Chapter 437: Two Days

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Olivia and Zane made small talk over the meal they ordered. At first Olivia wanted to leave quickly, but the more they spoke, the less she wanted to leave. At some point, the question about why she was wearing flats came up and she was surprised that Zane had even noticed. She told him about her ankle, and the man shook his head.

Olivia did not know, but Zane hated to hear the mention of Mary, because she was the woman who almost caused Mina to die from abuse. The only reason he had not retaliated against the woman on his own accord was because Ian played a role in her behavior. Still, he could not hide his irritation.

"You like Mina, don't you?" Zane was startled by the question, but it was expected. He kept mentioning Mina's name and it was not on purpose.

"To say that I don't wouldn't be accurate." Zane settled on that response to avoid the confusion a genuine answer could cause.

"What is it about her?" Olivia quizzed, and Zane thought that she must have been in some way comparing herself to Mina.

"Let me put it this way; men have a certain behavior in our minds when it comes to women like Mina. We automatically assume that because of how she looks, her attitude will be a specific way."

"But Mina is different?"

"She is. Every time you expect her mask to crack, it shines brighter instead." Olivia sighed because that was not the answer she wanted. "That is not to say that other women don't have their own merits." Olivia cut Zane off, feeling offended.

"No, no, no. I am not jealous. I just feel like…" Olivia didn't know how to continue, but she didn't have to, because Zane picked up where she left off.

Zane put things about Mina's attractive qualities into a perspective for Olivia and he unknowingly mirrored Willow. Olivia started to think about the safety shorts Mina had given her, and if what Zane had said was true, then Mina may have needed those shorts at some point and did not have them. It made sense to Olivia, but it only hurt her to think that Mina had suffered in any way.

Zane did not know the impact of his words on Olivia, and when she arrived home, she immediately packed a bag, deciding that she needed to take control of her life to avoid becoming a pawn. She called her own car and headed to a place that she never thought she would never go on her own.


Peter opened his apartment door and was startled to see Olivia. She looked nervous, and he invited her in after checking the hall to see if anyone else was with her. He was in the middle of eating dinner but put it on hold thinking that an emergency had brought the woman to him.

"Can I help you with something?" Peter asked.

"You have two days," Olivia responded. "Two days to convince me to sleep with you." Peter laughed because he was sure he was being set up.

"What is this about?" he questioned defensively, but Olivia stepped forward and pressed her lips against his. Peter was sucked into it without protest, but with much reluctance he pulled Olivia away, and checked to see if her pupils were dilated.

"I'm not drugged," she said in annoyance. "I just don't like how people keep trying to take control of my life." Peter pulled her to sit next to him on his sofa.

"Why me?" He was still not entirely sure the woman was being serious.

"Don't get excited," Olivia rudely added. She did not want the man to misunderstand. "You were not my first choice, or even my second, but I knew where you live." Peter did not know how to interpret Olivia's words.

"You should take more time to think about this." Peter was more than happy to sleep with Olivia, but only if it was a natural occurrence.

"I didn't say I was going to sleep with you. I said you have two days to convince me to sleep with you. It's not a guarantee." Peter raised an eyebrow because apparently she had not heard as much about him as he had heard about her.

Peter lifted Olivia up and brought her into his bedroom. He placed her in the middle of his bed and pressed gentle kisses on her face and neck. She moaned from the sensation, and when he stopped, she looked at him as if he had committed a grave injustice against her. He lifted Olivia's legs, removing her shoes one by one, when he noticed a wrap around her ankle.

When Olivia told him it was a healing injury made by his ex, he felt his stomach flip with anger and guilt. Taking the injured ankle in his hands, Peter began to massage the area, and Olivia winced from the pressure. As he pressed and rotated the joint, the pain decreased, or she had gotten used to it, but somehow, it felt better.

Peter's hands began to make their way from her ankle to her calf, then eventually her thigh. His fingers kept brushing against her sensitive spot, and every time it did her breath hitched in her throat. Peter looked up at Olivia, deciding that he would play her game against her. He moved to the other leg, repeating the process until her entire body shook with anticipation. He then crawled over her, grinding his body against her core, while stifling her moans with his kisses, but when her breathing became ragged, he stopped.

Olivia watched Peter get up, adjust himself and walk out of the room after asking her if she had eaten. Her mouth hung open and she could not help but to wonder if maybe she had done something wrong. After cleaning herself, Olivia went looking for Peter. His apartment was not big, so it did not take time for her to find the kitchen. She saw that he had fixed her a plate and he smiled as he pointed for her to sit across from him.

Peter looked at Olivia's confused face and it gave him immense pleasure to be the cause. She had given him two days to convince her to sleep with him, but instead he planned to use them to make her beg him to sleep with her.

"We should get to know each other a little better," Peter said, putting a piece of meat into his mouth after speaking. Olivia, who was still baffled, nodded.

"Okay, what do you want to know?" Olivia had wrongly assumed the man had calmed himself for her benefit, which she appreciated.

"How many?" Peter saw the look of bewilderment cross Olivia's face and it put a smile on his. "I'm talking about men. How many am I competing with?" Remembering her words about him not being her first choice, Olivia went for the truth.

"There are two before you, but neither of them know their position and I would rather it stay that way." Olivia's first choice was Dom, who starred in many of her late-night fantasies, and the second was CEO Zane, who surprisingly gave her the feeling of security.

"And how many have you had?" Olivia's eyes bulged with the question. She would normally be angry, but the look Peter was giving her was making the area between her legs throb, and the husky voice he was using was working like magic.

"None; yet." Olivia was sure to add that last word because she was not saving herself for a husband anymore. She wanted to choose who she would be with and when.

Peter heard Olivia's response to his question and for just a second, his resolve waivered. He had only recently found out that ninety-eight percent of what he had heard about the woman was false, but he had assumed the rumors had come from somewhere.