Chapter 232: Everything That Glitters-2

When Ian left the office with Zane, he was expecting Mina to be out shopping with his sister. He was surprised to see her wandering around his house, still in her pajamas no less. They were made of a thick, shapeless cotton that should have made her look unattractive, but it was oddly charming and suited Mina's personality well.

Ian listened to Zane tease Mina about her appearance, then he watched the girl flee out of embarrassment. He had so much he wanted to say to her, but she had not spared him a second glance and, taking Zane's prior advice, Ian wanted to wait until she initiated a conversation with him.

"Does she always walk around in old lady clothes?" Zane turned around with a bright smile on his face only to have it wiped away by his friend's sullen expression. "Are you two okay?" Zane asked.