Chapter 767: Past Details

Zane had only just left a business dinner when he literally ran into Nancy, who hugged him tightly and refused to let go. He pried her away, warning her to leave him alone, but the woman followed him to his car, insisting that she just wanted to talk. At first, he was uninterested, but when she mentioned his mother, he instructed the woman to meet him at his office, wanting to meet in a public setting and not a private one. Nancy agreed, but as soon as they entered his office, Zane regretted meeting with the woman at all.

"You said that you had news about my mother, I don't want to hear anything else you have to say."

"Zane, I really miss you. I don't know what happened between us, but-"

"My father happened between us," Zane interjected, shocked that the woman was bold enough to feign ignorance after being the one who fueled his parents' divorce.

"Your parents were already unhappy before I-"