Chapter 649: Promise

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Mina did not have to call Cylus because when she got to work, her actor was already running his lines and playing them back. The women who she had vouched for were looking on in shock, as the man seemed to have had a lightbulb go off. She ignored him, not wanting to distract him from the rhythm he had set, and she went straight to Director Porter instead.

"What did you do to that man?" he asked without even greeting her, and Mina shrugged.

"I called him and told him that today was his last day." Matthew made a face; it was unlike Mina to be harsh toward anyone except Peter and sometimes him.

"You wouldn't have gone through with it," he said.

"But you would have." Mina took a seat and covered her nose. The strong scent of alcohol was coming from her boss and she grew concerned. "You've been drinking."

"Since last night," Matthew admitted. His best friend was married and expecting, leaving him in an awkward situation where he was too old to make new friends and too famous to go looking for love of his own.

"Want to talk about it?" Matthew shook his head. There was nothing Mina could possibly do unless she could somehow force Jay to talk to him. The woman had ignored him since she left his apartment that day. "Is it about Jay's father forcing her to get married." Matthew sighed and rolled his eyes. He knew that Jay would never go for that, but it was among the things that were bothering him. "You know, you can always get a date with her through her father." Mina knew she was selling her friend out, but she also knew Jay was miserable meeting with the men her father chose.

"She won't show up." Mina laughed loudly because it was clear that her boss had no idea what he was talking about.

"You know, after you answered her phone, she has been 'dating' in her family home. She lives there, how would she not show up?"

"And if I contact Eric; you think he would take me seriously?"

"He already suspects you." Matthew picked up his phone, but Mina snatched it away. "If you hurt Jay again, Mills will ruin you." Mina giggled, and Matthew could not tell if the girl was joking or not, but he chose to take her warning seriously.


Mina texted James before stepping outside of the rehearsal site, but the man responded by telling her that he had been given the day off. She was at first confused, but a text from President Lee asking her to come outside was all she needed to know. She climbed into the back seat of the car, where the man was waiting; he had not driven himself, which Mina noted was odd, but she did not comment on it.

"How was your day?" President Lee asked and Mina shrugged.

"I threatened my boss with Mills."

"Did he do something to you?"

"No, no. He just wants to date one of my friends." Ian stared at Mina, hoping that she was telling him the truth, and then he pulled her closer to him, pressing a kiss on the side of her head.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" Mina stiffened, and once again she wanted to ask President Lee about his intentions, but she was not sure she had the right yet.

"I'm telling the truth," She replied, and the man turned her face toward his, pressing a deep kiss onto her lips.

"I hope so."


Back at the Lee mansion, Mina readied for bed, and settled into her own space. She picked up a book, and started to read until she felt the mattress dip beside her. She closed the text, and turned to face the man, who wore nothing but his underwear. He took the book from her and placed it on the nightstand, using the opportunity to hover above her body.

"The last time we were together, you cried. I know you said it didn't hurt, but I don't like how the night ended." Mina barely got to nod before the man's lips captured her own and she was naked before she realized what he meant.

President Lee opened the draw of her nightstand and pulled out a condom, making Mina's brow furrow as she wondered when and how the package had gotten into her room. She started to ask, but her words were lost when the man, who was massaging her body, pressed himself inside of her without warning.

Mina inhaled and President Lee somehow took one of her hands into his before holding it down on the mattress. He repeated the action on the other side of her body, leaving Mina without the ability to dig her nails into his back.

"President Lee," she whined, earning herself a kiss. "Please don't make me regret." Ian stopped. He examined Mina's face, releasing one of her hands to stroke her cheek affectionately.

"I should have been there when you woke up this morning, but it won't happen again." Mina lifted her head slightly and kissed the man's cheek, which was a bold move for her.

Taking Mina's small leap of confidence as an indication that she had forgiven him, Ian started to push into the woman again. He moved slower than he had done the first time they were together, letting Mina adjust and relax as their bodies collided.

"You feel so good," he mumbled into her mouth, pushing deep into her core as her back arched off the bed. He wanted to try a different position with the woman, but he was not sure if she was ready, so he kept things basic until he reached his end.

Mina did not complain, but Ian knew she had not reached her peak, so he trailed kisses down her neck intending to give her the sensation he had just experienced, but she stopped him. She told him that it was too much, and Ian could only nod at her before scooping her into his chest. He kissed her forehead as he gently stroked her hair, hoping that they would be able to do it again, but before he could even suggest it, Mina had fallen asleep.


