Chapter 645: Full Control

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝟏𝟖+

Ian laid Mina down on her bed as softly as possible, but in his excitement, he fell onto the woman a little more roughly than he meant to. She pulled in a large breath of air, and in that moment, he could see uncertainty in her eyes. He had hoped being in her room would help her relax, but she was still tense.

Doing his best to ignore it, Ian gently removed Mina's shorts. She did not have much of a reaction because her body was still covered by the night gown that she wore. If she wanted to back out, this would be the best time for her to do it, but Ian hoped she would not.

They were still wet, so Mina's clothing clung to her skin, and Ian could see that the cold material was making her shiver. He quickly removed his own shirt before returning to fully undress the woman. He knew that item was the last article of clothing keeping her modesty, so he moved slowly, lifting it up in a way that was meant to keep her calm, but before he could expose her private area, she clutched at his wrists.

"Don't make me regret this," Mina breathed out, and Ian nodded at her words. He leaned forward to kiss her, promising that he would never make her regret him.

Mina released President Lee's hands and the man removed her shirt. Instinctually she covered herself, wishing that they had been under the covers before he started to undress her, but she knew that there was no going back. The man stood to remove his underwear allowing his manhood to spring free of it's restriction, and she shut her eyes tightly. Mina felt the man crawl onto the bed and gently part her legs as he positioned himself between them, but she stopped him.

"Do you have protection?" she asked, not at all wanting to become the next Olivia and not certain she would willingly take another emergency contraceptive. She was of a sober mind; the decision she was making was of her own accord and she did not want the guilt of a possibility. Mina had only just gotten over wondering what would have happened if she had gotten pregnant by President Lee, and she did not want to return to that place.

"Do we need it?" The man whispered, still pushing his body against Mina's thighs, which she had pulled together to prevent him from moving any further. She looked at him incredulously, a look Ian recognized as the one he had given Lisa when she asked him the same question and it put into perspective how strongly he felt toward Mina.

"Maybe this is a mistake." Mina tried to sit up, but President Lee kissed her back down into the mattress.

"No, no, no." Ian hated himself for practically whining the words out, but he did not want Mina to change her mind. They were so close, and he did not plan to let her go once they were together. "It's not a mistake, I'll go get one now." He stood, jogging into his room where he pulled out the damaged protection that he kept for no reason. In the beginning, it was to see if people tampered with his things, but after that, it became a piece of junk in his nightstand that no one dared to throw away. Ian did not want Mina to notice that the packaging was flat, an indication that it was no longer airtight, so he cupped the item in his hand, only flashing it to her once before putting it on.

"Don't use the whole thing," Mina said, and Ian found himself smirking at her words. She had changed since the first time they met, but overall, she was still the same person she had always been.

Armed with knowledge he did not have when they were first together, Ian slowly pushed himself against Mina's opening, feeling her warmth take him as she squeezed his shoulders tightly. Her face was screwed up uncomfortably, and at about half of his length, Ian stopped trying to push inside of her. He wanted her to be in full control this time, and as badly as he wanted to give her all of him, he knew it was important to respect her wishes.

"You feel amazing," he said, kissing the woman's neck after each word. The sound she was making was like a mix between a whimper and a moan, and Ian found himself using more force than he wanted to get in and out of her. He moved his hips slowly, trying to help the woman relax, but she was so nervous that she kept clenching her legs together. "Please don't push me out," he begged.

Mina nodded, but Ian could still feel the resistance of her body, and his hips kept hitting against her thighs in a way that he knew would leave bruises on the woman if he moved any more vigorously. He kept talking to her, saying sweet things as he studied her face, hoping that he would see some indication of pleasure on it, but it was as though the woman only felt pain.

Ian knew that Mina was not enjoying herself, but he was living in his dream. He buried his face in her neck, kissing and biting the skin remembering that she responded positively to that sort of thing in the past. A chill travelled down the woman's body, and Ian felt the resistance he was feeling slowly slip away, but her facial expression did not change.

"Mina, please don't hold me back, I promise you won't regret it. Just let me feel all of you." The woman did not respond, but Ian could feel her legs shift, and he sank down into her, drawing loud noises from them both; his was the sound of a pleasurable release, and hers was on the opposite end of the spectrum.

