Chapter 747: Hopeful

Anne stood in front of Mina's bedroom door unsure of what to do. She had fixed her daughter a plate of food and was waiting for her to respond to her constant knocking. Unfortunately, Mina was ignoring her, and after a while, Miss Ruby, the woman Anne had been introduced to as the long-time nanny of President Lee, joined her at the door with a tray of food of her own. She glanced down at the items on the tray and felt instantly put off because there were many types of cakes that she believed no young woman needed to eat as a starting meal.

"She can't eat candy for breakfast," Anne said, but Miss Ruby simply shrugged.

"Come now, are you trying to tell me that you've never had a cake or two to break your fast?" In truth, Anne really did not have the option of expensive pastries for breakfast, so she was able to confidently say 'no.' Miss Ruby was not rude about her response, though it seemed she immediately understood why without being told.