Chapter 368: Acknowledgment

When the police arrived, Mina felt her heart begin to race. She did not like the fact that they immediately went to speak to the woman who was accusing her, without talking to the manager of the store first. One of the officers called Mina forward and she reluctantly obliged.

"If you didn't do anything wrong, why do you look so nervous?" the man asked, and Mina answered candidly.

"You have already decided who is right and who is wrong."

"Mina," Sadie shouted with wide eyes. She knew her sister was not trying to be disrespectful, but she had just accused a police officer of doing his job incorrectly.

"Open your bag," ordered the officer and Mina obliged. The woman who had called the police strutted forward and pointed to Mina's wallet.

"That, it is mine," the woman lied, and Mina felt her heart drop.

"She is lying. My mother made this for me for my birthday last year. Manager Lou, tell him," Mina pleaded.

When she had first gotten the wallet, Mina showed it off to the man, hoping to see if his store would be willing to carry a few of them for sale. He agreed to buy ten of them, and she delivered them the next week, they sold slowly, but the man was able to recover his money, however he did not order again.

"Miss, are you sure?" the manager asked, but the police officer had already taken the wallet from Mina. He stood the girl in the front of the store and began to berate her about being a thief and liar, all without proof.

Mina stood there being stared at by the people in the store, and the new patrons walking in. The worst part for Mina was that it was her sister's birthday. She did not get angry though, if she did, she would get in trouble for it later.

"You don't even know what happened," Sadie said from behind the officer. "You are just taking that woman's word for it because she looks like she has money. Why not ask what is in the wallet?" Sadie said through tears.

The officer did not like that not one, but two children had spoken down to him, but his partner intervened and asked the woman if she could name one item from within the wallet. The woman generically answered money, and without being asked, Mina went down a list of all the bills she had inside the wallet, down to the cent.

Instead of handing Mina back her things when he confirmed the details, the officer pulled the girl outside of the shop where he continued to embarrass and berate her along with her sister, while onlookers watched. Some in amusement and some in shock.

That memory forever scarred Mina, and even as an adult she struggled with people staring at her. Her sister's face that day was not just filled with shame, but loathing. It was after that experience that her sister became embarrassed of their family standing. Something that would ultimately lead to her future accident.


Cylus listened to Mina's story, but he could not draw a connection. He hated that she had experienced something so horrible so young, but he did not know what that had to do with the women in the store. They were not falsely accused. They were guilty.

"Before you say it, yes, I know the situations are different, but the facial expressions are still the same."

"I appreciate you talking to me, but I still think you played me," Cylus said, trying to lighten the mood. He turned over the engine and started to drive.

"Are you angry?" Mina asked, and Cylus shook his head. He knew from Olivia that Mina did not speak openly about her past, so he knew she was showing him her sincerity by talking to him.

"I'm not, but this makes us even. No more keeping me at a stick's length." Mina looked away.

"Cylus, I do not see you-"

"I know. It is clear, but I like you as a person. So, let's continue forward as friends only. Agreed?" Mina nodded vigorously.


Mina didn't know what to think when she walked into Cylus' family home. The place was decorated in beautiful things but unlike the Lee mansion, she could tell the items were uniquely created for the home.

Mina was taken into a sitting room where Cylus' mother waited for her. Madam Celeste Rue was excited to see Mina, but not because she missed the girl. It was because her mother remembered her, and she desperately wanted to believe that her mother's brain was healing itself. Cylus left the women and went to do his own thing.

Before Madam Rue brought Mina into the room where her mother was resting, she confided in her that she had given birth to a stillborn daughter three years after Cylus was born. According to Madam Rue, her mother, Sarah, was confusing Mina for that child.

"I know it isn't ideal, but she hasn't been this lucid in a long time. I just want her to enjoy her final days." Mina knew it was wrong to lie, but she also knew that lies could also protect.

"Why doesn't she think Olivia is your daughter?" Mina asked.

"I think it has something to do with your eye color. It is similar to ours," Celeste said.

Mina was still feeling uncomfortable when she entered the old woman's resting area, but when she saw the piano in the room she relaxed. She greeted the old woman and bowed deeply, and she received a smile and a pat on the head.

"Play for me," Sarah said, and Mina softly hit the keys.

She played the same melody as she had done the night of the charity event, and the old woman hummed along with her. Mina did not speak, she felt that speaking would give her away, so she continued to stroke the keys, sometimes singing and sometimes humming.

Eventually the old woman yawned and the nurse that was in the room wheeled her into another area to sleep.

"You have a beautiful voice." Madam Rue said, and it was not an exaggeration. "You are contracted with my company; I want you to sing something for me. Mina felt her face flush.

"I wouldn't be able to stand the attention," Mina admitted.

"It's only a sample track. It's meant for other artists to hear how a song should be sung." Mina knew what a sample track was, and she found herself agreeing. After buying an expressive dress, she needed the money.


Mina returned home late in the evening, and she was surprised to find Miss Luna sitting on her couch. Emma was not home yet, and it meant that she and the woman were alone.

"Don't worry, I am only here to apologize before I leave Pan." Mina's face morphed in confusion and Luna chuckled. "I'm moving," she said.

Luna straightened herself up and formally apologized to Mina for what she had done, and when she was finished, she looked to Mina for acceptance.

"I have already forgiven you, but I will never trust you again." Luna knew she deserved that, and she accepted it as reality. She moved to leave, and Mina called out to her without looking back. Luna nodded at Mina's words and left.

Mina pulled out her phone and texted president Lee.

[Your sister stopped by. Thought you would want to know.]

[Thanks for telling me.]


[To you as well.]

Mina hoped that the simple show of trust would be beneficial to her, but she had no idea how significant her actions were.