Chapter 715: Because of You

Mina saw President Lee enter the room but said nothing. He looked handsome and well put together as usual, and she wanted to embarrass him a little by having him hear what Miss Lisa had to say; especially after the woman started to spout off nonsense about firsts and seconds. Her time away from Pan taught her a lot, and one of those things was that men hated to be lied to about sexual partners; something she was sure Miss Lisa had done.

Nael and Leal told Mina that the truth did not matter when they did not care about the person, but when feelings were involved, it changed the nature of everything. She also knew that President Lee was arrogant enough to believe he was the only man in Miss Lisa's life, and had it not been for the fact that Cylus told her about his past with the woman, Mina also would have believed the same was true, but now, a fact that Mina was sure was a dark secret of the woman's was being revealed, and once again, it was due to misplaced hate.