Chapter 210: Not a Good Person

Mina carefully closed the box containing the dress, and silently made her way up the stairs. Ian noticed that she was intentionally avoiding his gaze and he thought it was because of the phone. He could admit that he should have handled the situation better, but Ian's mind told him that Cylus would be using the device to spy on Mina and his household. He would expect nothing less because it is exactly what he would have done.

"If you want a phone, I will get one for you," Ian said. It was taking all his self-control not to rip the box in Mina's hands away and set it on fire. He was irked that she would accept a gift from a man that wasn't him.

It was the first time Ian felt possessiveness over Mina, or any woman for that matter. He knew it was not right to want to keep her tethered to him, but that is exactly what he wanted to do. If he couldn't have her, no one could.