Chapter 775: Questions

Mina thoroughly reviewed the floor plan her fiancé sent, liking that the move would give her staff more space and privacy. She smiled as she noted that the man specifically assigned an office for Brielle at the opposite end of the area, likely so that their interactions would be limited. It was unrealistic, but she understood that Ian was joking, so she showed the plans to the girls who, other than the comical placement of Brielle's office, found the new space to be agreeable. 

"Actually, you can leave my office there. It's closer to the elevators, meaning, I'll be the first to see him." Mina smirked while shrugging. She kind of enjoyed the relationship between the woman and her fiancé, which while hostile, was still better than the coldness she observed between Ian and her family.

"So, we're all okay with this?" Mina questioned, looking to each woman for an answer. 

"Mina, we… well… You and President Lee-"

"Yandi," Gale whisper-shouted.