Chapter 743: Change in Plans [Bonus chapter]

Anne was expecting the man she knew as Drax to come back with her daughters, but he was alone, and although he had an intimidating presence, she knew from Mina that he was harmless, Sadie on the other hand hated him. On many occasions she heard her daughter lamenting to Mina about the man being a bully, but all Mina did was laugh at her sister's complaints, which in turn, let Anne know that the man was approachable; so, she did just that.

"Why aren't they back yet?"

"Mrs. Harlow, there was a slight change in plans and-"

"Mina doesn't make changes in plans. What went wrong?" David tried to calm his wife by reminding her of her heart, but the woman just glared at him in a way he had not seen since they had first moved in with one another. She was much feistier back then, and she was easily irritated. Her disposition only calmed after she realized that he was not going to force her into anything with him, which took a full year of convincing.