Chapter 647: Emotional

Mina returned to the Lee mansion and was surprised when President Lee greeted her at the door. She wanted to ask him about Dom's words, but the man pressed a kiss on her lips that made her question her own mind. He guided her into the dining room where a smothered steak meal was already waiting.

The worry of the day had practically melted away from Mina's thoughts as she told herself that there was no way President Lee could be acting. He had far too many women to choose from, but she would keep the thought in the back of her mind, making sure to move at the same pace as the man, who was clearly still trying to make up for the marks he had put on her body, although by now, they had mostly faded.

"How was work?"

"The women I chose are doing well. Director Porter is so far impressed by them, but the man is…" Mina paused, trying to find a word that wasn't as harsh as the one she was going for, but she was having trouble. "He is very proud of himself." Mina watched President Lee's brow furrow before he let out genuine laughter, which made her smile without knowing why. "What's so funny?"

"I've never seen a person work so hard to avoid calling someone narcissistic."

"It's because the word doesn't fit. He knows he needs improvement, but the thing is, he can't tell the difference between growth and complete stagnation." Ian laughed again, shaking his head at Mina, who was funny without trying to be.

"Try showing him a video of where he started and compare it to a video of where he is now. If that does not work, cut him." Mina sighed heavily. She had already been doing that. "Oh," Ian said, realizing that the woman had already tried his suggestion. "Mina, not everyone-"

"I know," the woman interrupted. She was not trying to be rude, but she disliked when people discredited others with the excuse that 'not everyone.' "It's just that he is from a small place like me. He has been in a few works, and he did well, so I don't see what his problem is now." Ian considered for a while, and something came to mind.

"Maybe it's you. Don't take this the wrong way, but maybe he read your kindness and doesn't think you will actually cut him. Call him now," Ian suggested. He told Mina what to say and when the call connected, she repeated his words down to mimicking his tone before hanging up. "If he doesn't work harder starting from tomorrow, then he doesn't take the chance he was given seriously."

Dinner rounded and Mina went to prepare for bed. She smiled when she saw her bedsheets had been returned to the mattress and she told herself that she would have to send more cookies home to Mr. Wei's grandchild. When she had been toying around with baking, she made a very bland cookie that she could not bring herself to eat or throw away, and the man brought it to the then one year old girl to munch on; free of guilt because he felt the sugar content of the cookie was low. Since then, his daughter had been trying out the recipe for herself, but she could not get them to taste the right way.

Clearing her thoughts, Mina stood in the tub, allowing the stress and worry of the day to run down the drain. She took her time, and when she was finished, she felt as though she had earned a peaceful night's rest. She had a relatively easy day scheduled for the morning, and it would give her time to make the cookies, call to check in on her parents, who she had just sent another phone to, and maybe even cook breakfast for President Lee, who had made her evening a little bit better by listening to her over dinner.

Mina stepped out of the restroom, and the man she had just been thinking about was sitting in her bedroom, obviously waiting for her. He had seen her naked, but Mina had been told by her mother that if a man gets used to what your body looks like without clothes, then it will not be special to him anymore and he will not cherish it. She knew that whatever she had with President Lee was just physical for now, but she still wanted him to respect her body, so she tried to retreat, but he caught her by the waist.

"I have something for you," he said, pushing her through the adjourning doors, using the same arm he was using to hug her. She looked around the man's bedroom where candles had been lit, and his bed was covered in a thick white sheet that Mina recognized as the kind massage therapists use to prevent oil from seeping into the cushions of their tables. "Lay down."

"I'm not wearing clothes," Mina replied.

"You won't need any." Mina's mouth shut and President Lee guided her to his bed.

"I don't know if I'm ready," Mina said, still a little concerned because of Dom's words, but President Lee redirected her thoughts.

"It's just a massage," Ian said softly. Mina laid down on her stomach and President Lee gently pulled her towel away. She sank her face down into the mattress, embarrassed that she could not see how the man was looking at her or if he were looking at all.

Mina felt warm oil drip onto her back, and soon President Lee's strong hands were kneading at her muscles in a way that made her breath hitch. It felt great, and the man was taking his time on every part of her body, from the soles of her feet to the nape of her neck. She could feel his manhood pressing against her back as he moved, so she knew the night was going to lead to more than just a massage, but she was successfully distracted from those thoughts by how good she felt.

