Chapter 370: Memory-2

Mina and her mother carefully mixed the ingredients for the cake and put it in the oven. They then turned their attention to breakfast, which was a simple bowl of oats with a slice of pork and a boiled egg.

As the designated 'kitchen helper' Mina was expected to help her mother every morning, so she knew it was a special breakfast. The family rarely ate egg, meat and oats together for one meal and Mina tried to figure out what the difference was between her actions and her mother's.

Mina was aware that her mother had been taking on extra housekeeping work while they were at school, and she understood it was so that she could splurge a little on her eldest daughter's birthday. She opened her mouth to ask what the difference was but thought better of it. She could take judgement from others, but it hurt twice as much when it came from the people she loved most.


When Sadie awoke, she immediately ran to the kitchen knowing that breakfast would be a filling one. She hugged Mina, who was quietly setting the table, and then her parents. Mina watched the interaction, and her father came over and hugged her the way he had hugged Sadie. He kneeled down to Mina's eye level and spoke for her ears only.

"Mom overreacted, you have gotten so much better. Let's forget about today, okay?" Mina smiled at the praise, something she knew her parents enjoyed seeing on her face, especially when it was one that they considered real.

As her father stood next to her, Mina's mother handed Sadie the twenty-five dollars she had taken from Mina. Her father squeezed her shoulder in silent support. While she was not bothered by the 'gift', she was bothered that her parents did not credit her with it.

"Can me and Mina go to the shopping center?" Sadie asked, but her mother flatly refused.

"Mina will be staying in her room today," Anne said, and Sadie pouted.

"What did she do?" She asked. Without a response to her question Sadie spoke first. "So, my birthday has to be ruined because of someone else?" Mina kept to herself. She knew what her sister was doing. Sadie had always been good with her words, and better at controlling their parents.

"Fine, she will be let off for today, but only because it's your birthday wish."


Mina and Sadie sat on the bus heading to the shopping center. She read a book aloud while her sister laid her head across her lap and listened. For Sadie, the only way she could listen to a story was if Mina read it. She loved listening to her sister's voice, but she was distracted by something that was bothering her. Sadie reached up and pulled the book away from Mina.

"I will give it back if you want it," said Sadie. She knew her parents would never have given her money in that amount as a birthday present.

"It's okay. I shouldn't have-"

"Mina shut up. You did nothing wrong. Besides, even if you become a monster, you are still my little sister." She had only guessed that the money came from Mina, but her sister's response told her she was correct.

"How do you do it?" Mina asked. "How do you know what they like to hear?"

"Do you want me to teach you?" Mina nodded. "Then you have to promise to do everything I say." Those words echoed in Mina's ears and she bolted upright in her bed.


Mina sat at the end of her bed, drenched in sweat she did not sleep peacefully. All night she was plagued with the same dream. That was the problem with talking about things. Once she brought a memory to the surface, it was hard to suppress it again, and in truth, Mina was never able to suppress her memories well.

By the time Mina drifted into sleep again; she did so knowing that she would slip back into that familiar nightmare, all because she told Cylus the truth.


Mina was at work when her phone rang. She was surprised to see that President Lee was calling her. He had been distant since she had gotten sick, and she assumed it was because he was preoccupied with getting caught for skirt chasing.

Mina answered the phone hesitantly, but she was careful not to let the weariness leak into her voice.

"President Lee," Mina greeted.

"A letter from your university came to my office, it is addressed to you. Can you come to get it, or should I bring it to your apartment?" Mina was silent. She did not know which option was worse. The last time she had visited the Lee building, she never made it inside.

"I get off of work in an hour, I won't be home until-"

"That is perfect then," the man said, not waiting for Mina to finish speaking. "I am not too far away from where you are, I will swing by and take you home." Mina wanted to decline the offer, but President Lee hung up before she could.

When president Lee's car pulled up, Mina jumped in before the man could get out. He found her actions suspicious, but she admitted her reasoning before he could ask. Mina told him that she did not want her coworkers to spread anymore rumors about her. Ian was shocked that she even knew about the ones that were already circulating.

By the time Ian realized that he may have let Mary's words go too far, they had already spiraled out of control, and although people did not know who Mina was, in a few weeks' time he knew, they would be reminded of the infamous contact girl.

As President Lee drove, Mina took the letter from him and opened it gingerly. She pulled out a cream-colored card, with handwritten calligraphy on it. Mina read it and giggled. She opened the window, clearly planning to throw the invitation out, but was cautioned by President Lee about a littering ticket.

"What is it?" Ian asked, as if he were not already aware.

"Apparently, I am a guest of honor," Mina said sarcastically.

"Aren't you happy?" he asked. "They are finally acknowledging you."

"Maybe I would have been when I just wanted to live and work in peace." President Lee caught the use of the past tense, and even Mina realized her mistake. "I guess I could make an appearance." she said.

For the rest of the ride, Mina silently stared out of the car window. They were nearing her apartment complex's garage when she saw a familiar figure exiting a taxi.

"President Lee, stop the car," Mina shouted, and the man pulled over. Mina jumped out and jogged toward the woman.

"Willow?" Mina said loudly and the woman looked up with a bright smile. She rushed toward Mina and the women scooped each other into a hug.

"Look at you," Willow said. "You are growing up." Mina's face flushed and Willow laughed. "Still?" she asked, remembering how Mina's face always turned red in university.

"What are you doing in Pan?" Mina asked, but she had a feeling it had something to do with the invitation she was given.

"You think I would miss a grand event specifically organized to kiss the ass of a good friend?" Mina laughed, as President Lee sauntered up to the women and Willow's mouth hung open. She looked between the man and Mina.

"Sh!t, Mina did you actually bag him?" Willow asked in a voice too loud to be considered a whisper. Mina tried to cover her mouth, but President Lee clearly heard.

"Bag what?" He asked, extending his hand to Willow as a greeting.