Chapter 778: No Expense

Ellie woke in a panic; she could feel that her clothing had been removed, and remembering that her drink had been tampered with, she feared the worst. However, when her eyes adjusted to her surroundings, she saw that she was in Zane's bed, dressed in what she could only assume were his clothes. 

Pulling the sheets off her body, Ellie tried to stand, but pain shot through her leg, and while not intense, it was uncomfortable enough to make her sit back down. She inspected the wound, happy that it was not as deep as she thought, but still worried that it may get infected without proper treatment. As she looked for her clothes to make herself decent, Zane entered his bedroom carrying a first-aid kit. The corners of his mouth turned down when he saw her standing, and she tried to ignore the look of concern on his face to prevent herself from falling back into a set of arms she was not sure belonged to her.