Chapter 260: Questionable Loyalty

When Dom returned to the kitchen, Mina had already plated their meal. She was patiently waiting for him to return, but she did not look peaceful. She was massaging her temples, and Dom thought he may have pushed her too far in asking her to recall memories.

Not wanting to frighten Mina, Dom cleared his throat, and the girl looked up at him with a smile so bright that it made him question if he misinterpreted her body language.

"Are you okay?" Dom asked, knowing that she was not.

"I am fine," Mina replied, and Dom realized that she was an expert at suppressing her emotions.

"You know, you don't have to pretend around me?" Dom said as he sat across from Mina in the dinette.

"I know. I've just gotten used to it," she admitted. "Now let's eat." Dom took a bite of the meal she had prepared for them and was stunned. He understood his boss's actions now. Mina was perfect.


Dom stared at Mina whose face was full of worry. Her eyes darted around the apartment suspiciously and Dom could hardly bring himself to leave. If she were any other woman, he would have no problem spending the night with her, but she was not any other woman, and as he had said before, if Mina was willing, he would not reject her. However, Dom was not dumb; he knew that President Lee was borderline obsessed with the woman and he was not willing to cross the line unless he was one hundred percent sure that he was willing to commit to her on a physical level.

Dom bid several goodbye's to Mina, who looked almost sick with unease. He forced himself to walk away and did not look back until he heard her apartment door shut behind him. When he exited the building, he was not surprised to see President Lee leaning against his car door. The man had been waiting for hours and Dom knew this because of the time his boss had text him.

"We need to talk," President Lee said.

"Yes sir," Dom replied. He knew that one of the women who was listening in on his conversation with Mina must have reported him.

"Meet me at that address," his boss said, and Dom's phone buzzed.

Dom nodded his head and went to his own vehicle. Once inside, he gave a heads up to Jessica and James who were close by. He was worried about Mina.

Although she said nothing, Dom knew Mina was fighting the urge to run, and if she did that, he feared the consequences for her would be greater than either of them could imagine. If president Lee were setting Mina up to be hurt or killed, it is possible that he would wait until she was outside of the apartment to do so.


When Dom arrived at the address his boss had sent him, he was surprised to be standing in front of a bar. He entered and immediately made out the shape of President Lee and CEO Zane sitting at a table in a private section of the establishment. The bar was relatively empty, as it was the end of the weekend and most people had work in the morning.

Dom stood in front of the table, where both men glared at him suspiciously.

"Sit," CEO Zane said, but Dom did not move until President Lee gestured for him to do so. As he did, a waitress scurried up to him and placed a shot of what looked like whiskey in front of his chair.

"Have a drink," President Lee said, and Dom knew it was not a request. He shook his head at the thought that he may be drinking to his death.

Dom downed the entire contents of the small glass and recognized from the burn in his chest that the drink was some sort of brandy

"Dom, how long have you worked for the Lee family?" President Lee asked.

"About twelve years sir," Dom replied.

"And how long have you worked for me?" he asked.

"Eight years sir," Dom answered. He maintained eye contact with President Lee, who was lounged back in his chair while CEO Zane was glaring over the rim of his raised glass.

"In that time, I have trusted you with many secrets; no?" President Lee stated and asked at the same time.

"Sir," Dom replied in the affirmative.

"Then why now do I find myself questioning your loyalty?" Dom took a deep breath and sat up straight.

"At the time, I thought it was the right thing to do sir," Dom replied without playing dumb. He knew he was caught for at least one of the things he had hidden for Mina, and he decided to come clean about at least that part of the evidence he was secretly gathering.

"What exactly are you hiding for Mina," CEO Zane asked. His eyes were narrowed, and Dom could tell that his boss's best friend did not trust him.

Instead of responding to CEO Zane, who clearly did not like him, Dom addressed President Lee.

"May I have your assurance sir?" Dom asked.


"That you will not repeat the information to Mina." President Lee and CEO Zane both looked at Dom with perplexed expressions.

"I will not give you any assurances until after I hear what it is you've been hiding," President Lee said. He waved his hand in the air and the waitress returned with another drink that Dom downed without hesitation.

"It was the first day you asked me to escort Mina," Dom said. "She ran into some trouble." 'or more accurately, trouble ran into her,' Dom thought.


President Lee's grip tightened on the glass he was holding, but Zane seemed unphased, in fact he seemed pleased by the revelation. The table fell into an awkward silence before President Lee spoke, but he did not speak to Dom; he addressed CEO Zane directly.

"You knew, didn't you?" President Lee asked Zane.

"I did. It was why I took Mina to my house."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because like Dom, she asked me not to. She was afraid it would cause more trouble for her, and to be quite honest, she was probably right." President Lee ordered another round of drinks, this time for the entire table.

"Are you hiding anything else," President Lee asked Zane, which Dom was relieved by. He did not want to keep lying to his boss, but he needed solid proof before he accused his boss's girlfriend of trying to hurt his boss's 'crush?'

"I am," CEO Zane replied. "Mina also had a few encounters with Carl Marsor." Ian turned to face Zane directly.

"And you hid this from me because?" he asked.

"Because she was terrified that you would use it as an excuse to keep her locked up." Zane replied. "Also, let us not pretend you've not hidden things from me as well. I know exactly what happened to Mina at CEO Rue's event." President Lee dismissed Dom, who looked relieved, before he further questioned Zane.

"Who told you?" Ian asked.

"A man named Oric Lamar," Zane answered. "As I've told you, Mina is someone else's Mills, and if she isn't yours you should do the right thing and let her go."