Chapter 426: RN

Mina watched the other Jeremy and Oric fight in absolute shock. They were not just hitting one another; they were trying to cause severe injuries and the men kept shouting things that she did not understand back and forth. They were speaking the Pan language, but the accusations that were being tossed around did not make sense to her.

Jeremy was accusing Oric of ruining not just his life, but also Willow's. Oric responded by blaming Jeremy's inability to remain faithful. The man quickly followed up by asking Oric if he knew of all the things Willow had to face over the years, and a rage filled Oric threw a punch so hard that it landed with a thud.

Mina knew that Oric was angry because, like her, he likely had no idea of how much Willow had gone through, and it was probably a slap in the face that another man did.

Looking at Jeremy, Mina could see that he was entirely Willow's preferred type of man, from his body type to his skin tone. Mina herself was not fussy when it came to that sort of thing, but Willow found lighter skin boring, and she guessed that Jeremy was someone Willow had tried dating.

"Please stop them," Mina shouted. She had not noticed when she had started crying, but her tears were falling.

"No one touch them," Connor called from above Mina's head. She turned to face him, hurt filling her entire face. "Both of those men hurt your friend. Oric was a coward when he should have been a man, and Jeremy is a compulsive cheater who pretends to love her. Willow may not know, but he is expecting a child."

"What does that have to do with Willow? What does that have to do with letting Oric fight?" Connor could not help but to feel sorry for Mina, who was too innocent to understand what he was trying to tell her.

"The child was conceived after Jeremy proposed to Willow." Mina blanched, Willow had said she came to Pan to celebrate, but a part of Mina knew there was something else.

Unable to watch anymore, Mina covered her face. She peeked at the fighting men every now and then, and her heart broke when she caught sight of Oric's bleeding nose.

After some time, Connor's grip had loosened on her, and she used the opportunity to sprint at the men, throwing herself between them with her arms outstretched, but just as Connor had predicted; only Oric stopped. The other Jeremy looked at her as if she were the most disgusting woman he had ever seen before he said something about Oric choosing whores, and he redirected his punch at her.

Remembering what Dom had taught her, Mina shifted her body, but the man's blow still landed on her shoulder with enough force to send her stumbling backward and onto the cold ground. She tried to get up, but her arm felt like it had been shattered, and she felt pain radiate through the entire side that had been hit. The sight was all Oric seemed to need to completely lose himself in the fight, and before she knew it Connor had begun rallying people to help pull Oric and Jeremy apart.

When the men were separated, Connor asked someone to take Jeremy to a hospital. He handed the man a set of keys and then he came to inspect Mina. What felt like forever, was over, and Mina was grateful that Connor had finally stopped the men before they could kill each other.

"I told you not to get in his way," Connor said. He kneeled so he could be level with Mina, wanting to help her up but she winced when he touched her.

Noticing that Mina was holding a limp arm, Connor gently tried to move it, hoping it was not broken. He looked straight into Mina's eyes with a look of disappointment on his face. Unlike what Mina had ever seen in the man, he was annoyed with her, and she knew it was because she had not listened to him.

"Next time, can you just trust that I have your best interest in mind?" Mina nodded slowly, unwilling to make excuses for herself, because Connor had warned her and her interference had briefly given Jeremy the upper hand, before forcing Connor to end the fight. "Now there is no clear winner and they will drag Willow into the middle." Mina tried to hang her head, but Connor caught her chin with a smile. "I know you couldn't help it." Mina's eyes shifted away from Connor's. Attentive Connor was much more attractive to her, and if he was acting, he was good at it.

Oric made his way over to where Mina and Connor were crouched, and he sat beside her breathing heavily. He had wiped the blood from his face, but he still looked to be in pain. He asked if she was hurt, but he did not let their faces meet, likely trying to hide the extent of his own injuries, but he was failing.

"I think her shoulder is dislocated," Connor said, causing Oric to curse. He gently moved Mina's arm and she let out a pained cry. She tried to stand, but Connor forced her to stay seated. "We have to stabilize it first." Mina looked at the man as if she were shocked to hear an educated word exit his lips. "Don't look so surprised, I am a licensed and registered nurse."

"Shut up," Mina said with a small laugh. She thought the man was teasing her to take away from the pain.

"I'm serious; I thought it would be a clever way to meet women." Mina did not notice but Connor had already begun to stabilize her arm.

"Did it work?" she asked, her curious nature overriding the pain she was feeling. Connor shook his head.

"It turns out that the whole sexy nurse thing is a lie, and nurses are mean." Mina chuckled, and as she did, Connor tightened something around her arm and torso. The pain was not as intense as she expected, because she had been distracted by the admission.

It was about that same time when Cylus finally caught wind of what had happened and he came rushing out of the cabin, pulling Vanya behind him. Mina's face soured and she once again tried to stand, with Connor and Oric's aid.

The pair came running up to them, and when he caught sight of his friend's face he cursed loudly. Mina found herself backing away from the man and woman, before Cylus' eyes finally landed on her and the makeshift sling. He reached for her, but Mina slapped his hand away as hard as she could, making Vanya gasp. She did not want him to touch her after he had basically accused her of lying.

Mina had never been a malicious person, and Vanya was the least of all people she would feel the need to frame. Cylus looked shocked by her reaction but Mina did not care. She was in the position she was in because of him. He had abandoned her from the moment she arrived, and she had only left with Vanya because several men had surrounded her, asking her lewd questions about which of the friends was better in bed.

Mina did not plan to tell Cylus that part, but she was angry enough with him to want to make him feel half as bad as she felt. Especially after he accused her of 'misunderstanding' Vanya, who Mina was sure had lured her into Bastien's room with foul intentions. He did not even want to listen to her side of the story, and to Mina, it made him no better than President Lee.

"Starting from tomorrow, my contract with Rouge Entertainment will be nullified without penalties. All uncollected payment should be sent to the account on file."