Chapter 756: Staring Over

"What are you doing today?" Anne asked, still worried about the health of Mina, whose mood had not been typical since she mentioned her friend's wedding. 

"Oh, Ian is taking me to some of the places we used to go together." Sadie froze, she had already been feeling uneasy, but hearing her sister refer to the man intimately made her feel sick. She almost said something, but Troy rested a hand on her lap, giving her a knowing smile that helped to calm her down. 

"Okay, just try not to work too hard. There is still a lot of preparation you need to do for the wedding, and I don't want you to burn out. Mina looked down at her lap, feeling withdrawn from the entire process of getting married. She did not know anything, she could not remember anything, and while she trusted Cylus with her dress, she could not even remember what she told him she wanted.

"What's wrong?" Ian whispered, sensing Mina's even more drastic change in demeanor.