Chapter 309: No. One. Touched. You.

Ian wanted to believe Lisa when she said that nothing happened, but when he considered the clothing that both women were wearing; Lisa was a much easier target than Mina.

While Mina wore a loose-fitting button-down shirt and jeans, Lisa was wearing a knee length business dress. Unfortunately, Kace's people had killed all four of the abductors, so Ian would have to take Lisa's word as fact until he could speak to Mina. With her brother's warning regarding the 'implications' in mind, Lisa put an end to Ian's line of questioning.

"I know what you are thinking, but Mina's shirt was torn during a struggle. She wasn't handled gently, but neither of us were taken advantage of." Ian was relieved that he could now confidently tell Mina that she was untouched.

"Why did they take you? What did they say?" Ian asked. Lisa was embarrassed to tell the truth, so she lied.

"They said they wanted me, but they didn't say why."

"And Mina," Lisa shook her head.

"They didn't plan to take her, but once they had her, they planned to sell her." Ian's face turned dark; he was about to speak again when Zane called him.

"Get over here quick." Zane shouted so loudly that Lisa could hear it through the handset. She did not argue or ask Ian where he was going. Hopefully, the situation that required Ian's immediate attention, was Mina's death.


Ian sprinted toward the ward where Mina was being seen. He did not have to ask why Zane called; he could hear it. Mina was continuously shouting his name. Her voice was so hoarse it sounded as if it hurt.

"President Lee. Where is President Lee?" Mina cried. She was not actually out of bed, in fact her eyes were still closed, but tears were still pouring out of her shut lids.

"Mina, I'm here," Ian said as he rushed into the room. He felt terrible, the one time the woman needed him, he was not there.

"President Lee," Mina said. She reached out her hand trying to grab at the man, who took her hand in his. Mina pulled him closer and wrapped her hands into his shirt. "Miss Lisa, where is Miss Lisa?" She asked. She had finally opened her eyes, or at least opened them as much as they could be opened in such a swollen state.

"Lisa is fine. She is in another room," Ian said, but Mina did not relax.

"Dom! Where is Dom? Please do not hurt him," Mina begged. Ian was put off that Mina was thinking about others before herself, and although Dom was in bad shape, it was not by Ian's hand.

"Dom will be fine," Ian replied. He did not want to lie, but he did not want to further stress the woman who was clinging to him with a vice grip.

Hearing president Lee's words Mina went to relax, but when she laid back, she felt her shirt fall open and she started to have a violent panic attack.

President Lee called for nurses to help Mina, but they could do nothing but give her an oxygen mask that she kept pulling off her face.

"Did- did they-" knowing what Mina wanted to ask, Ian cut her off.

"No! No one touched you. Lisa told me your shirt ripped while you were fighting. No. One. Touched. You." Ian was cupping Mina's bruised face as he spoke the last four words. He wanted to stress them to her because he knew she did not trust him.

"Please president Lee, don't lie to me about this. Are you sure? Please tell me the truth." Mina was so distraught that she did not even care that the man was sitting so close, holding her face inches away from his.

Hearing Mina's words, Ian felt a pang in his heart. He knew she would not believe him, and he had to credit himself with the foresight he possessed when he refused to let the nurses undress Mina. Ian stood up and pulled the sheet that was covering Mina off her body, causing the girl to shudder from the chill.

"Look at your clothing, we left you exactly the way we found you. Ask the nurses. Ask Zane." Mina tried to look at President Lee, but the swelling on her face prevented her eyes from opening wide enough to take in the hurt expression of the standing man.

Mina did as President Lee suggested and checked her clothing. Apart from the three or four buttons that had popped on her top, her jeans belt, and even her boots were still in place.

Still, Mina could not stop herself from sobbing. She could not believe she had been kidnapped. In all her years of living, she had never even come close to being snatched off the street, and now she had been targeted.


When Mina had calmed down enough to breathe properly, a nurse cautiously approached and asked her if she wanted to shower. Mina wasted no time in agreeing. Both men left the room and Mina stripped herself free of her clothes.

As she removed her jeans, Mina was relieved to see that the safety underwear Jessica had given her were still in place. Ever since her experience with Peter, Jessica had been insisting that Mina take extra precautions and even carry pepper spray.

Although Mina was still terrified of what could have happened, she now felt a little more confident. It was not that she thought President Lee had lied to her, but she had no recollection of her shirt being torn during any struggle.

The last thing Mina remembered was being locked in the room and being unable to breathe. At that time, her shirt was complete, and unless something else happened, there was no reason the top four buttons spontaneously popped off.

"Miss, do you want to have a kit done before you shower?" The nurse asked and Mina jumped at the opportunity. Even though she had the safety pants on, she wanted more evidence. "Sorry I didn't ask sooner; I didn't want to speak in front of men."


After her examination, Mina felt like the weight on her shoulders had been lifted. Not only were there no signs of trauma, but the doctor told her that there had been no sign of any recent activity.

Mina knew she was no longer a virgin by clinical standards, so that was not a shock to her. But to know that she had come out of her ordeal unscathed helped to take the edge off her shock.

In that time, she had also gotten a good look at her face, which looked like she had gotten into a boxing match. Mina was assured that the damage was all superficial and would heal within a few weeks, but while it was still fresh it looked frightening.

When Mina returned to the room in a gown provided to her by the hospital, Zane was sitting on a chair in her room. He looked like he wanted to ask her something but was stopping himself. When the nurse left, Mina asked the man to speak.

"How did they get you?" Zane asked. He was unsure how Mina and Dom had gotten separated or how Mina ended up with Lisa.

"Someone was distracting Dom; the sun was in my eyes, so I couldn't quite see who, but it was a woman," Mina said.