Chapter 723: Settlement

Surprisingly, the enforcement documents were delivered to Mina just two days later, but because she was not foolish enough to use any of her dark money to start her career, she was able to provide the government's treasury department with what they wanted, with redactions of course. The only thing she did not like was the fact that the Lee Group was mentioned on the paperwork, although it was in the context of a settlement agreement. 

That was the only way Mina could make the 500k President Lee gave her legal, and while she had not actually had the full amount left when she started her company, she had flipped it in so many circles that it was triple the amount she started with; all of which was carefully documented.

"How are you so calm about this?" Sadie questioned, but Mina did not have much of a response for her sister. She had nothing to hide; she had bled and cried for the money President Lee gave her, and after that, she suffered for it.