of the trail he had put on them. If he could successfully decrease Mina's libido, he would have no problem allowing them to meet freely. Ian did not know how wrong he was about their relationship.


Mina barely spoke to or saw President Lee as the days went passed. She was relieved when the man began heading to his office earlier. His new schedule eliminated the awkward interactions between them, and it eased some of the tension she was feeling. Mina had heard from one of the Lee guards that their boss had been spending more time with his girlfriend, and she was happy that her absence helped them. It was the first step toward her ultimate goal.


Miss Ruby knew that Mina had been working out, and out of curiosity, she asked her about her progress.

"It's only been a few days but, everyone has been helping me out. It's actually not as bad as I thought it would be," Mina said.

"Do you like it?" Ruby asked.

"It's a good stress reliever," Mina replied. Ruby glanced at Mina's plate, and noticed the girl was eating heavy foods.

"I'll switch up your diet," she said. "If you want to make good progress, you'll need to eat healthier."

Mina was enjoying her junk food, but she knew that Miss Ruby had a point. Disappointed, she agreed.