Embarrassed, Ian just stayed inside of Mina, unmoving. She was unaware that he had reached his end and assumed only that he was giving her time to adjust. He looked at the area where they were still connected and licked his lips, an action that clearly took Mina aback because she put an end to his thoughts immediately.

"Please president Lee, let me get used to one thing at a time." Ian nodded, but he was still feeling disappointed in himself.

The first time they were together lasted hours, and Ian thought that this time would at least take twenty minutes, but he was already done after six, and Mina's facial expressions told him that she had not enjoyed it. Wanting to save face, Ian suggested for them to 'stop for now' and Mina responded to the suggestion positively. He felt a wave of relief wash over him as he slid out of the woman and went to the washroom, where he noted that the condom had broken.

Instead of telling Mina, Ian flushed the small piece of rubber, and settled in bed beside her, where she had covered herself in blankets. Her eyes were closed, and she still looked confused, which made Ian's memory jump back to the first night they were together. His mind was racing with the possibility of having gotten the woman pregnant, but he did not want to ruin the evening. He had already been taking the chance by using compromised protection, and he would take whatever consequences came with it.

"Why do you look so confused?" Ian asked, as his mind toyed with the idea that he would marry Mina before she even knew she was expecting.

"You talk a lot, and I don't know if I'm supposed to respond." Ian chuckled and kissed the woman, feeling his erection return, but knowing that she would not agree to him without protection yet, so he shifted his lower body away from hers.

That confused look on Mina's face had haunted him for months, and as it turned out, the woman was not confused by the sex, she was confused as to what was expected of her. It shifted their entire first time into something else, which, while not good, was made better by the fact that Ian felt he now had clarification.

"Are you in pain?" Mina shook her head, and Ian squeezed her body to his chest. "Tell me the truth."

"It didn't feel good," the woman admitted, and while his pride had been hurt by her admission, he was glad she had told him.

"The first time can be painful for some women." Mina made a face and Ian kissed her forehead to soothe her furrowed brows. "What?"

"This isn't my first-" she started to correct, but Ian blocked her words with his lips.

"Do you remember any other time?" Mina shook her head, staring into the man's eyes as he leaned over her body. "Then this is the first time, and I'm sorry it wasn't better." Mina felt bad, she had not meant to critique the man's performance and she hoped he would not try to make up for it by being more vigorous the next time. Her face turned red as she realized that she had even thought of a next time, but her embarrassment was soon replaced by confusion when President Lee got out of the bed.

Ian went back into the restroom and ran a bath for Mina. He knew that she liked to be clean before going to sleep, but more than that, he wanted to wash away traces of himself before she noticed them. When it was ready, he went to help the woman, but she refused to stand, asking him to turn around.

Ian's eyes went wide with the request, and he suddenly felt like he needed to cover himself, which he did. He gave Mina her privacy, and he heard her wince before darting into the restroom and shutting the door. Unwilling to be locked out of their first intimate moment, Ian cracked it open just in time to see the woman's pained expression as her bottom half submerged into the water. He knocked, and Mina made sure the bubbles that had been floating in the liquid covered her before telling him to enter.

"Do you need anything?" Mina shook her head, and Ian knelt to kiss her again. He could not get enough of her lips, and he was almost certain he would feel the same about her body. "I'll go shower in my room, call me if you need me."

Ian left Mina to take care of herself and he found himself smiling like a fool when he returned to his own room. Everyone told him it would be impossible, and his sister had told him it was a sickness, but nothing with Mina felt wrong. The only thing he wished he could change was the level of pleasure she felt while being with him, but that was something he knew would come with time, which they had plenty of.

Done with his shower, Ian checked his phone, and saw that he had missed a call from his mother. He immediately called back, hoping that he was not in the middle of sleeping with Mina during a family crisis, but on the contrary, the woman had good news for him. His father had woken, and while in pain he was in good spirits, and cognitively, he showed no adverse effects to being in a medically induced coma for more than three days.

Ian ended the call and ran to tell Mina the good news, but when he pushed open the door, he found the woman crying at her reflection.

"Why did you put these marks on me?" she asked, and Ian stepped closer, noticing the small bruises for the first time.

"Mina, please. I didn't mean to. Think about it; did I hurt you?" The woman shook her head and Ian kissed her neck. "Please forgive me."