Chapter 762: Luckiest Man

It had taken Anne twenty-four years to realize the mistake in her words. When she called Mina 'another mouth to feed' it held no malicious meaning, but her daughter was still hurt. Looking back, she had said similar words to her daughter when she was only six years old, and while she hated how careless she was, Mina was always so mature that Anne felt as though she would understand. However, it was clear that, even as an adult Mina saw the words as cold. 

Wanting to clarify, Anne held Mina for hours, explaining what was on her mind back then. It was a story she felt she should have told her daughter years prior, but in her mind and in her heart, she believed that Mina did not need that sort of comforting and would just see it as useless, but with a chance to right her wrong, she jumped on it.