Mina had slept well, and when she woke President Lee was still beside her, smiling at her face as she adjusted to the light in the room.

"You are beautiful," he said, pushing her hair out of her face and Mina turned red.

"You know you don't have to stay in bed until I wake up," Mina responded, feeling a little guilty. President Lee abruptly moved, pinning her underneath his body in a way that made her wish she had not spoken, but she was saved when someone knocked at her bedroom door.

Mina panicked, pushed the man off and toward the adjourning door of their room before she went to see who had come. She rolled her eyes when she saw that it was Miss Luna, and based on the way the woman was looking into her bedroom, she suspected something.

"Is Ian in here?"

"This is my room," Mina reminded the woman. Regardless of if the man was there or not, his sister should not be looking for him where he did not belong.

"He isn't in his study."

"That's because I didn't sleep there," Ian replied, coming out of his bedroom dressed in lounge clothing.

"I need to speak to you in private," Luna said, and Mina closed her bedroom door, making Luna feel guilty. "Will she hate me forever?" she asked, not entirely sure she cared.

"You keep giving her reasons to dislike you, so I wouldn't doubt it." Luna sighed and Ian pulled his sister toward his study.

"You're in a good mood," she said, noticing that her brother was not wearing his morning scowl.

"I had a very good night's rest."

"Nan told you that you should sleep in your room more often." Ian nodded, and his sister plopped into the chair that he had considered Mina's; he wanted her to get up. "Mom said that she and dad aren't coming home until one of us gets married." Ian flinched, he looked at his phone, wondering why he had not gotten that same call, but his sister filled him in. "I called them. She wouldn't even tell me where dad is recovering, but she says that they have done enough."

"That can't be why you are here," Ian said, knowing his sister was not the type for pointless visits.

"I'm here because I want you to give Lisa another chance. Dad isn't against it."


Mina's workday went by slowly. She was so nervous that Luna had caught them and since she had not been able to talk to President Lee before she left, her nerves were on edge the entire day. Even when the man's car pulled up in front of her job, she felt like eyes were on her, and when she crawled inside, she kept her distance.

"Come here," Ian said, pulling Mina closer to his body. "Don't let what happened this morning shake you. She doesn't suspect anything, and I won't tell anyone without your permission."

"Promise?" Mina asked, and Ian responded by kissing her deeply. She was glad the car had a privacy shield, otherwise she would die from the embarrassment of being passionately kissed by the man.

"Mina, I want to do it again tonight, you weren't in a good mood the last time, and I didn't like that." Mina found herself breathing heavily as she agreed to the man, who had begun to massage her breast through her clothing.

"Please not in the car," she said, and the man chuckled huskily.

"Only because you asked so nicely."

Soon, the car stopped, they were inside, and Mina was moaning loudly. She tried to stifle her sounds, but President Lee's motions felt so good that it was hard for her to keep quiet. The man had tried something a little different and held onto her thighs as he allowed his manhood to fill her body, and the skin-to-skin contact felt sensual to Mina. She truly felt as though the man was expressing his emotion through their encounters, and when the now familiar buildup started to rise within her, she knew not to stop the man.

Mina breathed heavily, slightly tugging on her own hair as the sensation filled her with a pleasure that was almost unbearable. She wanted it to end, but she wanted it to continue, she wanted the man to slow down, and she wanted him to go faster, but she was too afraid to express those things with her words, so she allowed the man full control of her body, and he was using it to his advantage and to hers.

"I want to do it again," he whispered into her ear and Mina nodded. If every time they were together was going to feel the way he was making her feel then she would be more than willing.

"Please," she said, not entirely sure what she was asking for, but President Lee did not seem to need hints. He started to move faster, drawing his length out further and plunging into her body in a way that was equal parts force and gentleness.

Ian could see that Mina was reaching the climax that had eluded them the last time they were together. He pushed into her faster, and faster, making her moan loudly, and every time she called out to him was like further proof to Ian that they were made for one another, he just wished she was not calling out his title.

When Mina was way over her edge, Ian released, but his desire to be with her had not been fulfilled and he quickly replaced the used protection with a fresh one. He had no intention of letting the woman sleep until morning.