Chapter 518: Who Is It?

Mina walked into a small office building and was greeted by a smiling Miss Meagan. The woman scooped her into a loving hug, which Mina welcomed. They were in the building to canvas the space. It was meant to be a safe place for women struggling to move on from divorce to meet without feeling judged, but it was important to Miss Meaghan that it did not look like an institution. She wanted it to be friendly like a café, and not a support group.

As the women peeked into the different rooms, Miss Meagan excitedly described how each room could be used. She had even included an area where children could play. Gone was the insecure old woman who Mina had met, and in her place was a woman renewed. Zane arrived a short while later, and he smiled at his mother, who was still eagerly describing the floor plans.

"Oh, Mina. I forgot to ask, how was your date with Zane?" Mina heard the man gasp as if his mother had just uttered a curse, and the woman turned to face her son with a bright smile. "You left all dressed up saying you were going out with Mina; am I wrong to assume you two went on a date?"

"Yes mother, very wrong," Zane said a little too aggressively.

"Don't worry. Zane is just waiting for the right person." Miss Meagan sighed.

"There are so many young and attractive beautiful young women around him. I don't see why he is having trouble choosing."

"Maybe he isn't interested?" Mina did not mean to insinuate anything, but Meagan gulped.

"Zane?" she said, looking at her son with questioning eyes.

"Mina," Zane warned while stepping close to his mother. "Mom, she didn't mean it that way. Mina is very dumb for a smart person. Besides, she is being courted by Cameron." Miss Meagan snapped her head to Mina with wide eyes.

"You can't seriously like that man," she said, taking Mina aback.

"Goodness no, he has it in his mind that we are a good match, but I already have someone in mind." Mina felt conflicted talking to Miss Meagan. She hadn't mentioned Paul, but it suddenly occurred to her that she was coveting another woman's man.

"Who?" Zane asked curiously. He had been waiting to ask about the mystery man she was always spotted with, but he had only just gotten the opportunity to pry.

"Paul," she whispered with red cheeks. Zane stiffened before his gaze shifted into one of concern.

"Mina; you can't turn back time. Please consider what it is you are really saying." Miss Meagan was no fool, and she knew that her son was speaking around her understanding, so she decided to lend her advice without saying too much.

"The heart and mind are always at war with one another, but you have to remind yourself which one has the ability to think. If I had listened to my brain years ago, I wouldn't be where I am today."


Mina arrived at her apartment, somewhat shocked to see Vanya and Cylus standing outside the doors. By the looks of things, they were waiting for her. Cylus' face was cold and menacing, while Vanya's looked pleased. Mina knew something was wrong, and she hoped that Olivia had not yet gone to be with Peter.

Mina opened her apartment door and ushered the couple, who she was told had broken up, inside. They wordlessly sat on the sofa, meanwhile Emma and Jay, who had been in the kitchen, took Cylus' lack of greeting as a cue to hide. One of them must have texted Olivia, because she strolled into the apartment forty minutes later with bags of groceries in her hands.

"I thought you were with Mina," Cylus said while staring at his cousin.

"I was with Mina; I went to the store." Olivia lifted the bags in her hands, and Cylus shook his head while chuckling.

"Who is it?" Olivia tried to pretend to be confused by her cousin's question, but Cylus produced photos of her getting in and out of taxis; each photo from a different day. "Is this why you've signed up for driving classes?" Cylus asked, not really expecting a response. "And you," he said while turning to face Mina. "You knew about this." Mina saw no need to lie, and based on the satisfied expression Vanya wore, the woman had more information than she was letting on.

"Cylus I-" the man cut Olivia off mid-sentence.

"Mina, I asked you a question. Did you know about this?"

"Olivia is an adult, she should-" Cylus jumped up and stood so close to Mina that she could feel his breath on her face.

"So after everything I have done, you decided to pay me back by teaching my cousin to behave like a-" Cylus was not able to get the word out because Mina slapped him with so much force that his face turned to the side. She knew what he was going to say, and she refused to let anyone belittle her or Olivia with that word again.

"I never asked you to do anything for me, but since you brought it up," Mina pulled out her phone and Cylus' phone chirped in response. He looked at his device almost shocked by the amount of money Mina had sent to him. He intuitively knew it was the severance fee for her contract with Rouge. "Now, we have no business with one another." The man didn't even argue, he moved from Mina, pulling his cousin's arms roughly toward the door, but she jerked it away with just as much force.

"How dare you insult me and then try to act as if you are 'saving' me?" Cylus' nostrils flared; his anger apparent.

"Olivia, if you don't leave with me now, you can forget about ever coming home." Olivia's head jerked back, but she remained firm.

"Then I won't." Cylus was shocked, but not surprised.

"Don't even think of showing up at work tomorrow," Cylus growled.

"She won't have to."

"This is a matter between family," Vanya said, addressing Mina with scorn.

"Then why are you here? Let me guess, you used Olivia to push me out the picture?"

"Shut up," Cylus growled angrily, making Mina chuckle at his stupidity.

"Get out of my apartment and don't ever come back." Cylus pushed past his cousin, roughly bumping her shoulder, making the woman stumble backward. He paused, wanting to go and help her, but Mina had already beat him to it, and it served to further anger him.

"You will regret this Mina Harlow."

"As will you. Now leave, and don't ever bother either of us again."


Willow rushed to Mina's apartment, after hearing what happened between Olivia and Cylus, she found herself at a loss. She had just gotten her own place, and she needed her job to support herself, but her friendships were equally as important. Both women assured her that they did not expect her to quit her job, but after an hour of deliberating she had made up her mind to send in her notice.

Willow was not like Jay, who was tethered to Rouge with a contract laden with heavy penalties. She was signed as a family friend, and thus it was easy for her to cut her ties with the entertainment company. She received a confirmation of employment termination near minutes after sending it, which made Olivia cry with guilt.

"You two talked about branching out and I am more than willing to help now," Mina said. Willow looked at her friend, knowing that she was digging deeply into the money she was supposed to use to run away. "Don't worry. I have another 500K waiting for me, and I've been invited as a paid speaker to many events. I will be able to make the money up quickly."

"I am so sorry," Olivia sobbed, but Mina shook her head.

"Cylus is the only person who needs to be sorry. Now, let's talk about living arrangements."