Chapter 662: Going Wrong

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝟏𝟖+

𝑬𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑫𝒂𝒚...

Lisa stared at Shai who had removed her clothing so slowly that she began to shiver. He was good at making her feel special, and every single part of her body that he touched felt worshipped. She had finally decided to give in to the man, and he was making the most of the moment, trying to show her that she meant more to him than any other woman he was with, but Lisa had once believed that she meant 'something more' to someone else, who was presently chasing after another woman.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Shai had asked that question before, but only for appearance's sake, with Lisa he genuinely wanted to make sure that she was ready to move on. He knew her heart had been broken, and he knew that she was bitter about it, so he did not want her to make a decision based on hurt feelings.

They had been drinking the night before, and Lisa had fallen asleep at his apartment. Shai thought she would flee in the morning, but she stayed, and that was how they got to where they are now. She was depressed because the man she had genuinely believed was going to be her forever, would be celebrating his birthday for the first time in ten years without her.

"I'm sure," Lisa whispered. She laid her body flat, and Shai took it as an invitation to climb on top of her. He knew Lisa was just looking for an escape; for a person to help her pass the time until it did not hurt anymore, and he was happy to be that man, although he wanted more.

Shai locked his lips with Lisa's, kissing her passionately as he slowly and gently pushed himself inside of her. He knew she was not a virgin, but it had been a long time since she had been with a man, and he could feel it. The woman began to cry under him, and Shai tried to pull away, but she held onto his arms, telling him that she was fine.

"You don't seem fine," he replied. He was no saint, but he knew when to quit, and Lisa's crying was giving him all the warning signs to stop.

"Please Shai; I need you." Shai's heart thumped with Lisa's words, and he regained his desire to be with her, first kissing away her tears before he started to move again. The woman gasped, letting out loud moans and sobs that Shai knew was not from pain, but from heartache. He wanted desperately to erase all the hurt in her life, but she was unwilling to let go of it. "Harder," the woman demanded, and Shai obliged, moving into Lisa with such force that he knew it had to be painful.

Lisa's nails dug into Shai's back, and she bit at his shoulder, trying hard not to let him hear her, so he slowed down, but she asked him to be rough again. It was obvious she was in pain, but Shai told himself that it was what she needed. He was not used to being intentionally hard on women, and he eventually slowed his pace and refused any of Lisa's requests for harsh treatment.

"You are better than that," he whispered into her ear, and Lisa broke down, causing Shai to roll off her body and pull her in to cuddle with him instead.

"Why couldn't I have met you first?" She cried.


Ian leaned against his desk as Lisa stared down at the drink in her hands. She had updated him on the situation with Drew Loam, who she said she believed was 'testing' her. Ian could see that as being true; if hiring a teenager to 'hug' a woman was supposed to be seen as some sort of threat then the man was soft, but it was more likely that he was sending a message to Mina: anyone could be bought.

Ian's men were still in the process of trying to find out who leaked the unlocked door information, but it appeared as though the order was unintentionally handed down as the protocol for the night, and not as part of a trap.

Lisa began to cry, and Ian took a deep drink of his whiskey sensing that the emotional outpouring was only going to get worse. He knew how she felt, and he understood how hurtful it must be for her, but she had also done things that he could not forgive. She had poached his employees, she bribed his staff, and she injured or attempted to injure Mina on several occasions. If it had just been the bribe, Ian could see himself overlooking that, but Lisa had gone too far, and he did not want to be with a woman who had been faking their compatibility from the beginning.

Ian nearly finished his drink before the woman stopped crying, and when she did, she thanked him, standing to leave before she cast her glance toward the room where they had been the closest to having sex.

"Where did I go wrong?" Lisa asked, genuinely wanting to know how she had been pushed to the side for a stranger. Yes, Mina was beautiful, but she was also an attractive woman. Lisa knew it, not just because of what she saw when she looked in the mirror, but because in all her life it was something she had always been told by members of both sexes, especially those who could not understand why she chased behind a man who ignored her.

"To be honest, you were never the problem," Ian said. The truth was that he was as much to blame as she was, and it had taken Mina shoving that fact down his throat multiple times for him to finally understand that he contributed to the issue. "When I let you go the first time; I should never have looked back." Lisa smiled bitterly. She knew the man was trying to be nice, but his words stung.

