Chapter 177: Rumors

Ian knew that his guards gossiped. It was human nature, and so long as the information only circulated among themselves, he saw no need to punish them, but as far as Mina was concerned, it was unacceptable. If by chance the rumors had reached the ears of his father, who had personally chosen Samuel for Ian before he left, the man would not hesitate to end his treatment and return to worrying about his son.

"How much time do you need to spread a rumor that Mina negotiated for the absolution of those men?" President Lee asked.

"One day," Dom said, there was a smile of understanding on his face. 'Mina doesn't realize the power she has,' Dom thought.


Because of her injury, Mina found out an important piece of information, the Lee mansion had an elevator. She was excited to use it and Miss Ruby mocked her for being easily amused. When Mina was pushed in front of the doors of the guest bedroom, President Lee came from behind his nan and pushed Mina in himself. Mina resisted the urge to protest as he rolled her into her bedroom.

As soon as he entered, Ian was hit by a fresh and clean scent that only Mina's room seemed to possess. He knew that she was doing her own chores and thus, she was free to use as much product as she wanted. As a result, Mina's room smelled like freshly done laundry regularly, and the pine scent of the wood cleaner complimented it perfectly. In other words, Mina's room smelled like a real home.

President Lee pushed Mina toward one of the chairs in the room and she scooted herself onto the plush surface.

"Mina, there are some things we need to discuss about you leaving," President Lee said.

"Like?" Mina asked. She was not trying to be rude, but it was hard to be friendly toward someone she hated.

"Work, rent, and security," he said.

"Mina looked up," I already have a job lined up. After that I can do anything. I don't have to live somewhere expensive," Mina said,

"Or we can come to an agreement."

"We already have one," she reminded him.

"What if I release Bressaw and Samuel?" Mina's eyes narrowed.

"What would I have to do?" she asked, her posture showed her fear.

"Stay here," President Lee said, and Mina's hands tightened into fists. "but no more rules," he added. "You can come and go as you please, just take Dom with you. If nothing happens to you within three months, you'll be free to go whenever you're ready."

"That's it? Stay out of trouble for three months and I'm free? Really free?"

"Yes," President Lee replied.

"And Tara? I haven't seen her around lately," Mina asked.

"I sent Tara to school. From the moment she entered this home I thought she was too young. After I saw how kindly she treated you, even after I sent her boyfriend away, I sent her to further her education in her desired field."

"Why should I believe you?" Mina asked. The man had never done anything 'nice' for her.

"You can call Tara yourself," President Lee said, as he handed Mina his phone. President Lee had already pulled up the contact and all Mina had to do was press the green call button, but she hesitated.

"Can I call my parents instead?" she asked. There was a sadness in her voice that melted Ian's heart and he found himself agreeing, although he knew it was a bad idea.

"Tell me the number and I will dial it, and I have to be listening to the conversation." Mina nodded her head energetically.

"Okay, Of course," she said, her eagerness unmasked.


President Lee sat on a nearby armchair and listened to Mina talk to her parents. They were so excited to hear from their daughter that they over spoke one another on the phone. They had thick accents and it made everything they said sound old fashion. Mina asked them about the money she had sent. She wanted to make sure her parents were okay, but she received bad news instead. Of the $50,000 she sent, $17,000 went to taxes, $10,000 went to cleaning up their debt, and they used what was remaining to pay down on their home. Mina's face darkened as her parents spoke.

"Daddy, I should have paid off that land long ago. What am I missing?"

"Your father made a late payment and incurred penalties. You know your uncle isn't one to forgive." Mina pinched her brow.

"How much this time?" Mina asked.

"He tacked on an additional $20,000 for each late payment."

"Daddy, I know you consider your adoptive brother family, but…"

"Stop," her father interjected. "I would have had nothing if it weren't for his family. I'll pay off this land eventually," he said. A tear rolled down Mina's cheek, she was not sad, but she was angry. So angry she could no longer speak.

"Mommy, Daddy, I have to go now, and if you don't hear from me for a while, don't panic. I am a little confined right now," she said, glancing up at President Lee. Her parents warned her not to work too hard and ended the call with more I love you's than Ian could count.

"Thank you," Mina said, handing the phone back to its owner.

Sensing that she needed some time alone, Ian left Mina's room and closed the door behind him. He asked a maid named Carmen to attend to her if she needed any help. He did not know that Carmen was the worst person he could have tasked to do so.


Ian returned to his study to find his sister sitting in one of the chairs in front of his desk. She turned around and stood up abruptly.

"I hope you weren't too hard on her," she said. It took Ian a minute to realize that his sister believed that he was angry with Mina for slapping him. In reality, he felt as though he deserved to be slapped. Mina had never given him the impression that she would randomly sleep around, and she had in fact told him that she was not interested in peacocks. He had been so blinded by jealousy that he did not consider the facts.

"I'm not worried about it," Ian said truthfully. "The more pressing matter is nan."