Chapter 286: Something Personal

Mina had arrived on set before either of her bosses. With nothing to do, and no real role she was meant to play, Mina grabbed her clipboard and made notes of the equipment that was used, barely used, or never used. She knew enough about the equipment on her list to know that there were comparative replacements that could perform one or more of the necessary functions.

For Example, there were cameras that could function for both wide angle and tight shots. If Director Porter had rented those instead, he could have saved the production $700 per camera. Mina was also aware that renting film equipment was not clear cut, and the price varied by connection and influence. It could very well have been that the cameras listed, were borrowed, and cost nothing.

Mina continued to walk around the set, making notes here and there. When she felt someone creeping up behind her. She slowed down, afraid to turn and look, but then she felt someone cover her eyes.

Without warning, Mina turned around swinging. She could tell by the position of the hands that the person was not much taller than her, so she aimed toward where she guessed the person's head would be.

Mina's fist made direct contact with the face of someone she recognized from dinner with Cylus.

"Oh my goodness Olivia! What were you thinking? I mean- I'm sorry?" Mina could not keep her words straight and she realized what Dom meant when he said that sneaking up on a person was dangerous. Olivia rubbed her face with a scowl.

"Aunty Celeste sent me," she said, still rubbing her cheek.

"Who?" Mina asked.

"Cylus' mother, Madam Celeste Rue." Mina made an 'O' shape with her mouth and nodded. She had never asked Cylus about his mother, as she felt it was rude. Especially because the back of her mind kept telling her that Cylus was her father's son. "Aunty Celeste asked me to see if her idiot of a son made amends."

"Why?" Mina questioned suspiciously.


Mina listened as Olivia explained why Madam Rue had sent her, but she felt as if there were too many holes in the story. First, she had barely interacted with Cylus' mother, and in the short time that she had, Mina was still reeling over being put up for auction. She doubted that she had made a positive impression on anyone that night.

"Olivia, you can stop lying now," Mina said. She was taking a shot in the dark, but she hoped to hit a target.

"Damn," Olivia said. "How did you know? I mean what gave it away?" Mina did not even bother to dignify Olivia with a response. She angrily shot up and tried to walk away. This time when Olivia approached, she did so cautiously. "Mina please, I wanted to ask you something personal, but my cousin wouldn't help me." Olivia said.

"So why lie? Why not just ask me?"

"I thought that if I mention my aunt, you would be more willing to trust me. Didn't you audition at the charity event?" Olivia asked, and Mina's cheeks turned pink.

"Someone put my name in the drawing," Mina said through gritted teeth. Olivia winced.

"You see, Cylus tells me nothing. I didn't even know that, but I am not lying. I do have something I need to ask you."

"Spill it," Mina shouted. She instantly regretted it when she saw Olivia nervously glancing around.

"Is there anywhere private we could speak?" Mina rolled her eyes and walked toward one of the changing rooms, with Olivia close behind her.


Mina's face was full of shock by the time Olivia finished speaking. What she wanted to discuss was more than just a personal question. What she wanted to talk about was something huge. Something Mina knew nothing about, nor did she want to involve herself in.

"Olivia, I can't help you," Mina said. "I don't even know where I would start."

"Just create an opportunity for me. That is all I need," Olivia stated, leaving Mina to shake her head.

"Olivia he is engaged-"

"I know!" The woman shouted, cutting Mina off. "But I have loved him from a distance for so long that I didn't realize I was letting him slip away."

Mina felt conflicted. She did not know if what she was being asked was right or wrong, but she knew that she would not appreciate someone doing the same thing to her. On the other hand, Mina believed that if her promised partner left her for another, then it meant that the person was never really hers to begin with.

"Olivia, that is-"

"I know, and I wouldn't have come to you if it weren't for this." Olivia fished out her phone and flipped through her photos. "When I first heard they were dating, I didn't think much of it. Peter dates a lot, but when I heard they were engaged, suddenly this picture became serious." Olivia showed Mina a photo of Peter's fiancé in a compromising position with a man who was clearly not Peter based on his skin tone alone.

"Olivia that proves nothing. When was that photo taken?" Mina asked.

"Three days ago. I was at a bar with Oric and we happened to see her there." Mina looked at Olivia skeptically. "Please Mina," Olivia begged.

"I cannot help you," Mina said matter-of-factly.

"Is it because of what I said to the woman you were with?" Olivia asked. "I was just joking. I wasn't raised in Pan, and where I lived, jokes like that are common."

"I'm not homophobic," Mina replied, slightly offended. "But since we are on the subject you shouldn't joke like that. What if my friend had taken you seriously?" Mina was positive that Jessica was in a committed relationship, but she felt the need to stress her point.

"I will never do it again," Olivia swore. "But can you help me?" Mina rubbed her temples.

"I don't even know how to help," she admitted.

"Just let me stay with you today. I will do everything else." Reluctantly, Mina agreed.


When Peter arrived on set, he was taken aback to see Mina chatting with Olivia Kent. He recognized her as the niece of CEO Rue's father. The woman had been an aspiring actress, but when she was unsuccessful, she graciously bowed out and turned to set designing instead. Peter had worked with her on many occasions, but they seldom interacted outside of the work environment.

Unsure why Olivia was on set, Peter made his way to the women, hoping that CEO Rue had not sent her to make changes to the production.

"Mina," Peter called out respectfully.

"Director Twan," Mina replied. She was about to introduce Olivia, but Peter had already begun to greet the woman.

"Olivia, what brings you on set?" Peter asked.

"Mina and I had breakfast together, I followed her inside to use the amenities." Mina was impressed by Olivia's storytelling, and she wondered if she were doing the right thing by helping the woman lie. "Anyway, sorry to disturb, I should probably get going before I cause you trouble," Olivia said dejectedly, but Peter stopped her.