Lisa stared at the door that led to the bedroom in Ian's study, and before she could stop herself, she pulled open the doors and began to pull the bedding away, throwing it across the room in a fit of rage. She knocked over lamps, pushed over the chairs, and if she had something sharp enough, she would have carved up all the furniture. The worst part about it was that Ian did not even try to stop her.

"I'm sorry," she said, sinking down to the floor as she held onto her hand which had somehow gotten cut. She could feel Ian kneel and pat her shoulder. Lisa looked up at him, shocked that he was not immediately kicking her out. He sat next to her, sighed deeply, and he took her hand, inspecting the injury before wrapping his handkerchief around it.

"Feel better?" Ian asked, and Lisa nodded. She felt a lot better; bitter, but better.

After what felt like forever, Lisa finally gained the courage to leave, but when she turned to say her final goodbye, Ian's face contorted into an expression that filled her with worry. She questioned the man, who struggled to get to his feet, so she attempted to help him stand, causing him to moan erotically. Lisa recoiled her hands, not understanding what was going on, but before she could go for help, Ian wrapped his hands around her neck and squeezed tightly.

"What did you do?" he growled, and Lisa found herself gasping for air. She had not done anything, but she could understand why the man would think that she had.

"I can't breathe," she managed to croak, and Ian slightly released her.

"What did you give me?"

"I didn't-" Lisa never got to finish her sentence because the man squeezed her neck even tighter, and she began to scratch at his arms, face, and hands, but it was like nothing hurt him.

"I'm going to kill you with my bare hands," the man snarled, and Lisa whimpered. She dropped her body to the ground, forcing the man to release his grip, but he was quick to climb back over her.

"Ian, please. Mina is right downstairs." Lisa disliked that she had to invoke the woman's name to elicit pity from Ian, but she could not think to do anything else, and she was genuinely innocent this time around.

"So what?" he replied. His breathing was labored, and Lisa felt as though her life was the cruelest it could be at that moment.

"She will hate you," Lisa said, still trying to save herself. She was going to be killed by the man she had loved; the man that she still loved even now.

Ian clasped his hands around Lisa's neck. He hated that he would have to kill her with his own hands, but she was a continued threat to, not just him, but to his future wife and child. Whatever she had given him had similar effects to the drug he and Mina had been given, only he could feel it blurring his senses, whereas with Mina, he had no idea he had been drugged.

Lisa's body squirmed underneath him, and it was putting him off that he was feeling pleasure in such a terrible moment, so Ian released her, leaving her gasping for air as she turned onto her side. A searing pain shot through his head, and everything fell out of focus before it went black.

Lisa crawled away from Ian and stood to run, but she looked back to see that the man was having a seizure. Panic overtook her, and she dashed toward him, putting something soft under the man's head before she stood and started to pace. She knew she would be blamed for whatever it was he was given, and she was terrified of the consequences, but then she thought of a way to not only save her life, but to also get the man that she wanted.

Shutting the door, Lisa stripped Ian from the waist down, smearing the blood from her cut hand on his private area before tearing her own clothing from her body. She had developing bruises from her morning with Shai, and it was all she needed to make the scene appear authentic.

Seeing the flaw in her plan, Lisa quickly stepped out of the room, and drank large deep gulps of the liquor that Ian kept on his desk. It was the only thing he drank since he had come back to his home, and she hoped that whatever was put inside of it would work its way through her system quickly. She went back into the room, where she laid beside Ian, smearing blood on her legs before she pulled his body onto hers.

It did not take long for Lisa to feel uncomfortable, and soon she was taken by darkness.


Luna grew concerned when over an hour had passed and Lisa was still upstairs with Mina and Ian. Tavin had gotten tired of waiting in the car, so he came back into the home, where another twenty minutes passed before she felt as though she needed to check on her friend and her brother. She was afraid that Mina may have questioned Ian about what she told her, and it may have caused an argument between both women and her brother, who was likely going to lie.

"Please, come with me," Luna said, thinking she may need Tavin to help defuse a hostile situation. "They are probably fighting up there." Tavin nodded, following Luna up the stairs and into the study.

The room was empty, and Luna became worried. She knew that she should not have, but she pushed open the door to Ian's secondary room, horrified by the sight that greeted her. As soon as her senses returned, Luna called for help.

"Where is Mina?" Tavin asked, and Luna darted toward the woman's bedroom.