"Turn around," the man whispered, and Mina felt her heart racing as she turned to expose her front to the man, who had at some point removed his clothing as well.

Ian planted a kiss on Mina's navel, making her legs draw up before he pushed them back down, and dripped oil in the same place he had kissed. He wanted to see her reaction to having his face close to her most sensitive area, and as he expected, it was still too much for her. He used his finger to outline the shape of her breast, and when she shut her eyes tightly, he took them into his hands, making the woman moan. He worked his way up and down her body, paying closer attention to those areas that made her chest rise from pleasure, and feeling confident with himself, he parted her legs with his.

"The last time, you were in pain because you were too nervous. Let's try it while you're relaxed."

Not wanting Mina to lose the level of relaxation she was at, Ian made sure the woman saw him put on a condom before he lowered himself down, kissing her lips passionately before he gently pushed inside of her wetness. She broke their kiss so that she could inhale with the sensation, and Ian gave her time to adjust. When her breathing was less shaky, he drew himself back and pressed inside of her again, moving his hips in a waving motion that was making the woman breathe heavily.

Ian listened as the woman's sounds became louder and louder, giving him the confidence he needed. He pulled himself out further and sank deeper into her, only stopping or slowing down when the woman made a noise that did not sound pleasurable to him. The rhythm he set for them was fast enough to make her chest bounce with each stroke, but not hard, at least not yet. He wanted her to get used to him before he released his inner desire to take her roughly. It was something he knew would take time and trust for them to arrive at, and they were not there yet.

"Pres... Lee, please," Mina begged. She was struggling to get out her words, a sign to Ian that he was doing a decent job.

In all his life, Ian had heard Zane, Drax, Cam and pretty much every other man he had ever heard talking about sex mention a woman's tightness, wetness, and many other terms he did not understand until now. Mina was all those things, and the only reason he had not already reached his end was because he had taken Drax's advice and 'helped' himself while he had been taking his shower. He was not sure it was going to work, but he was still going without the sensation of that familiar build up.

"You feel so good," Ian whispered into Mina's ear. He gently nibbled at the lobe, careful not to let his teeth touch any other part of her body, lest it turn him into a liar again.

"Please… President... I can't… please… There is…" Ian slowed, realizing that Mina was actually asking him to stop.

"What's wrong?'' he questioned, noticing the tears that had run down the sides of the woman's face for the first time.

"It was too much," she admitted.

"Too much as in... me?" The woman shook her head vigorously and explained the overwhelming sensation she was beginning to feel, making Ian grunt in frustration. "Mina, trust me," he said. Ian pressed into the woman with his lips and his girth. He kept changing the motions of his body until she started to beg him to stop again, but this time he was not going to listen.

"Something is happening," the woman moaned. Her nails had begun to dig into his back, but Ian did not mind.

"Let it happen," Ian instructed as he studied Mina's face. Watching the woman near her climax was bringing him to his own, and when her back arched off the mattress, he felt the muscles of her core twitch and tighten before she practically screamed.

It was such a pleasant sound to Ian that he wanted to draw it out longer, so he started to move more forcefully, and he got his wish. Mina's erotic noises worked to fire him up, and just as she started to try to pull away from him, he felt his own release building, so he let it go and collapsed onto the woman panting as heavily as she was.

"That was amazing," Ian panted. He kissed Mina's chest, and looked up at the woman who was rubbing the sides of her head as she struggled to regain her composure. He pulled out of her, drawing yet another moan that took him by surprise. She was so sensitive between her legs that she drew her knees up and let them stay open without shame.

Ian laid next to Mina, hoping she would calm down enough for them to do it again. He had invested heavily into protection, and literally every room in his home was now stocked with the things. They could do it all night if she wanted, and in Ian's mind, the more times they did it with protection, the closer they would be to doing it without. However, his happy thoughts were wiped away when Mina began to sob uncontrollably.

"Did I hurt you again?" Ian asked incredulously, he was almost certain she had orgasmed, and while that did not mean he had not hurt her, he had hoped it overshadowed any pain she felt.

"I don't know why I'm crying," Mina admitted. "I'm not even controlling it." Ian chuckled, pulling the woman into his chest as her breath hitched from her tears.

"It's normal," Ian replied with a smile. "Some women get emotional after an orgasm."